
全国人民代表大会常务委员会工作报告 (2023) NPCSC Work Report (2023)
各位代表: Fellow Deputies,
现在,我受十三届全国人民代表大会常务委员会委托,向大会报告工作,请予审议。 On behalf of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), I now present this report on its work for your deliberation.
过去一年及五年的主要工作 The Major Work of the Past Year and the Past Five Years
党的十八大以来,面对严峻复杂的国际形势和接踵而至的风险挑战,以习近平同志为核心的党中央团结带领全党全军全国各族人民,采取一系列战略性举措,推进一系列变革性实践,实现一系列突破性进展,取得一系列标志性成果,推动我国迈上全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程。我们党胜利召开举世瞩目的第十九次、第二十次全国代表大会,深刻回答新时代新征程坚持和发展中国特色社会主义一系列重大理论和实践问题,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面推进中华民族伟大复兴指明了前进方向、确立了行动指南,以其在政治上、理论上、实践上的一系列重大成果载入史册,也为做好新时代人大工作进一步指明了方向,提供了遵循。 Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, in response to grave, intricate international developments and a succession of risks and challenges, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has brought together the entire Party, the entire military, and the entire Chinese people and led them in adopting a number of strategic measures, developing a range of transformative practices, and making a series of breakthroughs and landmark advances, thereby setting China on a new journey toward building a modern socialist country in all respects.

The Communist Party of China’s 19th and 20th national congresses captured worldwide attention and provided profound answers to a number of major theoretical and practical questions on upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics on the new journey in the new era. They charted a course and established a guide to action for building a modern socialist country in all respects and advancing national rejuvenation on all fronts. Rich in major political, theoretical, and practical achievements, the two congresses will go down in history. They set the direction and offered guidelines for carrying out the work of people’s congresses in the new era.

过去一年,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,全国人大常委会认真贯彻党的十九大、二十大精神,坚持高质量做好立法工作,制定法律5件,修改法律9件,通过有关法律问题和重大问题的决定4件,作出法律解释1件;坚持高质量做好监督工作,检查5件法律的实施情况,听取审议23个监督工作报告,开展专题询问,进行8项专题调研;坚持高质量做好代表工作,办理代表议案487件、建议9349件,共有100多人次代表参与常委会、专门委员会、工作委员会的工作;坚持高质量做好外事工作,决定批准或者加入条约和重要协定14项,举行双边视频活动、线上出席国际会议116场,开展线下外事活动38场,外交信函往来近600件;依法任免国家机关工作人员393人次,圆满完成十三届全国人大五次会议确定的任务。 Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the 13th NPC Standing Committee earnestly implemented the guiding principles from the Party’s 19th and 20th national congresses and accomplished all the tasks set forth at the Fifth Session of the 13th NPC in March 2022.

· In pursuing high-quality legislation, we formulated 5 laws, revised 9 laws, adopted 4 decisions on legal issues and major matters, and issued 1 legal interpretation.

· In exercising effective oversight, we conducted inspections on the implementation of 5 laws, heard and deliberated 23 oversight reports, held special inquiries, and carried out 8 research projects.

· In adhering to high standards in our work related to deputies, we processed 487 proposals and 9,349 suggestions from deputies and saw deputy attendance in the work of the Standing Committee, special committees, and working commissions and committees exceed 100.

· In advancing our diplomatic agenda, we made decisions on ratifying or entering into 14 treaties and important agreements, organized and attended 116 bilateral video events and international video conferences, held 38 offline foreign affairs events, and exchanged nearly 600 diplomatic letters.

· We approved 393 appointments and removals of employees of state institutions in accordance with the law.

各位代表! Fellow Deputies,
十三届全国人大常委会的五年任期,正逢党和国家事业蓬勃发展的伟大历史变革时期。常委会深刻领悟“两个确立”的决定性意义,增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,始终坚定维护党中央权威和集中统一领导,坚决贯彻党的理论和路线方针政策,牢牢把握人大工作正确方向,紧跟党中央重大决策部署,紧贴人民群众对美好生活的期盼,紧扣推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的需求,贯彻全过程人民民主重大理念,紧紧依靠全体代表,依法行使立法权、监督权、决定权、任免权,切实履行党和人民赋予的光荣职责,努力做到不负党中央重托、不负人民期望的庄严承诺。 The five-year term of the 13th NPC Standing Committee was a time of historic change in China in which the cause of the Party and the country flourished. We acquired a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We became more conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We stayed confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We upheld Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and upheld the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

We resolutely implemented the Party’s theories, lines, principles, and policies and kept the NPC’s work oriented in the right direction. We closely followed the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and plans, aligned ourselves with the people’s aspirations for a better life, and focused on the need to modernize China’s system and capacity for governance. We put into practice the important concept of whole-process people’s democracy and closely relied on all deputies in exercising our powers to enact laws, conduct oversight, make decisions, and appoint and remove officials in accordance with the law. We earnestly fulfilled the honorable duties conferred upon us by the Party and the people and strove to honor our solemn commitment to living up to the trust of the Party Central Committee and the expectations of the people.

五年来,最重要的成果是,以习近平同志为核心的党中央指导推动人大制度理论和人大工作实践取得了重要进展:习近平总书记提出全过程人民民主重大理念,深刻阐释我国社会主义民主的基本内涵、本质特征、重大原则,对马克思主义民主政治理论作出了原创性贡献;习近平总书记关于坚持和完善人民代表大会制度的重要思想,明确人大“四个机关”的定位,标志着人民代表大会制度更加成熟定型、更加巩固完善;党中央首次召开人大工作会议,习近平总书记发表重要讲话,对新时代坚持和完善人民代表大会制度、加强和改进人大工作作出系统部署;人民代表大会制度把坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国三者真正打通、有机统一起来,发挥支撑国家治理体系和治理能力的根本政治制度作用;人民代表大会制度的整体功效得到充分彰显,在实践中显示出强大的生命力和巨大的优越性,确保人民依法通过各种途径和形式管理国家事务,管理经济和文化事业,管理社会事务。 Over the past five years, our most important achievements are progress in developing the theory on the people’s congress system and in carrying out the practical work of the people’s congresses with the guidance and encouragement of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core.

Specifically, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the important concept of whole-process people’s democracy and expounded the basic meaning, defining features, and major principles of China’s socialist democracy, thus making an original contribution to Marxist theory on democracy. His thinking on upholding and improving the people’s congress system clarified the four-fold role of people’s congresses. This marked a step forward in better defining the people’s congress system and making it more mature, consolidated, and complete. In October 2021, the Party Central Committee held the first-ever conference on people’s congresses’ work, where General Secretary Xi Jinping gave an important speech and laid out systematic plans for upholding and improving the people’s congress system and strengthening and enhancing the work of people’s congresses in the new era.

The system of people’s congresses has ensured the genuine and organic integration of Party leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance, and it serves as China’s foundational political system that underpins the country’s governance system and capacity. The people’s congress system has been brought into full play, and, in practice, it has displayed tremendous vitality and strengths. It provides safeguards for the people to manage state affairs, economic and cultural undertakings, and social affairs through various channels and in various ways in accordance with the law.

五年来,通过宪法修正案,制定法律47件,修改法律111件次,作出法律解释、有关法律问题和重大问题的决定决议53件,已经审议尚未通过的法律案、决定案19件;听取审议182个监督工作报告和其他报告,检查30件法律和决定实施情况,开展11次专题询问、33项专题调研;2282件代表议案、43750件代表建议已全部办理完毕,代表对议案建议办理工作满意度达到98%;决定批准或者加入条约和重要协定36项,组派、接待出来访团组261个,举行和参加双多边线上外事活动400余场;依法任免国家机关工作人员1515人次。主要开展了以下工作。 Over the past five years, we adopted an amendment to the Constitution, formulated 47 laws, conducted 111 rounds of revision to existing laws, and adopted 53 interpretations, decisions, and resolutions on legal issues and major matters. A total of 19 draft laws and decisions were deliberated and are pending adoption. We heard and discussed 182 reports on oversight work and other issues, inspected the implementation of 30 laws and decisions, and carried out 11 special inquiries and 33 research projects. All 2,282 proposals and 43,750 suggestions we received from deputies have been processed, with 98 percent of deputies reporting that they were satisfied with the handling of their proposals or suggestions. We made decisions on ratifying or entering into 36 treaties and important agreements, sent or received a total of 261 delegations, and held and attended over 400 bilateral and multilateral diplomatic events via video. We also approved 1,515 appointments and removals of employees of state institutions in accordance with the law. Our main work during the past five years was as follows.
一、全面贯彻实施宪法,维护宪法权威和尊严 1. Ensuring full implementation of the Constitution and upholding its authority and sanctity
在现行宪法公布施行40周年之际,习近平总书记发表重要文章,深刻阐释宪法的崇高地位,强调坚持和加强党对宪法工作的全面领导,要求把宪法实施贯穿到治国理政各方面全过程,为全面贯彻实施宪法指明了方向。 In his article marking the 40th anniversary of the current Constitution, General Secretary Xi Jinping discussed the Constitution’s supremacy, emphasized the importance of upholding and strengthening the Party’s overall leadership over constitutional work, and called for the implementation of the Constitution in all aspects of China’s governance, thereby setting the direction for putting the Constitution into full effect.
(一)完善宪法及宪法相关法。十三届全国人大一次会议通过宪法修正案,明确中国共产党领导是中国特色社会主义最本质的特征,确立习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想在国家政治和社会生活中的指导地位。健全人大组织制度、选举制度和运行机制,修改选举法、全国人大常委会议事规则,提请代表大会审议修改全国人大组织法、全国人大议事规则、地方组织法,审议立法法修正草案并提请大会审议。制定监察法、监察官法、公职人员政务处分法,作出关于国家监察委员会制定监察法规的决定。修改人民法院组织法、人民检察院组织法、法官法、检察官法,制定人民陪审员法。修改公务员法、工会法、村民委员会组织法、城市居民委员会组织法。制定英雄烈士保护法,修改国旗法、国徽法,推动落实国歌法有关规定,依法维护英雄烈士尊严和合法权益,维护国家象征和标志尊严,弘扬社会主义核心价值观和爱国主义精神,承担起依法维护国家意识形态安全的政治责任。 (1) We improved the Constitution and relevant laws.

The amendment to the Constitution adopted at the First Session of the 13th NPC in March 2018 made it clear that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it established the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in China’s political and social activities.

We improved the organizational and electoral systems of people’s congresses and their operating mechanisms. We revised the Electoral Law and the Rules of Procedure of the NPC Standing Committee. We submitted to the NPC for deliberation draft revisions of the NPC Organic Law, the NPC Rules of Procedure, and the Organic Law of Local People’s Congresses at All Levels and Local People’s Governments at All Levels. We deliberated the draft revisions to the Legislation Law and submitted them to this session for deliberation.

We formulated the Supervision Law, the Supervisory Officers Law, and the Law on Administrative Action for Public Employees and made a decision on the formulation of supervisory regulations by the National Commission of Supervision. We revised the Organic Law of the People’s Courts, the Organic Law of the People’s Procuratorates, the Judges Law, and the Procurators Law and formulated the People’s Jurors Law. We revised the Civil Servants Law, the Trade Union Law, the Organic Law of Villagers’ Committees, and the Organic Law of Urban Residents’ Committees.

We formulated the Law on the Protection of Heroes and Martyrs, revised the National Flag Law and the National Emblem Law, and promoted the implementation of relevant stipulations in the National Anthem Law. With these efforts, we protected the dignity and legal rights and interests of our heroes and martyrs, preserved the dignity of our national symbols, and championed patriotism and the core socialist values, thus assuming our political duty to ensure China’s ideological security in accordance with the law.

