傅驌 ◄ | 游美同學錄 馮慶桂 |
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馮慶桂 字千里。生於廣東廣州。未婚。光緖三十年。以官費遊美。入康奈爾大學。習農業。光緖三十四年。得學士學位。宣統二年。得碩士學位。宣統三年。著書論美國棉紗廠及中國仿行之辦法。得博士學位。爲世界會及美京世界會會員。撰中國書籍分類編置法。載國會圖書館報。曾任美國農部種植局藝穀及畜牧科技士。民國二年。回國。任北京大學生物學敎員。兼北京農業專門學校敎員。地質研究所敎員。民國五年。任農商部棉業處技士。爲萬國體育會職員。中國政治社會學會會員。著有中外棉地氣候考。載中國政治社會學會雜誌。農林公報。農商公報等。現時通信處。北京東城翠花胡同內太平胡同一號。
Fung, Hing-Kwai.-Born in Canton. Arrived in America, May, 1904. Government support. Studied Agriculture at Cornell University, 1904-11. B.S.A., 1908; M.S., 1910; Ph.D., 1911. Subject of doctor's dissertation: "A Study of the Ecology of the American Cotton Plant with Special Reference to Its Introduction into China." 1911. Member: Cosmopolitan Club, 1904-11; Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C., 1911-12. Author, "Report on Classification and Cataloguing of Chinese Literature," contributed to the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D.C., 1912. Scientific Expert, Division of Crop Physiology and Breeding Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, Department of Agriculture, U.S.A., 1911-12. Returned to China, February, 1913. Professor of Biology, Government University, Peking, 1913 to date. Lecturer in Agricutlture, Government Agricultural College, Peking and Lecturer in Biology, Institute of Geological Research, 1913-14. Technical Expert, Bureau of Cotton Investigations, Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce, 1916 to date. Officer, International Recreation Club, 1914. Member, Chinese Social and Political Science Association, 1915. Author, "Cotton Culture," Chinese Social and Political Science Review, October, 1916.