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林立 字卓然。年三十四歲。生於湖北漢口。未婚。光緖三十年。畢業於九江南偉烈大學。得學士學位。任該大學敎員。光緖三十三年。自費遊美。後得官費。入中央威斯林學校。習普通文科。宣統三年。得學士學位。入薛雷克斯大學。習哲學及敎育。民國元年。入埃瓦省立大學。習敎育及心理學。民國四年。著美國市立學校校長之權利義務論一書。得博士學位。被選入某名譽學會。在校得演說第二名奬。爲加菲文學會高特辯論演說會會員。全美國世界會會長。得有埃瓦省立大學學金奬。民國四年。回國。任九江南偉烈大學師範科主任。民國五年。任漢口輔德學校敎務長。現時通信處。湖北漢口輔德學校。
Ling, Tsoerun Lee.-Born in Hankow, Hupeh, 1883. Studied at Kiukiang Academy, 1893-1900; at William Nast College, Kiukiang, 1900-4. Graduated, 1904. Teacher, William Nast College, 1904-7. Arrived in America, July, 1907. Partial government support. Studied Liberal Arts at Central Wesleyan College, 1907-11; Philosophy and Education at Syracuse University, 1911-12; Education and Psychology at State University of Iowa, 1912-15. A.B., 1911; Ph. D., 1915. Subject of doctor's dissertation:-"The Powers and Duties of the City School Superintendent in U.S." Elected to Phi Delta Kappa, May, 1913. Awarded second prize for oratory, February, 1911. Member: Garfield Literary Society, 1908-9: Goethenian Oratorical Association, 1910-11. National President, Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs, 1913. Awarded State Fellowship in Education, Iowa, 1913-14. Returned to China, December, 1915. Head of the Normal Department. Willian Nast College, Kiukiang, 1915-16. Dean, Fu The College, Hankow, 1916 to date.