(二)维护特别行政区宪制秩序。十三届全国人大三次会议根据宪法通过关于建立健全香港特别行政区维护国家安全的法律制度和执行机制的决定,常委会根据大会授权制定香港特别行政区维护国家安全法,并决定将其列入香港基本法附件三,明确由香港特别行政区在当地公布实施,扭转香港在国家安全领域长期不设防的严峻局面。对香港国安法有关条款作出解释,进一步明确香港国安委和行政长官在处理国家安全问题上的地位和职责。十三届全国人大四次会议根据宪法通过关于完善香港特别行政区选举制度的决定,常委会根据大会授权修订香港基本法附件一和附件二,完善行政长官和立法会两个产生办法,作出关于香港特别行政区立法会议员资格问题的决定等,形成一套有效的民主选举制度。先后就澳门特别行政区对横琴口岸澳方口岸区及相关延伸区实施管辖、在粤港澳大湾区内地九市开展香港法律执业者和澳门执业律师从业试点等事项作出决定,推动香港、澳门更好融入国家发展大局。关于特别行政区的一系列立法和决定,落实“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治方针和“爱国者治港”、“爱国者治澳”原则,充分体现中央全面管治权,为推动香港进入由乱到治走向由治及兴的新阶段、保持香港澳门长期繁荣稳定提供了有力法治保障。 (2) We maintained constitutional order in the special administrative regions.

In May 2020, a decision on establishing a sound legal system and enforcement mechanisms for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) to safeguard national security was adopted in accordance with the Constitution at the Third Session of the 13th NPC. As authorized at the Session, we formulated the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR and decided to add it to Annex III to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR, to be promulgated and implemented locally by the Hong Kong SAR. This filled a long-existing legislative vacuum with regard to national security in Hong Kong. We also adopted an interpretation of certain articles in the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong SAR, further clarifying the position and duties of the Committee for Safeguarding National Security and the chief executive of Hong Kong in dealing with national security issues.

In March 2021, a decision on improving the electoral system of Hong Kong was adopted in accordance with the Constitution at the Fourth Session of the 13th NPC. We revised Annex I and Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR as authorized at the Session to improve the methods for the selection of the chief executive and for the formation of the Legislative Council, and we also adopted a decision on issues regarding the qualifications of members of the Legislative Council, thus helping develop an effective system for democratic election.

We adopted decisions to grant the Macao SAR jurisdiction over the Macao side of the Hengqin port and related extended areas and to launch trials for allowing lawyers from Hong Kong and Macao to practice in nine mainland cities in the Greater Bay Area, in order to support Hong Kong and Macao in better integrating themselves into China’s overall development.

In adopting the legislation and decisions concerning the special administrative regions, we fully implemented the policy of One Country, Two Systems, under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong and the people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy. We worked to see that Hong Kong and Macao are administered by patriots and that the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over the two regions. These efforts provided a strong legal foundation for Hong Kong’s entry into a new stage in which it has restored order and is set to thrive and for ensuring the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao.

(三)加强合宪性审查工作、提高备案审查工作质量。建立健全合宪性审查工作机制,在立法修法的事前、事中、事后开展全过程、常态化的合宪性审查。就人口与计划生育法修正草案中的合宪性问题,形成涉及宪法规定问题的研究意见。及时回应、妥善处理保护公民通信自由和通信秘密、统一城乡人身损害赔偿标准、民族地区推广使用国家通用语言文字等社会关切,确保法律法规和政策举措符合宪法规定、宪法原则、宪法精神。制定法规、司法解释备案审查工作办法,建立健全备案审查衔接联动机制、常委会听取审议备案审查年度工作情况报告制度,成立备案审查专家委员会,备案审查工作制度化、规范化、专业化水平显著提升。坚持有件必备、有备必审、有错必纠,对报送备案的7261件规范性文件逐件进行审查,对公民、组织提出的17769件审查建议逐件进行研究,认真提出处理意见;对涉及生态环境保护、优化营商环境、食品药品安全、人口与计划生育、民法典贯彻实施、行政处罚等20多个领域的规范性文件开展专项审查和清理,督促推动制定机关修改或废止2.5万多件,维护了公民合法权益和国家法治统一。 (3) We strengthened constitutional review and enhanced the recording and review of normative documents.

We developed sound working mechanisms for constitutional review and conducted ex ante, interim, and ex post constitutional reviews on a regular basis throughout our legislation and revision processes. In response to questions regarding the constitutionality of the draft revisions of the Population and Family Planning Law, we issued opinions based on our research into relevant matters stipulated by the Constitution. We responded promptly to public concerns, including on protecting freedom of correspondence and privacy of correspondence, establishing unified personal injury compensation standards for urban and rural residents, and promoting the use of standard spoken and written Chinese in areas with large ethnic minority populations. We worked to see that all laws, regulations, policies, and measures conformed to the Constitution both in letter and in spirit.

We formulated methods for recording and reviewing regulations and judicial interpretations. We developed sound mechanisms for coordinating recording and review work and for hearing and deliberating an annual report on this work. We also established an expert committee for recording and review. Our work in this area has become significantly more institutionalized, procedure-based, and professional.

We made it a rule to put on record all documents that are subject to recording, to review all recorded documents, and to correct all errors identified. As such, we reviewed all 7,261 normative documents submitted for recording and review and examined 17,769 suggestions for review from citizens and organizations, offering opinions on how to deal with them. We reviewed and overhauled normative documents in over 20 areas, including environmental protection, improvement of the business environment, food and drug safety, population and family planning, implementation of the Civil Code, and administrative penalties, and we urged relevant formulating bodies to revise or rescind more than 25,000 documents. By doing so, we protected the legal rights and interests of our citizens and upheld the unity of the law.

(四)推动宪法实施和宣传教育。认真组织开展每年的国家宪法日活动,召开国家宪法日座谈会,推动宪法实施成为全体人民的自觉行动。实施宪法规定的相关制度,两次作出关于授予国家勋章和国家荣誉称号的决定,表彰为新中国建设和发展建立卓越功勋的杰出人士和为促进中外交流合作作出杰出贡献的国际友人,表彰在抗击新冠肺炎疫情斗争中作出杰出贡献的人士;作出关于对部分服刑罪犯予以特赦的决定,经法定程序特赦服刑罪犯23593人,彰显了社会主义的人道主义精神。组织常委会任命的132人次国家工作人员进行宪法宣誓,增强公职人员贯彻实施宪法的自觉性、主动性。 (4) We promoted compliance with and public awareness of the Constitution.

We organized activities and symposiums to mark National Constitution Day every year, helping people everywhere become more mindful of the Constitution. In line with the Constitution, we made two decisions to confer national medals and titles of honor to commend prominent figures who have achieved outstanding accomplishments in the development of the People’s Republic of China, foreign friends who have contributed greatly to cooperation and exchanges between China and other countries, and people who have made outstanding contributions in the fight against Covid-19. We also decided to grant special pardons to certain criminals serving sentences, with a total of 23,593 criminals being pardoned through legal procedures, demonstrating the socialist humanitarian spirit. We organized ceremonies for 132 newly appointed officials to pledge allegiance to the Constitution, helping increase our public employees’ sense of purpose and motivation regarding constitutional implementation.

在推动实施宪法的实践中,我们更加深刻认识到,宪法集中体现了党和人民的统一意志和共同愿望,是国家意志的最高表现形式,具有根本性、全局性、稳定性、长期性。宪法规定的是国家的重大制度和重大事项,在国家和社会生活中具有总括性、原则性、纲领性、方向性。宪法的生命在于实施,宪法的权威也在于实施。要与时俱进完善和发展宪法,健全保证宪法全面实施的制度体系,完善宪法相关法律制度和机制,确保在法治轨道上推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化、建设社会主义现代化国家。 In promoting its implementation, we have become more keenly aware that the Constitution embodies the collective will and common aspirations of the Party and the people; that it is the highest form of expression of the state’s will; and that it is foundational, overarching, stable, and enduring. The Constitution contains provisions on the country’s major systems and matters, and it bears overall, principled, programmatic, and guiding significance for the nation and society. The very life of the Constitution is in its implementation, as is its authority. We must improve and develop the Constitution in keeping with the times, improve the institutional framework for ensuring its full implementation, and update relevant legal systems and mechanisms, so as to provide a legal footing for efforts to modernize China’s system and capacity for governance and build a modern socialist country.
二、完善中国特色社会主义法律体系,以良法促进发展、保障善治 2. Improving the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics and making good laws to promote development and ensure good governance
适应新时代对立法工作提出的新要求,紧扣实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重大部署,聚焦法治领域短板和弱项,加强重点领域、新兴领域、涉外领域立法,增强立法系统性、整体性、协同性、时效性。 Adapting to the new requirements for our legislative work in the new era, we closely followed the major plans for modernizing China’s system and capacity for governance, bolstered legislation in key areas, emerging areas, and foreign-related areas to shore up shortcomings and weaknesses in advancing the rule of law, and made our legislative work more systematic, holistic, coordinated, and responsive.
(一)围绕促进高质量发展立法。常委会会议7次审议民法典草案有关内容并7次公开征求意见,十三届全国人大三次会议审议通过我国首部法典民法典。制定外商投资法、海南自由贸易港法,推动新一轮高水平对外开放。及时制定乡村振兴促进法,修改种子法、农村土地承包法、土地管理法、农产品质量安全法、畜牧法,审议农村集体经济组织法草案等,助推乡村振兴、农业农村优先发展。制定电子商务法、期货和衍生品法,修改反垄断法、证券法、安全生产法、审计法、城市房地产管理法、台湾同胞投资保护法、对外贸易法,审议金融稳定法草案、公司法修订草案等,推动形成更加公平合理的市场经济法律制度。修改专利法、著作权法、科学技术进步法,助力科技强国建设,推动实现科技自立自强。落实税收法定原则,制定耕地占用税法、车辆购置税法、资源税法、城市维护建设税法、契税法、印花税法,修改个人所得税法,审议增值税法草案,现行18个税种中已有12个税种制定法律,进一步完善税收法律制度体系。 (1) We advanced legislative work to promote high-quality development.

We conducted seven rounds of deliberation on China’s first-ever code, the Civil Code, and solicited public opinions on seven occasions before it was deliberated and adopted at the Third Session of the 13th NPC. We formulated the Foreign Investment Law and the Hainan Free Trade Port Law to support a new round of high-standard opening up. In order to stimulate rural revitalization and prioritize agricultural and rural development, we enacted the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law in a timely manner; revised the Seed Law, the Law on the Contracting of Rural Land, the Land Administration Law, the Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Law, and the Animal Husbandry Law; and deliberated draft laws on rural collective economic organizations and other issues.

In an effort to establish a fairer and more equitable legal system underpinning the market economy, we formulated the Electronic Commerce Law and the Law on Futures and Derivatives; revised the Anti-Monopoly Law, the Securities Law, the Workplace Safety Law, the Audit Law, the Urban Real Estate Administration Law, the Law on the Protection of Investment of Taiwan Compatriots, and the Foreign Trade Law; and deliberated a draft law on financial stability, draft revisions to the Company Law, and other draft laws.

We revised the Patent Law, the Copyright Law, and the Scientific and Technological Progress Law to help build China’s strength and self-reliance in science and technology. To ensure taxation is administered in accordance with the law, we enacted the Cultivated Land Occupation Tax Law, the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, the Resource Tax Law, the Urban Maintenance and Construction Tax Law, the Deed Transfer Tax Law, and the Stamp Tax Law; we revised the Individual Income Tax Law; and we deliberated a draft law on value-added tax. With laws having been made for 12 out of 18 tax categories, we have further improved the legal system for taxation.

