
 胡潤德 游美同學錄

胡繼賢 字志道。年二十六歲。生於廣州。已婚。初學於廣州育材書社及嶺南學校。宣統二年。以官費游美。入米西根大學。習政治學。民國三年。得學士學位。入哥侖比亞大學。民國四年。回國。任廣州嶺南學校經濟學及英文敎員。爲廣東留學生會會員。中國南方運動會會員。嶺南季報編輯。住址。廣州龍溪新街三十三號。

Wu, Kai-Yin.-Born in Canton, 1891. Married. Studied at Yu Tsai School, Canton, 1904-6; at Canton Christian College, 1906-10. Graduated from Canton Christian College, 1909. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government support. Studied Political Science at the University of Mich-igan, 1910-14: at Columbia University, 1914-15. B.A., 1914. Returned to China, July, 1915. Teacher of Economics and English, Canton Christian College, Canton. Member, Club Concordia and South China Athletic Associ-ation, 1915. Editor, Canton Christian College Quarterly, 1915-16.