
 凌道揚 游美同學錄

倪錫純 字爕臣。年三十六歲。生於上海。已婚。子一女一。永久住址。上海膠州路一號。初學於上海聖芳濟書院及中西書院。畢業於聖約翰大學。任聖約翰大學敎員。及上海某廠繙譯。又任南京高等實業學校敎員。光緖三十三年。以官費遊美。入耶路大學理科。習土木工程。宣統二年。得學士學位。入本薛文尼大學。習理科。宣統三年。得碩士學位。入薛雷克斯大學。習土木工程。民國元年。得土木工程師學位。民國元年回國。任中國鐵路協會工程顧問。民國二年。任盛杏蓀秘書。民國三年。任上海東方地產公司經理。現時通信處。上海靜安寺路一百一十號。

Nie, Sih-Zung.-Born in Shanghai, 1881. Married, 1912. Studied at St. Xavier's School, Shanghai, 1896: at Anglo-Chinese College, Shanghai, 1896-97: at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1897-1901. Graduated, 1901. Teacher of Mathematics, St. John's University, 1899-1901. Interpreter, Fou Foong Mill, Shanghai, 1901-4. Teacher of English, Industrial College, Nanking, 1904-7. Arrived in America, October, 1907. Government support. Studied Civil Engineering at Yale University, 1907-10; Science at the University of Pennsylvania, 1910-11; Civil Engineering at Syracuse University, 1911-12. Ph. B., 1910; M. S., 1911; C. E., 1912. Returned to China, October, 1912. Consulting Engineer, Chinese Railway Corporation, 1912-13. Private Secretary to Sheng Kung Pao, 1913-14. Business Manager, The Oriental Land Co. Ltd., 1914 to date.