Page:CADAL07008868 雅爾達秘密協定及雅爾達(即克里米亞)會議報告 (附英文原文).djvu/27



We have agreed to recommend to Marshal Tito and D. Subasic that the agreement between them should be put into effect immediately, and that a new government should be form- ed on the basis of that agreement.

We also recommend that as soon as the new government has been formed it should declare that:

(1) The anti-Fascist assembly of National Liberation (Avnoj) should be extended to include members of the last Yugoslav Parliament (Skupschina) who have not compromised themselves by collaboration with the enemy thus forming a body to be known as a temporary Parliament; and,

(2) Legislative acts passed by the anti-Fascist assembly of National Liberation will be subject to subsequent ratification by a constituent assembly.

There was also a general review of other Balkan question.


Throughout the Conference, besides the daily meetings of the heads of governments and the Foreign Secretaries, separate meetings of the three Foreign Secretaries, and their advisors have also been held daily.

These meetings have proved of the utmost value and the Conference agreed that permanent machinery should be set up for regular consultation between the three Foreign Secretaries. They will, therefore, meet as often as may be necessary, probably about every three or four months. These meetings will be held in rotation. in the three capitals, the first meeting being held in London, after the United Nations Conference on World Organization.


Our meeting here in the Crimea has reaffirmed our common determination to maintain and strengthen in the peace to come that unity of purpose and of action which has made victory- 10 -