
 何錦棠 游美同學錄

何林一 年二十九歲。生於上海。未婚。先緖三十四年。畢業於上海聖約翰大學。得學士學位。以學績得倫貝子奬牌。以筆述軼事。得第一名奬。任聖約翰大學圖書室管理及教員。爲約翰聲編輯。宣統元年。自費遊美。入威斯康心大學。習政治敎育。宣統二年。入他德摩學校。宣統三年。得學士學位。入本薛文尼大學。民國元年。得碩士學位。爲他德摩文學會會員。撰中國解一文。載美國政治社會學會年報。民國元年。回國。任吳淞海軍總司令處及上海南洋路礦學堂敎員。民國二年。任上海復旦公學。及吳淞中國公學敎員。爲寰球中國學生會董事及名譽書記。共和西報及寰球中國學生報編輯。民國四年。充中國派赴巴拿瑪賽會委員會名譽會員。被選爲該會高等審査員。代表中國。歸國後。任北京淸華學校英文文案。現時通信處。北京淸華學校。

Ho, Lin-Yi.-Born in Shanghai, 1888. Studied at St. John's Uni-versity, 1899-1908. A.B., 1908. Awarded Prince Pu Lung's Medal for general excellence, 1903; first prize in story contest, 1906. Librarian, St. John's University, 1907-8 and Instructor, 1908-9. Associate Editor, St. John's Echo, 1907-8. Arrived in America, August, 1909. Private support. Studied Government and Education at the University of Wisconsin, 1909-10; at Dartmouth College, 1910-11; at the University of Pennsylvania, 1911-12. B.A., 1911; A.M., 1912. Member, Dartmouth Literary Society, 1910-11. Author, "An Interpretation of China", Annals of American Political and Social Science, 1912, etc. Returned to China, March, 1912. Teacher: Admiralty Headquarters, Woosung, 1912-13; Nanyang Railway and Mining College, Shanghai, 1912; Fuh-Tan College, Shanghai and National Institute, Woosung, 1913-15. Member of Board of Directors and Honorary Secretary, World's Chinese Students' Federation, 1914. Associate Editor: The Republi-can Advocate, 1912; World's Chinese Students' Federation Journal, 1912-14. Honorary Member, Chinese Commission to the Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915. Elected to Membership on Superior Jury (representing China), Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1915. Secretary, Tsing Hua College, Peking, 1915 to date.