
 郭文芳 游美同學錄
维基百科 参阅维基百科中的:郭秉文

郭秉文 字鴻聲。年三十八歲。生於江蘇上海。已婚。女一。初畢業於上海洛里學校。任該校敎員。及上海嘉興杭州各地稅關徵收員。光緖三十二年。自費遊美。入吳思德學校。光緖三十四年。入吳思德大學。習理科。宣統三年。得學士學位。入哥侖比亞大學。習敎育。民國元年。得碩士學位。民國三年。在哥侖比亞大學師範科畢業。著中國敎育制度一書。得博士學位。被選入某某兩名譽學會。爲校中靑年會及文學會職員。留美學生會會長。中國基督敎學生會總書記。得哥侖比亞大學師範科學金奬。爲留美學生月報。及吳思德校刋編輯。江蘇省派赴歐美考察教育團團員。民國三年回國。任上海商務印書館編輯。民國四年。任南京高等師範學校敎務長。民國五年。任洛里學校。及浙江高等學校校長。爲中國東部敎育會副會長。及南京靑年會會長。爲英文學生雜誌。及英語週刋編輯。現時通信處。南京高等師範學校。

Kuo, Ping-Wen.-Born in Shanghai, 1879. Married, 1902. Studied at Lowrie Institute, Shanghai, 1893-96. Graduated, 1896. Instructor, Lowrie Institute, 1896-97. Customs Officer at Shanghai, Kashing and Hangchow, 1897-1906. Arrived in America, July, 1906. Private support. Prepared for college at Wooster Academy, 1906-8. Studied Science at the University of Wooster, 1908-11; Education at Columbia University, 1911-14. Ph.B., 1911; A.M., 1912; Ph.D., 1914. Diploma in Education, Teachers' College, Columbia, 1914. Subject of doctor's dissertation:-"Chinese System of Public Education". Elected to Phi Delta Kappa, 1912; to Tause, 1913. Officer: College Y.M.C.A., 1909-11; College Literary Society, 1910-11. President, Chinese Students' Alliance, 1911-12. General Secretary, Chinese Students' Christian Association, 1910-12. Awarded Livingston Fellowship in Education, Columbia Teachers' College, 1912-13. Editor-in-Chief, Chinese Students' Monthly, 1908-9. Editor, Wooster Voice, 1909-10. Member of the Kiangsu Educational Commission to Europe and America, 1914. Returned to China, July. 1914. Editor, Commercial Press, Shanghai, 1914-15. Dean, Government Teachers' College, Nanking, 1915 to date. President, Lowrie Institute and Chekiang Provincial College, 1916 to date. Vice-President, East China Educational Association, 1913-15. Presi-dent, Nanking Y.M.C.A., 1915 to date. Editor, The English Student and English Weekly.