(二)加快国家安全领域立法。把维护国家安全放在立法工作的重要位置,制定生物安全法、数据安全法、密码法、陆地国界法、反有组织犯罪法,修改反恐怖主义法、国家情报法、档案法、海上交通安全法,审议反间谍法修订草案。加强涉外领域立法,制定反外国制裁法、出口管制法,审议对外关系法草案、外国国家豁免法草案,健全完善反制裁、反干涉、反“长臂管辖”的法律制度,为维护国家和人民利益提供法律保障。批准引渡、刑事司法协助、反极端主义、移管被判刑人、武器贸易、联合军事演习、反恐怖、民用航空等领域的条约和重要协定。制定国际刑事司法协助法,修改刑事诉讼法,为境外追逃追赃工作提供法律手段。制定海警法、军人地位和权益保障法、预备役人员法、消防救援衔条例,修改国防法、人民武装警察法、兵役法、军事设施保护法,作出关于深化国防动员体制改革期间暂时调整适用相关法律规定、中国人民解放军现役士兵衔级制度、军队战时调整适用刑事诉讼法部分规定等决定,推动提高国防和军队建设法治化水平。 (2) We accelerated legislation relating to national security.

Giving prominence to safeguarding national security in our legislative work, we formulated the Biosecurity Law, the Data Security Law, the Cryptography Law, the Land Border Law, and the Anti-Organized Crime Law; we revised the Counter-Terrorism Law, the National Intelligence Law, the Archives Law, and the Maritime Traffic Safety Law; and we deliberated draft revisions to the Counter-Espionage Law.

To step up legislation in foreign-related fields, we enacted the Law on Countering Foreign Sanctions and the Export Control Law and deliberated draft laws on foreign relations and foreign state immunity. With these efforts, we improved the legal system for opposing foreign sanctions, interference, and long-arm jurisdiction and provided legal protection for the interests of our country and our people.

We ratified treaties and important agreements in areas such as extradition, criminal judicial assistance, countering extremism, transfer of sentenced persons, arms trade, joint military exercises, counter-terrorism, and civil aviation. We formulated the Law on International Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters and revised the Criminal Procedure Law, thus providing legal means for pursuing fugitives who have fled abroad and recovering stolen state assets.

We formulated the Coast Guard Law, the Law on the Protection of the Status, Rights, and Interests of Servicepersons, the Reserve Forces Law, and the Regulations on Firefighter Ranks. We revised the National Defense Law, the Law on the People’s Armed Police, the Military Service Law, and the Law on the Protection of Military Installations. We made decisions on temporarily adjusting the application of certain laws during the reform of the national defense mobilization system, on the rank system for active-duty enlisted service members of the People’s Liberation Army, and on adjusting the application of certain provisions of the Criminal Procedure Law for the military during wartime. All this has helped strengthen the rule of law in national defense and military development.

(三)形成生态环保法律制度体系。围绕深化生态文明建设,加强生态环保立法,制定土壤污染防治法、噪声污染防治法、湿地保护法,修改固体废物污染环境防治法、野生动物保护法、森林法,制定长江保护法、黄河保护法、黑土地保护法,起草审议青藏高原生态保护法草案、海洋环境保护法修订草案,通过关于全面加强生态环境保护、依法推动打好污染防治攻坚战的决议。通过不懈努力,生态环保领域形成了由1部基础性、综合性的环境保护法,若干部涉及大气、水、固体废物、土壤、噪声、海洋、湿地、草原、森林、沙漠等专门法律,长江保护法、黄河保护法、黑土地保护法及正在审议中的青藏高原生态保护法草案等4部特殊区域法律组成的“1+N+4”法律制度体系,有力推动了人与自然和谐共生的美丽中国建设。 (3) We established a system of laws for environmental protection.

We stepped up legislative work in environmental protection to promote ecological advancement. We formulated the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Noise Pollution, and the Wetland Conservation Law and revised the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, the Wildlife Protection Law, and the Forest Law. We formulated the Yangtze River Protection Law, the Yellow River Protection Law, and the Black Soil Protection Law; we drafted and deliberated a law on ecological conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and revisions to the Marine Environment Protection Law; and we adopted a resolution on strengthening environmental protection across the board and advancing the battle against pollution in accordance with the law.

Through unremitting efforts, we have developed a “1+N+4” legal system for environmental protection, which consists of the Environmental Protection Law as the foundational, umbrella law; a number of laws in specific areas including air, water, solid wastes, soil, noise, sea, wetlands, grasslands, forests, and deserts; and four laws for special regions, namely the Yangtze River Protection Law, the Yellow River Protection Law, the Black Soil Protection Law, and the draft law on ecological conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau currently under deliberation. In doing so, we have effectively advanced the Beautiful China Initiative, which aims to achieve harmony between humanity and nature.

(四)做好社会建设和民生领域立法。保障公民受教育的权利,制定家庭教育促进法,修改教育法、职业教育法,推动提高教育现代化水平。制定强化公共卫生法治保障立法修法工作计划,制定基本医疗卫生与健康促进法、疫苗管理法、医师法,修改动物防疫法、药品管理法,作出关于全面禁止野生动物非法交易和食用的决定。回应人民群众反映强烈的问题,制定个人信息保护法、反电信网络诈骗法、法律援助法、社区矫正法、反食品浪费法,修改民事诉讼法、行政处罚法、社会保险法、人口与计划生育法、体育法,作出关于废止有关收容教育法律规定和制度的决定,审议行政诉讼法修正草案等,用法治保障人民权益、增进民生福祉。通过刑法修正案(十一)。制定退役军人保障法,修改妇女权益保障法、未成年人保护法、预防未成年人犯罪法,加强特殊群体权益保障。 (4) We carried out legislative work to promote social development and improve the people’s wellbeing.

To protect our citizens’ right to education, we formulated the Family Education Promotion Law and revised the Education Law and the Vocational Education Law, thus driving modernization in the education sector. We drew up a work plan for enacting and revising laws to strengthen the rule of law in the public health sector. We formulated the Law on Basic Medical and Health Care and the Promotion of Health, the Vaccine Administration Law, and the Physicians Law; revised the Law on Animal Epidemic Prevention and the Drug Administration Law; and made a decision to completely ban the illegal trade and consumption of wildlife.

Addressing issues of great public concern, we formulated the Personal Information Protection Law, the Law on Countering Telecom and Online Fraud, the Legal Aid Law, the Community Correction Law, and the Law on Food Waste; we revised the Civil Procedure Law, the Administrative Penalty Law, the Social Insurance Law, the Population and Family Planning Law, and the Physical Culture and Sports Law; we made a decision to abolish the system of custody and education for prostitution-related offenses and related legal regulations; and we deliberated draft revisions to the Administrative Procedure Law and other laws. These efforts have helped protect our people’s rights and interests and enhance public wellbeing through legal means.

We passed Amendment XI to the Criminal Law. We formulated the Veterans Support Law and revised the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests, the Law on the Protection of Minors, and the Law on Preventing Juvenile Delinquency, so as to provide stronger protection for the rights and interests of special groups.

(五)作出授权决定或改革决定。回应全面深化改革提出的立法需求,确保国家发展、重大改革于法有据。围绕深化国家机构改革,就国务院机构改革涉及法律规定的行政机关职责调整问题、全国人大宪法和法律委员会职责问题、中国海警局行使海上维权执法职权作出决定。修改57件次相关法律,3次授权国务院在自由贸易试验区暂时调整适用有关法律规定,授权国务院提前下达部分新增地方政府债务限额、开展房地产税改革试点、在营商环境创新试点城市暂时调整适用计量法有关规定,延长授权国务院开展农村土地改革、药品上市许可持有人制度等试点期限,授权上海市人大及其常委会制定浦东新区法规,保证相关改革举措和试点工作顺利推进。围绕深化司法体制综合配套改革,先后决定设立上海、北京、成渝金融法院和海南自由贸易港知识产权法院。授权最高人民法院开展民事诉讼程序繁简分流改革和四级法院审级职能定位改革试点工作,就专利等知识产权案件诉讼程序若干问题作出决定。听取审议10个授权决定和改革决定实施情况的有关报告。 (5) We made authorization and reform decisions.

In response to the legislative needs that arose in advancing reform across the board, we worked hard to ensure that all national development endeavors and major reforms have a solid legal basis. To deepen reform in state institutions, we issued decisions on adjusting the statutory functions of administrative bodies involved in the institutional reform of the State Council, on the functions of the NPC Constitution and Law Committee, and on China Coast Guard’s functions and powers with regard to protecting maritime rights and enforcing maritime law.

To ensure smooth progress of reform initiatives and pilot projects, we conducted 57 rounds of revision on relevant laws; we authorized the State Council to temporarily adjust the application of certain laws in pilot free trade zones three times, to approve a proportion of new local government debt ceilings in advance, to launch reform trials for property tax, to temporarily adjust the application of certain provisions of the Metrology Law in pilot cities for business environment innovation, and to extend the trial periods for rural land reform and the drug marketing authorization holder system; and we authorized the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee to formulate regulations for Pudong New Area.

Focusing on advancing comprehensive and integrated reform of the judicial system, we made decisions to establish the Shanghai Financial Court, Beijing Financial Court, Chengdu-Chongqing Financial Court, and Hainan Free Trade Port Intellectual Property Court. We authorized the Supreme People’s Court to carry out reform trials for streamlining civil litigation procedures and defining the adjudicative functions of the four levels of courts, and we made a decision on litigation procedures for cases involving patents and other intellectual property rights. We heard and deliberated reports on the implementation of 10 authorization and reform decisions.

五年来,在党中央集中统一领导下,形成了党委领导、人大主导、政府依托、各方参与的立法工作格局,有效发挥人大在立法选题、评估、论证、立项、协调、起草、征求意见、审议等环节的主导作用;丰富立法形式,既注重“大块头”,也注重“小快灵”,广泛采用专项立法修法计划、立法工作专班、“小切口”立法、“一事一法”、推动区域协同立法和共同立法等方式和模式;深入推进科学立法、民主立法、依法立法,开展立法论证、立法协商工作,实施法律案通过前评估和立法后评估,共有154件次法律草案向社会公布征求意见,109万多人次参与,有效促进了立法质量和效率的提升。五年来推进高质量立法,进一步完善了中国特色社会主义法律体系,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家提供了更为完备的法律保障。 Over the past five years, under the centralized, unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, a legislative framework has taken shape under which Party committees give guidance, people’s congresses play the leading role, the government offers support, and all stakeholders participate. We made sure that people’s congresses effectively played their leading role in selecting legislative subjects, evaluation, debate, launching projects, coordination, drafting, soliciting opinions, and deliberation. We enriched our approach to legislative work, devoting our attention to both substantial legislation and shorter, more efficient, high-impact legislation. We made extensive use of special plans for enacting and revising laws, legislative task forces, targeted and precise legislation, and case-specific legislation, and we encouraged the adoption of methods and models such as joint legislation and legislation based on regional collaboration.

We advanced legislative work in a scientific and democratic way in accordance with the law. We carried out legislative debates and consultations and conducted evaluations of legislative items both before and after their promulgation. We solicited 154 rounds of public opinion on draft laws and received more than 1.09 million comments. All of this effectively enhanced the quality and efficiency of our legislation.

Over the past five years, we have made steady progress in advancing high-quality legislation, further improved the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, and provided more complete legal protection for efforts to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects.

