
 姚鍾琳 游美同學錄

兪慶恩 字鳳賓。年三十二年。生於江蘇太倉。父隷雲。弟慶堯。已婚。子三。女四。永久住址。上海西門外陸家花園內。光緖三十一年。畢業於聖約翰大學。入同仁醫院實習。光緖三十四年畢業。得醫學士學位。任同仁醫院醫生。及南洋公學校醫。民國元年。自費遊美。入本薛文尼大學。習公衆衛生。及熱地醫術。民國二年。著鼠之血精之研究一書。得博士學位。及熱地醫術特優成績文憑。爲本薛文尼中國學生會會長及書記。充世界會第八次常年會議代表。民國三年。回國。民國四年。任上海交通部工業專門學校校醫。及江蘇省敎育會衛生學講員。民國五年。任醫學名詞審査會會員。及中華醫學會副會長。爲上海靑年會童子部職員。上海寰球中國學生會職員。中華醫學雜誌編輯。著有學校衛生講義。及個人衛生講義。均江蘇敎育會出版。現時通信處。上海英大馬路三十四號。

Yui, C. Voonping.-Born in Taichang, Kiangsu, 1885. Mar-ried, 1902. Studied Liberal Arts at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1898-1905; Medicine at St. Luke's Hospital, 1905-9. M.D., 1908. House Physician, St. Luke's Hospital, 1906-8 and House Surgeon, 1908-9. College Physician, Nanyang College, 1909-11. Arrived in America, September, 1912. Private support. Studied Public Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, 1912-14. D.P.H., 1913. Received certi-ficate of proficiency in Tropical Medicine, 1913. Subject of doctor's Dissertation:-"Cultivation of Spirocheates and Fixability of Complement in Rat's serum". Secretary, Pennsylvania Students' Club, 1913, and President, 1914. Representative of the Cosmopolitan Club to the 8th Annual Con-ference, 1913. Returned to China, May, 1914. College Physician, Government Institute of Technology, Shanghai, 1915. Lecturer on Hygiene, Kiangsu Educational Association, 1915-16. Delegate to the Conference of Medical Terminology, 1916. Member of Committee, Boys' Department, Shanghai Y.M.C.A., 1915-16. Member of Committee, World's Chinese Students' Federation, 1915-16. Author, "School Hygiene" and "Personal Hygiene", Kiangsu Educational Association, 1916, etc., etc. Editor, National Medical Journal, 1916.