< 游美同學錄
趙景建 ◄ | 游美同學錄 熊遂 |
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熊遂 字和軒。年三十二歲。生於江西南昌。已婚。子二。初畢業於江西高等學堂。肄業北京大學。民國二年。以官費遊美。入威斯康心大學。習經濟科。民國四年。得學士學位。入普林斯頓大學。民國五年。得碩士學位。爲留美學生會會員。留美學生季刋編輯。民國五年。回國。通信處。江西南昌塘堘上長茂錢莊。
Hsun, Swei.-Born in Nanchang, Kiangsi, 1885. Married, 1906. Graduated from Kiangsi Provincial College, Nanchang, 1909; from Government University, Peking, 1912. Arrived in America, January, 1913. Government support. Studied Economics at the University of Wisconsin, 1913-15; at Princeton University, 1915-16. B.A., 1915; M.A., 1916. Member: Chinese Students' Club, 1913-15; Chinese Students' Alliance, 1913-16. Editor, Chinese Students' Quarterly, 1914-15. Returned to China, July, 1916.