文档图示 模块文档[创建]
-- Originally from https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modul:Interwiki by [[user:Innocent_bystander]]
-- Modified by [[user:Jarekt]]

-- Use as follows:
--            {{#invoke:Interwiki|interwiki}}

-- or, specifying an item to draw interwikis from:
--            {{#invoke:Interwiki|interwiki|qid=Q5}}

local p = {}

-- Excludes some wikiprojects that are not Wikipedia, even if their code ends with 'wiki'
-- If using this code on other wiki please add your wiki to this list
local excludedProjects = {
	wikidatawiki  = 1,
--	commonswiki   = 1,
	specieswiki   = 1,
	metawiki      = 1,
	mediawikiwiki = 1,
	sourceswiki   = 1 -- https://wikisource.org

local redirectProperties = {
	P301 = 1,
	P460 = 1

function redirect(entity) -- access the first valid value of P460
	if entity and entity.claims then
		for P in pairs(redirectProperties) do
			for i, j in pairs(entity:getBestStatements( P )) do
				if j.mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then
					return j.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id
	return nil

function p.interwiki(frame)
	local s = {}
	local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity()
	local qid = frame.args.qid or frame:getParent().args.qid -- uses parameter qid of the module if it exists, otherwise follow P460
	if not qid or qid == '' then
		qid = redirect(entity)
	if qid then
		local entity2 = mw.wikibase.getEntity(qid)
		if entity2 and entity2.sitelinks then
			for i, j in pairs(entity2.sitelinks) do
			  local lang = mw.ustring.sub( j.site, 1, -5) -- split j.site into language and project parts
				local proj = mw.ustring.sub( j.site, -4)
				if not excludedProjects[j.site] and proj == 'wikisource' then -- excludes sites on the list as well as Wikisource, Wikiquote, Wikivoyage etc
					if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 14 or ((entity and not entity.sitelinks[j.site]) or not entity) then -- excludes interwiki to projects that already have sitelinks in the present page, but just overwrite it on categories
						lang = mw.ustring.gsub(lang, '_','-')
						table.insert(s, '[[' .. lang .. ':' .. j.title .. ']]' ) -- put together a interwiki-link to other projects
	return table.concat(s, '\n')

return p