三、用好宪法赋予人大的监督权,实行正确监督、有效监督、依法监督 3. Making good use of the oversight power conferred upon the NPC by the Constitution and conducting appropriate, effective, and law-based oversight
更好发挥人大监督在党和国家监督体系中的重要作用,统筹运用法定监督方式,确保宪法法律得到有效实施,确保行政权、监察权、审判权、检察权依法正确行使。 We brought into better play the important role of oversight by people’s congresses in the Party and state oversight systems and employed a combination of statutory oversight methods to ensure that China’s Constitution and laws were effectively implemented and that administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial powers were properly exercised in accordance with the law.
(一)做好规划计划、预算决算审查监督和国有资产管理监督。修订常委会关于加强经济工作监督的决定,听取审议国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况报告、“十三五”规划纲要实施中期评估报告,审查批准“十四五”规划和2035年远景目标纲要。定期召开季度经济形势分析座谈会,加强对计划规划初步审查、重大事项的监督。修订关于加强中央预算审查监督的决定,深入落实人大预算审查监督重点拓展改革。连续五年听取审议中央决算报告、预算执行情况报告、中央预算执行和其他财政收支的审计工作报告,听取审议审计查出问题整改情况报告,督促整改问题的落实。围绕特定重点领域财政资金监督,听取审议财政医疗卫生资金、财政生态环保资金、财政农业农村资金、财政交通运输资金、财政社会保障资金分配和使用情况报告,重点跟踪监督政策实施和资金使用情况。加强对国有资产管理情况的监督是党中央的决策,是赋予全国人大常委会的一项新职责。常委会作出关于加强国有资产管理情况监督的决定,制定实施国有资产管理情况监督工作五年规划,在定期听取审议年度国有资产管理情况综合报告的基础上,每年选取重点领域开展监督,分别听取审议金融企业国有资产、行政事业性国有资产、企业国有资产、国有自然资源资产管理情况的专项报告,推动国有资产管理科学化、规范化。 (1) We conducted examinations and oversight of plans, budgets, and final accounts and oversight of state-owned asset management.

We revised a decision on strengthening oversight of economic work, heard and deliberated reports on the implementation of plans for national economic and social development and the midterm assessment report on the implementation of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), and examined and approved the Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development (2021–2025) and Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035. We held quarterly meetings to analyze the economic situation and strengthened preliminary examination of plans and oversight of major matters.

We revised a decision on strengthening examination and oversight of central government budgets and carried out reforms to expand the focus of budgetary examination and oversight by people’s congresses. Each year, we heard and deliberated reports on central final accounts, budget execution, and auditing of central budget execution and other fiscal revenues and expenditures, and we heard and deliberated reports on the rectification of problems discovered through audits and worked to see that these problems were truly resolved.

Exercising oversight of government funds in specific key areas, we heard and deliberated reports on the allocation and use of government funds for medical and health care, environmental protection, agriculture and rural areas, transportation, and social security, with our focus on policy implementation and use of funds.

Strengthening oversight of state-owned asset management was a decision made by the Party Central Committee and a new function conferred on the NPC Standing Committee. In response, we adopted a decision and formulated and implemented a five-year plan on enhancing oversight of state-owned asset management. Hearing and deliberating annual comprehensive reports on the management of state-owned assets, we selected key areas and conducted oversight each year. We heard and deliberated special reports on the management of state-owned assets held by financial firms, government offices and public institutions, and enterprises. We also heard and deliberated a special report on the management of state-owned natural resource assets. In doing so, we helped make state-owned asset management better planned and regulated.

(二)听取审议专项工作报告。在高质量发展领域,围绕创新驱动发展、发展海洋经济、外贸转型升级、减税降费、金融工作、股票发行注册制改革、建设现代综合交通运输体系、数字经济发展等听取审议报告,推动解决制约重点领域、新兴行业改革发展的突出矛盾和问题。在农业农村领域,听取审议脱贫攻坚工作、深化农业供给侧结构性改革、乡村产业发展、农村集体产权制度改革、构建新型农业经营体系、巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接等报告,为全面推进乡村振兴发挥积极作用。在生态环保领域,连续五年听取审议年度环境状况和环保目标完成情况报告,聚焦大气污染防治、水污染防治、土壤污染防治、固体废物污染环境防治、长江流域生态环境保护、雄安新区和白洋淀生态保护等重点领域、重点区域和重点流域的环保工作听取审议报告,以法治力量、法律武器推动污染防治、守护绿水青山。在社会事业领域,听取审议就业工作、推动城乡义务教育一体化发展、医师队伍管理、文化产业发展、学前教育事业改革和发展、社会保障体系建设、文物工作和文物保护法实施、教师队伍建设和教师法实施、儿童健康促进工作、加强和推进老龄工作、有效减轻过重作业负担和校外培训负担等报告,推动解决人民群众反映强烈的问题。突出社会治理重点问题,听取审议公安机关执法规范化建设、开展反腐败国际追逃追赃工作、深化“三非”外国人治理等报告。听取审议华侨权益保护工作情况报告。 (2) We heard and deliberated work reports on specific issues.

Regarding the pursuit of high-quality development, we heard and deliberated reports on promoting innovation-driven development, developing the marine economy, transforming and upgrading foreign trade, reducing taxes and fees, carrying out financial work, introducing a registration-based IPO system, building a modern integrated transportation system, and developing the digital economy. In doing so, we pushed for the resolution of serious problems hindering reform and development in key areas and emerging sectors.

With regard to agriculture and rural areas, we heard and deliberated reports on poverty alleviation, supply-side structural reform in agriculture, rural industry development, reform of the rural collective property system, establishment of a new system for agricultural operations, and efforts to consolidate and expand poverty alleviation achievements in support of rural revitalization. Through these efforts, we played a positive role in advancing rural revitalization on all fronts.

In the area of environmental protection, we heard and deliberated the State Council’s annual reports on the state of the environment and progress on meeting environmental protection targets. We also heard and deliberated reports on environmental protection in key areas, regions, and river basins, including those on the prevention and control of air, water, soil, and solid waste pollution, ecological conservation and environmental protection in the Yangtze River basin, and ecological conservation in Xiong’an New Area and Lake Baiyangdian. We used the rule of law and legal tools to step up pollution prevention and control and protect China’s clear waters and green mountains.

As for social programs, we heard and deliberated reports on employment, integrated development of compulsory education in urban and rural areas, management of physicians, development of cultural industries, reform and development of preschool education, development of the social security system, preservation of cultural heritage and implementation of the Cultural Heritage Protection Law, teacher training and implementation of the Teachers Law, promotion of children’s health, work related to the elderly, and efforts to reduce students’ homework and off-campus tutoring burdens. In doing so, we helped resolve issues of public concern.

Giving greater weight to key issues in social governance, we heard and deliberated reports on ensuring procedure-based law enforcement by public security organs, pursuing corrupt officials hiding abroad and recovering stolen state assets, and doing more to address the illegal entry, residence, and employment of foreign nationals in China.

We heard and deliberated a State Council report on the protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese nationals.

(三)加强法律实施情况的监督。制定执法检查工作办法,从选题、组织开展、报告和审议、处理和反馈等各个环节作出全面规范。紧紧围绕法律规定、法律条文,2018年检查大气污染防治法、统计法、传染病防治法、防震减灾法、农产品质量安全法、海洋环境保护法实施情况,2019年检查水污染防治法、中小企业促进法、就业促进法、高等教育法、可再生能源法、渔业法实施情况,2020年检查土壤污染防治法、关于全面禁止野生动物非法交易和食用的决定和野生动物保护法、农业机械化促进法、慈善法、反不正当竞争法、公共文化服务保障法实施情况,2021年检查固体废物污染环境防治法、中医药法、企业破产法、畜牧法、公证法、消防法实施情况,2022年检查环境保护法、长江保护法、科学技术普及法、乡村振兴促进法、外商投资法实施情况。结合听取审议专项工作报告和执法检查报告,就大气污染防治、解决判决“执行难”、加强民事诉讼和执行活动法律监督、财政医疗卫生资金分配和使用、促进中小企业发展、水污染防治、公益诉讼检察、土壤污染防治、预算执行和其他财政收支审计查出问题整改、建设现代综合交通运输体系、固体废物污染环境防治、环境保护等方面工作开展专题询问。 (3) We strengthened oversight of the implementation of laws.

We formulated methods for inspections into the implementation of laws to standardize the entire process including subject selection, organization, reporting, deliberation, rectification, and feedback. Firmly grounded in statutory provisions, we inspected the implementation of the following laws.

2018: Law on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, Statistics Law, Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases, Law on Protecting against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters, Law on the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Marine Environment Protection Law

2019: Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Law on Promoting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Employment Promotion Law, Higher Education Law, Renewable Energy Law, Fisheries Law

2020: Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution, a decision to completely ban the illegal trade and consumption of wildlife, Wildlife Protection Law, Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Law, Charity Law, Law against Unfair Competition, Law on the Provision of Public Cultural Services

2021: Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, Law on Traditional Chinese Medicine, Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, Animal Husbandry Law, Notarization Law, Fire Prevention and Control Law

2022: Environmental Protection Law, Yangtze River Protection Law, Science and Technology Popularization Law, Rural Revitalization Promotion Law, Foreign Investment Law

After hearing and deliberating work reports on specific issues and inspection reports on the implementation of laws, we conducted special inquiries into the following matters: preventing and controlling air pollution, solving difficulties in enforcing court judgments, increasing legal oversight of civil litigation and enforcement, the allocation and use of government funds for medical and health care, promoting development of small and medium-sized enterprises, preventing and controlling water pollution, public-interest litigation filed by procuratorates, preventing and controlling soil pollution, rectifying problems in budget execution and other fiscal revenues and expenditures discovered through audits, building a modern integrated transportation system, preventing and controlling environmental pollution by solid wastes, and environmental protection.

(四)加强司法普法工作监督。围绕促进司法公正,对“两高”开展常态化监督。听取审议最高人民法院解决判决“执行难”、刑事审判、民事审判、知识产权审判、涉外审判等工作情况报告。听取审议最高人民检察院加强民事诉讼和执行活动法律监督、开展公益诉讼检察、适用认罪认罚从宽制度、办理控告申诉案件、未成年人检察等工作情况报告。围绕推进法治宣传教育,开展“七五”普法专题调研,听取审议“七五”普法决议贯彻落实情况报告,作出“八五”普法决议,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家营造良好法治环境。 (4) We stepped up oversight of the administration of justice and of work to promote legal literacy among the public.

With a focus on ensuring judicial impartiality, we conducted regular oversight of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. With regard to the Supreme People’s Court, we heard and deliberated its reports on resolving difficulties in enforcing court judgments, criminal trials, civil trials, adjudication involving intellectual property, and foreign-related adjudication. With regard to the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, we heard and deliberated its reports on strengthening legal oversight of civil litigation and enforcement, public-interest litigation filed by procuratorates, application of the plea bargaining system, processing of lawsuits and appeals, and procuratorial work relating to minors.

To improve public communications and education on the rule of law, we carried out research on the seventh five-year initiative to increase legal literacy among the public, heard and deliberated a report on the implementation of the resolution on that initiative, and adopted a resolution on the initiative for the eighth five-year period. This contributed to the creation of a healthy rule of law environment for our efforts to build China into a modern socialist country in all respects.

