
 董顯光 游美同學錄

鄒應藼 字樹文。年三十三歲。生於蕪湖。本籍江蘇吳縣。父嘉來。弟應歡。已婚。子一。女一。初畢業於京師大學堂優級師範館。授舉人。光緖三十四年。以官費遊美。入哥侖比亞大學。習農業。民國元年。得學士學位。入伊里諾愛大學。習昆蟲學。民國二年。碩士學位。入芝加哥大學。習種植學。被選入某名譽學會。民國四年。回國。任南京大學農林科昆蟲學敎員。爲科學雜誌編輯。現時通信處。江蘇蘇州麒麟巷十五號。

Tsou, Y. Hsuwen.-Born in Soochow, Kiangsu, 1884. Married, 1904. Studied at Government University, Peking, 1903-7. Chu Jen, 1907. Arrived in America, November, 1908. Government support. Studied Agricul-ture at Cornell University, 1909-12; Entomology at the University of Illinois, 1912-14; Plant Ecology at the University of Chicago, 1913-15. B.S., 1912; M.S., 1913. Elected to Sigma Xi, May, 1914. Author, "Homology of Setai of Lepidopterous Larvae", 1914. Returned to China, April, 1915. Professor of Entomology, College of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Nanking, 1915 to date. Associate Editor, Science.