
 熊遂 游美同學錄
维基百科 参阅维基百科中的:熊崇志

熊崇志 字位西。年三十三歲。本籍廣東梅縣。生於舊美國金山。父淸華。已婚。子二女一。在美係自費。光緖二十二年。入三一學校。光緖二十六年。入加利佛尼大學。習普通文科。光緖三十年。得學士學位。入哥侖比亞大學師範科。習敎育。光緖三十一年。得碩士學位。在加利佛尼及哥侖比亞大學。得學金奬。爲校中賽船隊隊員。光緖三十二年回國。光緖三十三年。授進士。任廣東學務公所科員。及外國語敎員。光緖三十四年。任郵傳部及學部部員。宣統元年。任唐山路礦學校校長。民國元年。任巴拿馬賽會委員會文案。民國三年。任全國煤油礦事務處處長。現時通信處。天津英租界西開廣東路第六十五號A。

Young, Samuel S.-Born in San Francisco, 1884. Married, 1908. Private support. Prepared for college at Trinity School, 1896-1900. Studied Liberal Arts at the University of California, 1900-4; Education at Columbia University, 1904-5. A. B., 1904; A. M., 1915. Awarded scholarship by the University of California, May, 1903; by Columbia University, June, 1904. Member, Senior Class Crew, 1903-4. Returned to China, January, 1906. Professor of Modern Languages and Member of Board of Education at Canton, 1906-8. Member, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Com-munications, Peking, 1908-11. President, Tangshan Railway and Engineer-ing College, Tangshan, 1908-12. Secretary, Commission to the Panama Pacific International Exposition, 1912-13. Chief of Department, National Oil Administration, Peking, 1914-17. Chin Shih, 1907.