(五)推进专题调研成果运用。紧密结合立法、监督工作,开展脱贫攻坚、乡村振兴、粮食安全、生态环保、污染防治、设区的市地方立法、应对人口老龄化、珍惜粮食反对浪费等领域专题调研,推动解决事关人民群众切身利益的热点难点问题。开展国家安全法实施、监察体制改革和监察法实施情况专题调研,拓展新的领域监督工作。开展国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划纲要编制工作若干重要问题、财政补贴管理与改革、完善有利于调节收入分配的个人所得税制度、发挥海外侨胞在共建“一带一路”中的重要作用、以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系建设、加强种质资源保护和育种创新情况等专题调研,推动解决经济社会发展中的重点问题。开展民族教育发展工作、民族地区兴边富民行动“十三五”规划实施、民族团结进步创建工作、人口较少民族经济社会发展情况等专题调研,助力民族地区的发展进步。开展地方政府隐性债务、社会基本养老保险基金预算管理与改革、防范化解系统性金融风险、社会保险制度改革和社会保险法实施、政府投资基金管理与改革、地方政府专项债务管理与改革情况等专题调研,加强财政金融领域的有效监督。 (5) We made sure our research outcomes were put to use.

In concert with our legislative and oversight work, we carried out research on poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, food security, environmental protection, pollution prevention and control, local legislation by cities with districts, the response to population aging, and the initiative to cherish food and oppose waste. In doing so, we helped address major and difficult issues that involved the people’s immediate interests. To expand the scope of our oversight, we carried out research on implementation of the National Security Law and on reform of the supervision system and implementation of the Supervision Law.

We carried out research on major issues regarding the formulation of the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, management and reform of government subsidies, improvement of the individual income tax system to help regulate income distribution, measures to leverage the important role of overseas Chinese in the joint pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative, development of a national park-based nature reserve system, and better protection of germplasm resources and innovation in plant breeding. This helped resolve key issues in our economic and social development.

We carried out research on the development of education among ethnic minority groups, implementation of the 13th five-year plan on boosting development and raising living standards in border areas with large ethnic minority populations, initiatives to foster ethnic unity and progress, and economic and social development for ethnic groups with smaller populations. In doing so, we helped promote development and progress in areas with large ethnic minority populations.

We carried out research on hidden local government debt, management and reform of budgets for basic old-age insurance funds, prevention and mitigation of systemic financial risks, reform of social insurance systems and implementation of the Social Insurance Law, management and reform of government investment funds, and management and reform of special local government debt. Our efforts made fiscal and financial oversight more effective.

人大监督是具有法定权威、代表人民的监督。常委会始终坚持把“依法”二字贯穿监督工作全过程,依照法定职责、限于法定范围、遵守法定程序、抠住法律规定进行监督,确保宪法法律有效实施和各国家机关依法履职;坚持跟踪监督问效,聚焦党中央重大决策部署、聚焦人民群众所思所盼所愿,持续跟进生态环保、公共资金资产管理、执法司法等领域的突出问题,久久为功,一抓到底,推动改进工作、完善制度;坚持完善监督工作机制和监督方式,推动专项工作报告审议结果的落实,在执法检查中引入第三方评估,采用抽查暗访、大数据分析、问卷调查等方式,实现委托检查全覆盖,把执法检查与立法评估、法律普及结合起来,注重从制度上、法律上推动解决普遍性、规律性问题。在生态环保领域执法检查中,近90万人次参加问卷调查,1.78亿人次参加答题。本届以来,实现了监督领域的全覆盖,首次听取审议国有资产管理情况综合报告,首次听取审议金融工作情况报告,首次听取审议国家监委有关专项工作报告,首次开展对“两高”专项工作报告的专题询问。在监督工作实践中,我们进一步找准人大监督的性质和定位,有力推动了宪法法律规定的实施和“一府一委两院”正确行使职权、依法履行职责,确保任何国家机关及其工作人员的权力都要受到监督和制约。 Oversight by people’s congresses is conducted with the authorization of the law and on behalf of the people. We worked to see that oversight is always conducted in accordance with the law, in line with our statutory functions, within our statutory scope of authority, through statutory procedures, and based on relevant legal provisions. Our goal was to ensure that the Constitution and laws are effectively implemented and all state organs perform their functions pursuant to law.

We exercised follow-up oversight to monitor the effects of our work. Focusing on the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and plans and attending to the people’s concerns, expectations, and wishes, we conducted follow-up oversight on prominent issues in areas such as environmental protection, management of public funds and assets, law enforcement, and administration of justice. We made sustained efforts and did not stop until we saw progress made and institutions improved.

We continued to improve mechanisms and methods for conducting oversight and urged relevant departments to act on the results of our work report deliberations. While carrying out inspections into the implementation of laws, we introduced third-party evaluations, adopted various measures including random inspections, unannounced visits, big data analysis, and questionnaire surveys, and delegated local people’s congresses to carry out inspections nationwide. We combined inspections into the implementation of laws with legislative evaluations and efforts to promote legal literacy among the public, paying particular attention to facilitating institutional and legal solutions to common and systemic issues. During inspections into the implementation of laws concerning environmental protection, we received nearly 900,000 questionnaires and attracted 178 million participants to our online quizzes.

Throughout this congress, we have ensured oversight across all fields. We heard and deliberated the first comprehensive reports on the management of state-owned assets, the first report on financial work, and the first work report by the National Commission of Supervision, and we conducted the first special inquiries into the work reports of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate.

In the course of exercising oversight, we gained a better understanding of the nature and role of oversight by people’s congresses; strongly encouraged the implementation of the Constitution and the law and the proper use of power and law-based performance of functions by governments, commissions of supervision, people’s courts, and people’s procuratorates; and ensured that the powers of all state organs and their employees were subject to oversight and checks.

四、发挥人大代表作用,做到民有所呼、我有所应 4. Leveraging the role of deputies to attend to all public concerns
贯彻习近平总书记“密切常委会同人大代表的联系,密切人大代表同人民群众的联系”重要指示精神,全面加强和改进代表工作,服务、支持和保障代表更好依法履职,使发挥代表作用成为人民当家作主的重要体现。 Following General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on maintaining close ties between standing committees of people’s congresses and deputies and between deputies and the public, we strengthened and enhanced all aspects of our work related to deputies, providing services, support, and safeguards for their law-based performance of duties. In this way, we made sure that the idea of the people as masters of the country was reflected in how our deputies played their roles.
(一)提升代表议案、建议办理水平。坚持内容高质量、办理高质量,实行交办情况和办理结果“一人一函”、“一件一函”的反馈机制,做到议案建议办理既重结果、也重过程。代表提出的所有议案,交由专门委员会审议,常委会每年听取审议关于代表议案审议结果的报告,推动一批经济社会发展急需的重要法律相继出台。对代表在大会和闭会期间提出建议的办理情况,做到件件有反馈,建议所提问题74%得到解决或正在解决。 (1) We improved our ability to handle deputies’ proposals and suggestions.

We worked to see that deputies’ proposals and suggestions were of high quality and were handled effectively. Upon receiving proposals or suggestions, we sent a status update and written outcome to each deputy involved, paying attention to both the results and process of handling. We forwarded all proposals to special committees for consideration and heard and deliberated their reports on the results of consideration every year, giving impetus to the enactment of a number of important laws urgently needed in economic and social development. We offered feedback on every suggestion put forward by deputies regardless of whether the NPC was in session, with 74 percent of the issues raised therein already solved or currently being addressed.

(二)支持代表参与常委会工作。邀请1026人次代表列席常委会会议,基本实现基层全国人大代表在任期内列席一次常委会会议。建立常委会会议期间召开列席代表座谈会机制,组织召开17次座谈会,770人次代表参加,就人大工作、民主法治建设、经济社会发展等方面提出意见建议。提请代表大会审议的宪法修正案草案和监察法、外商投资法、民法典、全国人大组织法、全国人大议事规则、地方组织法、立法法等法律草案,都提前组织代表研读讨论。常委会会议审议的36部法律草案,提前征求相关领域或具有相关专业背景代表的意见建议。有400多人次代表参加立法调研、起草、论证、评估工作,2000多人次代表参加执法检查、专题调研、计划和预算审查监督、国有资产管理情况监督等工作。 (2) We supported deputies in engaging in our work.

We sent 1,026 invitations to deputies to attend our meetings in a nonvoting capacity and basically ensured all NPC deputies from the primary level attended at least one meeting during their tenure. We established a mechanism for holding discussions for nonvoting deputies attending our meetings. Altogether, we organized 17 discussions with total deputy attendance reaching 770, soliciting their views and suggestions on the NPC’s work, the advancement of democracy and the rule of law, and economic and social development. We arranged for deputies to consider and discuss drafts of the amendment to the Constitution, the Supervision Law, the Foreign Investment Law, the Civil Code, the Organic Law of the NPC, the NPC Rules of Procedure, the Organic Law of Local People’s Congresses at All Levels and Local People’s Governments at All Levels, the Legislation Law, and other laws before they were officially submitted to the NPC for deliberation. We solicited comments and suggestions on 36 draft laws from deputies working in relevant fields or possessing relevant professional expertise prior to our deliberation. Deputy participation in legislative research, drafting, debates, and evaluations topped 400, and the figure for participation in inspections into the implementation of laws, research projects, plan and budget examinations and oversight, and state-owned asset management oversight exceeded 2,000.

(三)健全常委会联系代表机制。委员长会议组成人员和常委会委员直接联系432名代表,形成专门委员会、工作委员会联系相关领域、具有相关专业知识代表的工作机制,通过座谈、走访、电话、邮件、微信、邀请参加调研等多种方式,加强同代表的经常性联系,做到联系工作覆盖基层一线和专业人员代表、覆盖常委会各项工作。 (3) We refined mechanisms for communications with deputies.

Members of the Council of Chairpersons and the Standing Committee maintained direct contact with 432 deputies. We developed working mechanisms for special committees and working commissions and committees to stay in touch with deputies from relevant fields or with relevant knowledge. Through diverse channels such as meetings, visits, phone calls, emails, WeChat, and research projects, we strengthened regular contact with deputies, reached out to those working on the frontline at the primary level and those with specialized knowledge, and engaged deputies in all aspects of our work.

(四)推动代表密切联系人民群众。组织8389人次代表开展专题调研和集中视察,形成497篇专题调研报告。有序开展和规范代表跨原选举单位调研视察。组织香港、澳门、台湾、解放军和武警部队代表赴有关省(区、市)开展调研视察。采用视频连线的方式,组织香港代表视察新疆维吾尔自治区。规范代表参加“一府一委两院”活动程序,根据代表职责,9100余人次代表参加了国务院及其有关部门、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院组织的有关活动,240余人次代表担任特约监察员、监督员。充分发挥代表之家、代表联络站的作用,鼓励全国人大代表就近参加联系群众的活动。 (4) We encouraged deputies to maintain close ties with the public.

We organized research projects and group inspection tours for deputies, with total attendance reaching 8,389, leading to the compilation of 497 reports. We organized deputies’ research and inspections in places other than where they were elected in an orderly and well-regulated manner. We arranged for deputies from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan and from the PLA and the Armed Police Force to carry out research and inspections in relevant provinces, autonomous regions, and cities directly under the central government. We organized for Hong Kong deputies to conduct a remote video inspection of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. We set rules of procedure for deputies’ participation in activities of the State Council, the National Commission of Supervision, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. There were more than 9,100 instances of deputy participation in activities of the State Council and its departments, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and over 240 instances of deputies serving as special supervisors and inspectors. We gave full play to the role of outreach and liaison offices for deputies and encouraged NPC deputies to attend local public outreach activities.

(五)加强代表履职能力建设。认真做好十四届全国人大代表选举工作,指导县乡人大换届选举,依法民主选举产生277万名各级人大代表,彰显社会主义民主的人民性、广泛性和真实性。制定关于加强和改进全国人大代表工作的35条具体措施,加强代表联络机构建设,全方位为代表履职提供服务保障。通过线上线下举办26期全国人大代表学习班,累计1.6万人次代表参加学习,基本实现新任基层代表履职学习全覆盖。创建全国人大网络学院,2539名全国人大代表参加网络学习。 (5) We improved the ability of our deputies to perform their duties.

