
 卓鏞詩 游美同學錄

林鑑誠 年二十七歲。生於天津。父雨亭。任上海人壽保險公司總理。已婚。初畢業於上海聖約翰大學。任該校英文敎員。宣統三年。自費遊美。入勿吉尼亞大學。習土木工程。民國元年。入康奈爾大學。民國二年。復入勿吉尼亞大學。民國四年。得土木工程師學位。曾爲東部留美學生分會英文書記。又代表該大學。赴甘沙市會議。民國四年回國。任上海美孚煤油公司建築襄理。住址及通信處。上海寳山路升順里六十一號

Lin, Kyan-Zung.-Born in Tientsin, 1890. Married, 1915. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1902-9. B.A., 1909. Teacher of English, St. John's University, Shanghai, 1909-11. Arrived in America, September, 1911. Private support. Studied Civil Engineering at the University of Virginia, 1911-12; at Cornell University, 1912-13; at the University of Virginia, 1913-15. C.E., 1915. English Secretary, Chinese Students' Alliance, Eastern Section, 1912-13. University Delegate to Kansas City Convention, 1913. Returned to China, July, 1915. Assistant Superintendent of Construction, Standard Oil Co., Shanghai, 1915 to date.