
 廖奉獻女士 游美同學錄
维基百科 参阅维基百科中的:葉可樑

葉可樑 字肖鶴。年三十八歲。生於福州。本籍住址。福州塔巷。已婚。初學於福州英華書院。上海聖芳濟書院及聖約翰大學。任福州高等學堂敎員。及福州洋務局繙譯。光緖三十一年。自費遊美。入康奈爾大學。習農業。光緖三十四年。得學士學位。宣統元年。得碩士學位。入米西根礦業學校。習冶金科。爲世界會及某辯論會會員。宣統元年。回國。宣統二年。任京師名詞館分纂。兼北京日報主筆。宣統三年。任農科大學校長。兼外交部僉事。民國四年。任駐美使舘二等秘書。授翰林院編修。給予三等文虎章。五等嘉禾章。現時通信處。北京東鐵匠胡同四號。

Yih, Koliang.-Born in Foochow, 1879. Married. Studied at Anglo-Chinese College, Foochow, 1897-9; at St. Xavier's College, Shanghai, 1899-1900; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1900-2. Instructor, Foochow College, and Interpretor, Bureau of Foreign Affairs. Foochow, 1902-4. Arrived in America, May, 1905. Private support. Studied Agriculture at Cornell University, 1905-9; Metallurgy at Michigan College of Mines, 1909. B.A.S., 1908; M.A., 1909. Member: Cosmopolitan Club, 1905-9; Francis Miles Finch Debating Club, 1906-8. Returned to China, December, 1909. Member, Bureau of Terminology, Peking, 1910-11. Editor, Peking Daily News, 1910-12. Director, Agricultural College, Peking, 1911-13. Senior Clerk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1911-14. Second Secretary to Chinese Legation at Washington, 1915 to date. Chin Shih and Han Lin. Fifth Class Chia Ho and Third Class Wen Hu Decorations.