We organized the election of deputies to the 14th NPC and provided guidance for the election of deputies to people’s congresses at the county and township levels. A total of 2.77 million deputies to people’s congresses of all levels have been chosen through democratic elections in accordance with the law. This fully demonstrates the people-centric, broad, and authentic nature of socialist democracy. We formulated 35 measures to strengthen and enhance our work related to NPC deputies, stepped up development of deputy liaison offices, and provided all-around services and support for deputies’ performance of duties. We held 26 online and offline study sessions for NPC deputies, with a total attendance of 16,000, and essentially all new deputies from the primary level participated in study sessions pertaining to their duties. We established an NPC online school, where 2,539 NPC deputies took online courses.

五年来,代表工作的实践使我们加深了对习近平总书记关于代表工作重要论述的认识。“两个密切联系”体现的是人民当家作主的国家性质和全过程人民民主的制度优势,深刻揭示了代表工作的根本目的、内在要求和工作规律。我们认真落实“两个密切联系”,使代表更好成为党和国家联系人民群众的重要桥梁和渠道。本届以来,代表的履职意识更强了。通过出席代表大会,提出议案建议,参与常委会和专门委员会、工作委员会工作,开展调研视察,深入了解和反映群众诉求,代表人民参加行使国家权力。代表的职责定位更准了。人大代表不是政治光环,而是重要职务,是要讲担当、有作为的。人大代表由选民或选举单位选举产生,但不能仅代表选区或选举单位利益,更不能代表任何特殊利益,而是代表最广大人民群众的根本利益,要把人民群众的心声、意愿反映上来,把党中央重大决策部署宣传贯彻到人民群众中去。代表的作用发挥更好了。人大代表是国家权力机关的组成人员,来自人民、扎根人民,既有“本职”工作,也有“履职”工作。代表立足岗位,不负重托,在本职工作中展现了人大代表的时代风采,以履职工作的实际行动践行了代表人民、为了人民、服务人民的光荣使命。 Over the past five years of deputy-related work, we have acquired a deeper understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important statements on work related to deputies. His instructions on maintaining close ties between standing committees of people’s congresses and deputies and between deputies and the public reflect the defining feature of our country, which is that it is run by the people, and they highlight the institutional strengths of whole-process people’s democracy. They shed light on the fundamental goals, inherent requirements, and working principles for our work in this regard. As such, we have earnestly followed his instructions and worked to ensure that our deputies better play their role as an important bridge and channel through which the Party and the country stay in touch with the people.

Since the beginning of the 13th NPC’s term, our deputies’ sense of duty has become even stronger. Through attending NPC sessions, submitting proposals and suggestions, engaging in our work and the work of special committees and working commissions and committees, and conducting research and inspections, deputies have learned about and brought forward the people’s needs and wishes and participated in the exercise of state power on their behalf.

Deputies’ duties have been more clearly defined. The role of deputies to people’s congresses is not one of political glory; it is an important post that requires a great sense of commitment and responsibility. Deputies are elected by voters or electoral units, but that doesn’t mean that they can represent only the interests of the constituencies or organizations that elected them, and still less can they represent special interests. Rather, they represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. They must reflect the will and wishes of the public, communicate the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and plans to the people, and see that those decisions and plans are implemented.

Deputies have better fulfilled their roles. As part of people’s congresses, deputies are members of organs of state power, but they also come from the people and are rooted in the people. They have jobs outside of their roles as deputies, but they also have to perform their state duties. In their daily jobs, our deputies have assumed important responsibilities and conducted themselves in ways that befit people’s congress deputies in the new era. And, through the concrete performance of their state duties, they have accomplished their honorable mission of representing the people, working for the people, and serving the people.

五、发挥人大对外交往优势,服务党和国家外交大局 5. Giving play to the NPC’s strengths in international exchanges and working to advance the overall diplomatic agenda of the Party and the country
坚持以习近平外交思想为指引,以推动落实元首共识为首要任务,立足国家立法机构的职能定位,发挥在对外交往中的优势和效能,努力为服务国家战略、捍卫国家利益作出积极贡献。 With the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thinking on diplomacy, we prioritized the implementation of consensus reached at the head-of-state level, grounded our efforts in our functions as the nation’s legislative body, and leveraged our strengths and capacity in international exchanges to serve our national strategies and defend our national interests.
(一)加强与外国议会的双边交流。与近190个国家和地区议会保持交往和联系,同有关国家和多边议会组织新签署11项友好合作协议。邀请接待111个团组访华,组派150个团组出访。疫情发生后,积极运用“云外交”形式,举行双边线上活动260多场,组织线下外事活动98场,外交信函往来近2000件。推进与有关国家的法律合作项目,就法律草案起草中的合宪性审查、法律体系建立和完善、法律配套规定、立法技术规范等开展交流研讨。围绕制定修改体育法、医疗保障法等,赴有关国家进行立法交流。积极主动做好9个新建复交国家议会工作,举行会见会谈、视频会晤22场,实现同新建复交国家交往全覆盖。发挥全国人大驻外干部的作用,对有关国家和地区的立法经验开展调研。 (1) We strengthened bilateral exchanges with parliaments of other countries.

We maintained exchanges and communications with parliaments of nearly 190 countries and regions and signed 11 agreements on friendship and cooperation with relevant countries and multilateral parliamentary organizations. We hosted 111 delegations to China and sent 150 delegations abroad. Since the onset of Covid-19, we made active use of “cloud diplomacy” and held more than 260 bilateral video events. We also organized 98 offline diplomatic events and exchanged nearly 2,000 diplomatic letters.

We advanced legal cooperation projects with relevant countries and engaged in exchanges and discussions on issues such as constitutional reviews during the drafting of laws, the establishment and improvement of legal systems, supporting regulations for laws, and technical standards in the legislative process. We visited relevant countries for legislative exchanges on the formulation of a medical security law and revision of the Physical Culture and Sports Law. We actively engaged with the parliaments of nine countries that recently established or restored diplomatic relations with China, holding 22 online and offline meetings and talks and establishing communications with all of them. We leveraged the roles of NPC staff stationed abroad and conducted research on the legislative practices of relevant countries and regions.

(二)深入参与议会多边交往合作。发挥全国人大和外国议会高层交往引领作用,积极参与各国议会联盟、二十国集团议长会议、金砖国家议会论坛、欧亚国家议长会议、六国议长会议等多边机制,坚定发出中国声音,坚定维护国家利益。派团出席65次国际会议,出席视频国际会议137场,广泛接触各国议员,推动“一带一路”倡议、构建人类命运共同体、全球发展倡议、全球安全倡议等中国主张成为国际共识。举办6期面向发展中国家的线下议员研讨班,邀请25个国家的123名议员参加。举办同非洲四国、中亚五国、北非三国、非洲法语国家议会线上研讨会,加强在相关领域的交流合作。出席多边议会组织举办的立法交流活动,介绍中国立法制度与立法经验。 (2) We deeply engaged in multilateral parliamentary exchanges and cooperation.

We gave full play to the guiding role of high-level exchanges between the NPC and foreign parliaments and actively participated in multilateral mechanisms including the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the G20 Parliamentary Speakers Summit, the BRICS Parliamentary Forum, the Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments, and the six-nation Conference of Speakers of Parliament. At these events, we presented China’s opinions and stayed firm in safeguarding our national interests.

We sent delegations to 65 international conferences and attended 137 conferences via video, engaging extensively with members of parliaments around the world to secure international support for the Belt and Road Initiative, the building of a human community with a shared future, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and other Chinese propositions.

We organized six offline seminars for members of parliaments from developing countries, attracting 123 parliamentarians from 25 countries. We held virtual seminars with parliaments of four African countries, five Central Asian countries, three North African countries, and French-speaking countries in Africa to enhance communication and cooperation in relevant fields. We attended legislative exchange events held by multilateral parliamentary organizations and shared information about China’s legislative system and practices.

(三)发挥定期交流机制和友好小组作用。定期交流机制和友好小组,是人大对外工作的特有优势。全国人大与21个国家议会和欧洲议会建立了定期交流机制和政治对话机制,同16个国家议会和欧洲议会举行35次机制交流会议,实现了多层次、宽领域的交流与合作。成立双边友好小组136个,疫情以来围绕香港国安法、反对病毒溯源政治化、介绍“十四五”规划、宣介党的二十大精神开展对外集体致函行动,有效配合国家外交行动。 (3) We put regular exchange mechanisms and friendship groups to good use.

Regular exchange mechanisms and friendship groups are a unique strength of the NPC’s diplomatic work. To date, the NPC has established mechanisms for regular exchanges and political dialogue with parliaments of 21 countries and the European Parliament. This term, we held 35 meetings under such mechanisms with parliaments of 16 countries and the European Parliament, realizing multi-tiered exchanges and cooperation in a wide range of areas.

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, through the 136 bilateral friendship groups the NPC has established, letters were sent to foreign parliaments to share information about the Law on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, our opposition against the politicization of efforts to trace origins of Covid-19, the 14th Five-Year Plan, and the guiding principles from the Party’s 20th National Congress. In this way, we provided effective support to the country’s overall diplomatic efforts.

(四)坚决维护国家主权、安全、发展利益。积极妥善运用国际规则维护国家利益,坚持对等原则对有关国家议员采取反制措施。建立健全全国人大各层级发言人机制,以全国人大常委会发言人谈话、外事委声明、外事委发言人和法工委发言人谈话等方式,就涉藏、涉疆、涉港、涉台、人权、疫情及其他涉华敏感问题48次及时响亮发出人大声音。 (4) We resolutely safeguarded China’s sovereignty, security, and development interests.

We took active and appropriate action to safeguard our national interests using international rules and adopted countermeasures against members of parliaments of certain countries on the basis of the principle of reciprocity. We put spokespeople at all levels of the NPC. We made unequivocal and timely statements on 48 occasions about the NPC’s stances on issues such as Tibet, Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, human rights, the Covid-19 pandemic, and other sensitive issues that involve China. These came in the form of remarks by the NPC Standing Committee spokesperson, statements from the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee, and remarks by spokespersons of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee and the Standing Committee Legislative Affairs Commission.

(五)积极做好对外宣介。交流治国理政经验,宣介习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,宣介中国改革开放成就和经验,宣介人民代表大会制度、人民当家作主的生动实践,展示中国特色社会主义民主政治的优势和特点。翻译出版中华人民共和国法律年度汇编英文本,通过中国人大网对外发布87部法律、决定英文译文,宣传阐释我国全面依法治国成就。建好用好中国人大网英文版,拓展运用新媒体表现形式,提升人大新闻宣传的国际传播力影响力。组织94名基层代表参加全国人大外事活动,用亲身履职实践讲述人民代表大会制度优势。 (5) We actively conducted international communications.

We conducted foreign exchanges on national governance experience; introduced to the world information about Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, achievements and experience in China’s reform and opening up, the people’s congress system, and the ways in which the Chinese people run China; and shared the features and strengths of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics.

We translated annual compilations of the laws of the People’s Republic of China into English and had them published, and we released the English translations of 87 laws and decisions on the official website of the NPC, presenting China’s achievements in advancing the rule of law on all fronts. We developed and made good use of the NPC’s English website and explored more forms of new media to enhance our international reach and influence through information sharing and communications. We invited 94 deputies from the primary level to attend the NPC’s foreign affairs activities and discuss the strengths of the people’s congress system through sharing their personal experiences in performing their duties.

