
 陳在新 游美同學錄

陳維屛 字碩卿。年四十一歲。生於北京。永久住址。上海吳淞路十號。已婚。子二女二。初學於北京匯文中學。畢業於匯文大學。得學士學位。宣統二年。自費遊美。入威斯林大學。習普通文科。宣統三年。得碩士學位。入米西根大學。民國二年。入波士頓大學。民國四年。著淸代稅關沿革一書。得博士學位。民國五年。回國。任上海興華報編輯。現時通信處。北京船板胡同六號。

Chen, Wei-Ping.-Born in Peking, 1876. Married, 1897. Studied at Peking Methodist University, 1887-95. B.A., 1895. Arrived in America, June, 1910. Private support. Studied Liberal Arts at Ohio Wesleyan University, 1910-11; at the University of Michigan, 1911-13; at Boston University, 1913-15. M.A., 1911; Ph. D., 1915. Subject of doctor's dissertation:-"Development of the Custom House under the Tsing Dynasty". Returned to China, January, 1916. Editor, Christian Advocate, Shanghai, 1916.