Page:Oroville Chinese Temple, May 2021-00689.jpg


南宥得道真身朱立仙菩薩位 正一醫靈保民萬壽長生大帝 宣封雷司罡應光化昭德陳聖侯王 比方𪢴極鎮天真武玄天上帝 大慈大悲靈感觀世音菩薩位 玉封風火五顯華光大帝神位 敕封感應南海洪聖廣利人王 正一玄𡊨伏虎趙大元帥神位 值年太崴押煞增福增壽菩薩

The rules of the temple; contains the names of gods and goddesses who reside here — their proper form of address, whether to bow, kneel, or prostrate yourself. In general, the proper conduct expected in the temple of assorted gods