五年来,人大外事工作的实践使我们进一步认识到,中国特色社会主义进入新时代,人大对外工作的首要任务,就是聚焦国家外交总体布局,推动落实国家元首之间达成的重要共识,确保完成党中央交付的重大外交任务;就是找准人大在国家对外工作中的定位、任务、特点、优势,通过立法机构的交往,为国家发展争取良好国际环境,为维护国家利益赢得更多友华人士;就是在国家需要时,毫不犹豫地站到一线进行法律的、政治的、外交的斗争,伸出肩膀扛起立法机构应尽的政治责任,捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益! The NPC’s diplomatic work over the past five years has made us all the more aware that, in this new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the primary tasks in the NPC’s diplomatic work are as follows: (1) focusing on the country’s overall diplomatic agenda, helping implement important consensus reached between heads of state, and ensuring that all the diplomatic tasks assigned by the Party Central Committee are accomplished; (2) better identifying the NPC’s position, tasks, features, and strengths in the country’s diplomatic work and, through its contact with foreign legislative bodies, fostering a positive international environment for China’s development and winning more international friends to protect our national interests; (3) stepping up to the front lines of any legal, political, or diplomatic struggle whenever the country requires, without the slightest hesitation, to carry out our political responsibilities as the national legislature and defend China’s sovereignty, security, and development interests.
六、以政治建设为统领,切实加强常委会自身建设 6. Intensifying self-improvement efforts under the overarching principle of strengthening ourselves politically
坚持党对人大工作的全面领导,按照习近平总书记关于建设“四个机关”的要求,不断提高常委会的政治能力和履职水平,努力建设让党中央放心、让人民群众满意的人大机关。 Upholding the Party’s overall leadership over the work of people’s congresses and complying with General Secretary Xi Jinping’s requirement to fulfill the four-fold role, we constantly enhanced our political ability and our professional competence and worked hard to become an institution that is trusted by the Party Central Committee and that meets the expectations of the people.
(一)完善常委会运行机制。优化会议时间、程序和内容,落实民主集中制原则,召开5次代表大会和39次常委会会议,听取、审议1029项议题。发挥委员长会议作用,召开委员长会议136次。严格执行常委会议事规则,依法提出会议召开时间、出席列席人员和全体会议、分组会议安排,严格请假报批制度,出席率保持在96%以上。认真做好议案提出和审议工作,增设单月委员长会议专门研究讨论拟交付常委会会议表决通过的法律草案机制,提高听取审议工作报告、专题询问、发言和表决的规范化水平。 (1) We improved our operating mechanisms.

We improved the timing, procedures, and content of our meetings and applied the principle of democratic centralism. We convened 5 NPC sessions and 39 Standing Committee meetings and heard and deliberated 1,029 issues. Fully playing its role, the Council of Chairpersons held a total of 136 meetings. We strictly observed our rules of procedure, put forward, pursuant to law, times of meetings, lists of voting and nonvoting participants, and schedules for general meetings and group meetings, and enforced strict procedures for requesting leaves of absence, thus keeping the meeting attendance rate above 96 percent. We earnestly carried out work related to proposal submission and deliberation and developed a mechanism for holding an additional Council of Chairpersons meeting in each odd-numbered month to discuss draft laws to be submitted to Standing Committee meetings for votes. We further standardized the hearing and deliberation of work reports, inquiries on special topics, speeches, and voting.

(二)充分发挥专门委员会和工作委员会作用。将原法律委员会、内务司法委员会分别更名为宪法和法律委员会、监察和司法委员会,增设社会建设委员会,对教育科学文化卫生委员会法定职能进行部分调整,更好适应新时代人大工作需要。推进专门委员会工作规范化、制度化,专门委员会召开会议500余次。委员长会议、专门委员会和工作委员会牵头起草或提请审议的法律案、决定案91件次,协调指导137件法律的起草工作,本届完成率达到92.7%。提请常委会会议审议的202个议案和171个报告,均先由专门委员会认真审议、提出报告。专门委员会承担执法检查、专题调研的具体组织实施工作。加强制度建设,在立法、监督、议案建议办理、代表工作、调研等方面,建立和修改了一系列制度规则,形成“立法-评估-修法”的动态闭环机制,确保专门委员会、工作委员会职能的有效发挥。 (2) We gave full play to the roles of special committees and working commissions and committees.

To better adapt to the needs of the NPC’s work in the new era, we respectively renamed the Law Committee and the Internal and Judicial Affairs Committee the Constitution and Law Committee and the Supervision and Justice Committee, established a Social Development Committee, and made partial adjustments to the statutory functions of the Education, Science, Culture, and Public Health Committee.

We enhanced the institutions and procedures of special committees, who held over 500 meetings. The Council of Chairpersons, special committees, and working commissions and committees led work on drafting laws and decisions or submitting them for deliberation on 91 occasions, and they coordinated and offered guidance on the drafting of 137 laws, with 92.7 percent of the items on our legislative agenda completed by the end of our tenure. All 202 proposals and 171 reports submitted to our meetings for deliberation were first deliberated by special committees, who produced reports on the results of their deliberations. Special committees were also responsible for organizing and conducting research projects and inspections into the implementation of laws.

We strengthened institutional development by establishing and revising a number of systems and rules on legislation, oversight, processing of deputies’ proposals and suggestions, deputy-related work, and research projects. We developed a dynamic closed-loop mechanism for the formulation, evaluation, and revision of laws to ensure that special committees and working commissions and committees were put to effective use.

(三)加强工作机构服务能力建设。基层立法联系点达到32个,实现了全国31个省(区、市)全覆盖。推进“数字人大”建设。建成全国统一的备案审查信息平台,开通公民、组织审查建议在线提交平台。建成国家法律法规数据库。设立5个预算工委基层联系点,建成全国人大预算联网监督系统,覆盖全国31个省(区、市)、90%以上的地市和80%以上的县区。国有资产联网监督系统正式上线,服务常委会审议。建成并启用全国人大代表工作信息化平台,提升网络视频会议、“云听会”质量。开通全国人大机关专属政务微信,实现代表议案建议、调研成果转化全流程网上运行。健全人大信访工作机制,开通网上信访平台,处理信访总量43万多件次。提升人大新闻舆论工作水平,精心组织新闻发布会、记者会、“代表通道”、“部长通道”,设立各代表团新闻发言人、大会新闻中心视频采访室,强化立法监督全过程报道和代表履职宣传。发挥中国人民代表大会制度理论研究会、中国人大杂志作用,推进“刊网微端”融合向纵深发展,组织编写理论读物,研究阐释人大制度理论。做好疫情下大会和常委会会议的服务保障,确保人民大会堂正常运转。 (3) We strengthened our working bodies’ ability to provide quality services.

We increased the number of local legislative outreach offices to 32, now covering 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and cities directly under the central government across the country. We made progress on the Digital NPC project. We developed a unified national platform for recording and reviewing normative documents and opened a platform for online submission of suggestions for review from citizens and organizations. We established a national database of laws and regulations. We set up five local liaison offices for our Budgetary Affairs Commission and developed an online NPC budget oversight system that covers 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and cities directly under the central government, over 90 percent of prefectural-level cities, and over 80 percent of counties and districts.

We launched an online state-owned asset oversight system to facilitate our deliberation. We developed and launched an online NPC deputy work platform, and we enhanced the quality of video conferences and the online audience experience. We opened an exclusive e-government WeChat account for the NPC bodies, making possible the full online processing of deputies’ proposals and suggestions and application of research results. We improved the NPC’s mechanisms for receiving and processing public letters and visits and set up an online platform for handling public letters, which allowed us to process more than 430,000 letters and visits.

We improved the NPC’s ability to carry out media and public communications work. We organized press briefings, press conferences, the “deputies’ corridor,” and the “ministers’ corridor,” and we assigned a spokesperson for each delegation and set up video interview rooms at the press center when the NPC was in session. We strengthened our reporting along the whole process of our legislative and oversight work and did a better job publicizing the work of our deputies. We gave full play to the roles of China Institute of Theory on the People’s Congress System and our magazine National People’s Congress of China, and we promoted greater integration of our publicity efforts through publications, internet, microblogs, WeChat, and mobile applications. We wrote theoretical books on the studies and interpretation of the theory on the people’s congress system. Throughout the pandemic, we provided quality services to NPC sessions and Standing Committee meetings and ensured normal operations of the Great Hall of the People.

(四)加强人大党的建设。全面加强政治建设、思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、纪律建设、制度建设,形成风清气正的干事创业环境。扎实开展“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育、党史学习教育,深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想。连续五年召开学习贯彻习近平总书记关于坚持和完善人民代表大会制度的重要思想交流会。围绕学习习近平法治思想、习近平外交思想等主题,举办32次专题讲座。制定并实施全国人大机关五年学习规划。坚持政治坚定、服务人民、尊崇法治、发扬民主、勤勉尽责,打造高素质人大工作队伍。 (4) We strengthened Party building in the NPC.

We made comprehensive moves to strengthen the NPC politically, theoretically, organizationally, institutionally, and in terms of conduct and discipline, creating a clean and honest environment that encouraged dedication and hard work.

We launched campaigns to raise awareness of the need to stay true to the Party’s founding mission and to encourage the study of Party history, and we thoroughly studied Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We held seminars every year to share our studies and application of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s key ideas on upholding and improving the system of people’s congresses. We hosted 32 lectures on topics such as Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law and Xi Jinping’s thinking on diplomacy.

We formulated and implemented a five-year study plan for the NPC bodies. We trained a large number of high-caliber NPC employees who are politically steadfast, are dedicated to serving the people, respect the rule of law, promote democracy, and work hard with a strong sense of responsibility.

(五)加强与地方人大的联系。召开纪念地方人大设立常委会40周年座谈会,召开省级人大立法工作交流会,连续五年每年召开一次地方立法工作座谈会,举办地方立法培训班,指导地方人大就区域生态环境保护等开展协同立法、共同立法,举办地方人大负责同志人大制度理论学习班,交流工作经验。地方人大协助全国人大常委会开展执法检查、立法调研、代表服务保障、对外交往等工作,为推动人大工作整体水平的提高作出了积极贡献。 (5) We built closer ties with local people’s congresses.

We held a symposium to mark the 40th anniversary of the establishment of standing committees for local people’s congresses at and above the county level. We called meetings for provincial people’s congresses to share their experience in legislative work, and we held a national forum on local legislation each year. We held training sessions on local legislative work to offer guidance to local people’s congresses in carrying out collaborative and joint legislation in areas such as regional environmental protection. We held workshops for heads of local people’s congresses on the theory on the people’s congress system, where officials shared their work experiences.

Local people’s congresses assisted us in carrying out inspections into implementation of laws, conducting legislative research, serving and supporting deputies, and performing diplomatic work. They contributed greatly to improving the overall quality of the work of people’s congresses.

