鄭桓 游美同學錄

鄭豪 字傑臣。年三十九歲。生於廣東香山。父育堂。業儒。已婚。光緖十七年。自費遊美。光緖三十年。畢業於舊金山內外科醫學校。得醫學士學位。光緖三十一年。回國。任南京中西醫院主任醫生。光緖三十二年。任廣州軍醫學校教務長。光緖三十三年。充赴菲律賓萬國醫學會議代表。宣統元年。充赴挪威萬國癩病防止會議代表。宣統二年。入奧京維也納大學肄業。住址及通信處。廣東省城大新街四號。

Cheng, Holt A.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1878. Married. Arrived in America, 1891. Private support. M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, 1904. Returned to China, July, 1905. Chief Physician, Chung His Hospital, Nanking, 1905-6. Dean, Military Medical College, Canton, 1905-11. Delegate to the International Medical Conferenece, Manila, 1907; to the International Conference of Leprosy Prevention in Norway, 1909. Studied at the University of Vienna, Austria, 1910.