五年来,常委会自身建设得到全面加强,人大作为政治机关的根基更牢固,作为国家权力机关的职责更鲜明,作为工作机关的运转更高效,作为代表机关的作用更显著,有力保证了人大制度建设的正确方向,有效提升了人大工作的质量水平,有序推进了全过程人民民主的发展实践。 Over the past five years, we have improved ourselves in all aspects. As a result, the NPC’s foundations as a political institution have become more solid, its responsibilities as an institution of state power have been better defined, its operations as a working institution have become more efficient, and its role as a representative institution has become more prominent. We have ensured that the NPC’s institutional development remains on the right track, have effectively improved the quality of the NPC’s work, and have advanced whole-process people’s democracy in an orderly manner.
各位代表! Fellow Deputies,
十三届全国人大及其常委会的工作成绩,是在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下取得的,是全国人大代表、常委会组成人员、各专门委员会组成人员和全国人大机关工作人员履职尽责、辛勤工作,国务院、国家监察委员会、最高人民法院、最高人民检察院和地方各级人大及其常委会密切配合、通力协作,全国各族人民充分信任、大力支持的结果。在此,我代表十三届全国人大常委会表示崇高的敬意和衷心的感谢! The achievements of the 13th NPC and its standing committee have been made under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. They are the result of the diligent and hard work of the NPC deputies, the members of the NPC Standing Committee and special committees, and the staff of the NPC bodies. They are the result of our close collaboration and cooperation with the State Council, the National Commission of Supervision, the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, and local people’s congresses at all levels and their standing committees. And they are the result of the full trust and strong support of the entire Chinese people. On behalf of the 13th NPC Standing Committee, I would like to express our highest respect and sincere gratitude.
总结五年,我们也深深感到,人大工作还有不少问题和诸多不足。在新时代新征程的伟大历史洪流中,在社会主要矛盾发生变化的历史背景下,人大工作在一些方面也存在不适应、跟不上的问题,特别是立法工作的质量仍需进一步提高,还存在法律的系统性、衔接性、可操作性不足的问题;监督工作的针对性和实效性仍需进一步增强,还存在力度不够、实效不够的问题;服务代表的能力仍需进一步提升,代表工作规范化、系统化有待增强。这些问题和不足,都需要在今后的工作中切实加以改进。 Looking back on the past five years, we are also keenly aware that there are still a number of problems and shortcomings in the NPC’s work. In some areas, we found it difficult to adapt to the historic transformation unfolding on our journey ahead in the new era against the backdrop of our society’s changing principal contradiction. In particular, we need to further improve the quality of our legislative work, as our laws are still not systematic, coordinated, and practicable enough; efforts need to be intensified to make our oversight work more targeted and effective; and we need to continue to improve our ability to serve deputies and make our deputy-related work more procedure-based and systematic. Going forward, we will need to make real improvements in our work if we are to address these problems and shortcomings.
各位代表! Fellow Deputies,
五年的实践,进一步深化了我们对人民代表大会制度科学内涵、基本特征和本质要求的认识,这就是:必须坚持中国共产党的领导,确保中国共产党领导是中国特色社会主义最本质的特征这一宪法原则得到全面落实,确保中国共产党始终成为中国特色社会主义的坚强领导核心;必须坚持习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,深入贯彻习近平总书记关于坚持和完善人民代表大会制度的重要思想,引领人大工作始终沿着正确的方向前进;必须坚持中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,把党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一起来,保证党领导人民依法有效治理国家;必须坚持全过程人民民主重大理念,充分发挥人民代表大会制度作为实现我国全过程人民民主、体现人民当家作主的重要制度载体作用,确保党和国家在决策、执行、监督落实各个环节都能听到来自人民的声音;必须坚持充分发挥人民代表大会制度作为党领导国家政权机关的重要制度载体作用,使党的主张通过法定程序成为国家意志和人民共同行动;必须坚持宪法确立的国家根本任务、发展道路、奋斗目标,丰富和拓展人大工作的实践特色和时代特色,保证党的理论和路线方针政策的全面贯彻落实。 Over the past five years, we have gained a deeper understanding of the core content, basic features, and defining requirements of the people’s congress system. This covers the following six aspects.

We must uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China. The Party’s leadership is the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and we must ensure the full implementation of this principle as written in the Constitution and make sure that the Party always remains the strong leadership core in building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

We must uphold Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. We must thoroughly apply General Secretary Xi Jinping’s key ideas on upholding and improving the people’s congress system and guide the work of the NPC to move forward in the right direction.

We must keep to the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics. We must ensure the unity between leadership by the Party, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance and guarantee that the Party leads the people in exercising effective law-based governance of the country.

We must uphold the major concept of whole-process people’s democracy. We must fully leverage the role of the people’s congress system as an important institutional vehicle to advance whole-process people’s democracy in China and reflect the people’s status as the masters of the country. We must ensure that the people’s voice can be heard in every stage of the work of the Party and the country, from decision-making and execution to oversight of implementation.

We must make full use of the role of the people’s congress system as an important institutional vehicle for the Party’s leadership over organs of state power. We must use statutory procedures to turn the Party’s propositions into the will of the state and the collective action of the people.

We must adhere to the nation’s fundamental tasks, development path, and goals as written in the Constitution. We must enrich and broaden the work of the people’s congresses and keep it up to date and ensure that the Party’s theories, lines, principles, and policies are fully implemented.

今后一年工作的建议 Recommendations for the Work of the Coming Year
2023年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年。新的一年里,常委会工作的总体要求是:以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神,坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,坚持和完善人民代表大会制度,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,扎实推进中国式现代化,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,依法行使宪法法律赋予的立法权、监督权、决定权、任免权,加强和改进新时代人大工作,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家开好局起好步作出应有贡献。 2023 will be the first year in which we fully implement the guiding principles from the Party’s 20th National Congress. This year, the general requirements for the NPC Standing Committee’s work are as follows.

· Following the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era; upholding the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core; applying the guiding principles from the Party’s 20th National Congress in full

· Ensuring the unity between leadership by the Party, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance; upholding and improving the system of people’s congresses

· Adhering to the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability; making steady progress in advancing Chinese modernization; fully and faithfully applying the new development philosophy on all fronts

· Exercising, in accordance with the law, the powers of enacting laws, conducting oversight, making decisions, and appointing and removing officials as conferred by the Constitution and the law; improving the work of people’s congresses in the new era; making our due contribution to setting the stage for building China into a modern socialist country in all respects

十三届全国人大常委会委员长会议原则通过了2023年度常委会工作要点和立法、监督、代表工作计划,对今后一年的工作作出了预安排。 The Council of Chairpersons of the 13th NPC Standing Committee has adopted, in principle, the key points for the work of the Standing Committee and plans for legislation, oversight, and deputy-related work in 2023, making preliminary arrangements for this year’s work.
(一)做好宪法实施和立法工作。推进合宪性审查制度化、规范化,完善和加强备案审查制度,维护宪法和基本法确定的特别行政区宪制秩序。坚持一个中国原则和“九二共识”,推动两岸关系和平发展,坚定不移推进祖国统一大业。发挥人大在立法工作中的主导作用,研究编制十四届全国人大常委会立法规划,统筹安排未来五年立法工作。健全社会主义市场经济法律制度,推动构建高水平社会主义市场经济体制。加快推进科技、民生、社会、文化、环保、安全、国防领域立法。统筹发展和安全,为推进中国式现代化提供法律保障。 1. Ensuring constitutional implementation and carrying out legislative work

We should improve institutions and procedures for constitutional review, improve the recording and review system for normative documents, and ensure order in the special administrative regions as stipulated in China’s Constitution and the Basic Laws. We should uphold the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, promote the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, and stand firm in advancing national reunification. Giving full play to the leading legislative role of the NPC, the Standing Committee of the 14th NPC should draw up a plan for the legislative work of the next five years. We should improve the legal system for the socialist market economy and advance the development of a high-standard socialist market economy. We should work faster to make laws that improve the people’s wellbeing, promote scientific and technological, social, and cultural progress, protect the environment, and strengthen security and national defense. We should work to both pursue development and ensure security and provide legal support for Chinese modernization.

(二)增强人大监督实效。改进监督工作方式方法,切实做到正确监督、有效监督、依法监督。聚焦党的二十大确定的目标任务和党中央重大决策部署,聚焦人民群众所思所盼所愿开展监督。围绕推动高质量发展,听取审议相关工作报告。监督大会批准的重大事项。加大对预算决算审查监督力度。强化国有资产管理情况监督。加强对执法、监察、司法工作的监督。 2. Enhancing the effectiveness of oversight

We should improve our methods for carrying out oversight and make sure that oversight is conducted in an appropriate, effective, and lawful way. We should focus our oversight on the targets and tasks set at the Party’s 20th National Congress and the major decisions and plans made by the Party Central Committee. We should align our oversight with the people’s concerns, expectations, and wishes. In hearing and deliberating reports, we should maintain our focus on advancing high-quality development. We should conduct oversight of the major matters approved at this session. We should strengthen examination and oversight of government budgets and final accounts and enhance oversight over state-owned asset management, implementation of laws, supervision, and judicial work.

(三)提升代表工作水平。提高代表议案建议办理质量和实效,强化办理过程管理和跟踪督办力度,完善代表建议重点督办机制。完善常委会组成人员联系代表机制,健全专门委员会、工作委员会联系相关领域、具有相关专业知识代表的工作机制,扩大代表对常委会工作的参与。密切代表同人民群众的联系,加强和改进闭会期间代表活动,持续推进代表联系人民群众的工作机制和平台建设。加强代表履职学习培训,提升代表履职能力。 3. Improving deputy-related work

We should raise the quality and effectiveness of our processing of deputies’ proposals and suggestions, strengthen process management and follow-up supervision, and improve our supervision mechanisms for the handling of key suggestions. We should improve the mechanisms for Standing Committee members to get in touch with deputies and the working mechanisms through which special committees and working commissions and committees maintain contact with deputies from relevant fields or with relevant professional knowledge, and we should encourage more deputies to participate in the work of the Standing Committee. We should work to foster closer ties between deputies and the people, improve activities for deputies when the NPC is not in session, and make continued efforts to build working mechanisms and platforms to facilitate communications between deputies and the people. We should step up training of deputies to help them better perform their duties.

(四)做好人大对外交往。全力配合党和国家外交布局,完成党中央交给人大的外事工作任务。加强全国人大与外国议会的多层次多形式多领域交往,夯实双边关系的民意基础和法律保障。积极参与多边议会组织活动,展示中国形象,宣介中国主张。充分发挥全国人大各级发言人机制作用,在涉及国家核心利益和重大原则问题上勇于发声、敢于斗争。 4. Engaging in international exchanges

We should spare no efforts in supporting the diplomatic agenda set by the Party and the country and complete the foreign affairs tasks entrusted to the NPC by the Party Central Committee. We should strengthen exchanges between the NPC and parliaments of other countries on multiple levels and in various ways and areas, in order to lay solid social and legal foundations for advancing bilateral relations. We should take an active part in activities organized by multilateral parliamentary organizations to present China to the world and communicate China’s propositions. We should make full use of spokespeople at all levels of the NPC to speak out and stand up for China on issues concerning our core national interests and major matters of principle.

(五)加强常委会自身建设。全面学习、全面把握、全面落实党的二十大精神,以政治建设为统领,提高政治判断力、政治领悟力、政治执行力。提升履职能力,增强法治观念,发挥专门委员会、工作委员会作用,加强机关服务保障能力建设。 4. Strengthening self-improvement efforts

We should thoroughly study, understand, and apply the guiding principles from the Party’s 20th National Congress and enhance our political judgment, understanding, and implementation in line with the overarching principle of strengthening ourselves politically. We should improve our ability to carry out our duties, immerse ourselves in the rule of law, give full play to the roles of special committees and working commissions and committees, and strengthen the capacity of the NPC bodies to provide quality services and support.

各位代表,我们要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,坚定信心、同心同德,埋头苦干、奋勇前行,为全面建设社会主义现代化国家、全面推进中华民族伟大复兴而团结奋斗! Fellow Deputies,

Let us rally more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and thoroughly apply Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Let us build firm confidence, unite as one, and forge ahead with resolve. And let us strive in unity to build a modern socialist country in all respects and advance national rejuvenation on all fronts.