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顧維鈞 字紹川。年三十歲。生於江蘇上海。父溶。已婚。子一。永久住址。上海成都路東昇里。初學於上海中西書院。王氏育材學塾。及聖約翰大學。爲龍報編輯。光緖三十年。自費遊美。入苦克學校。光緖三十一年。入哥侖比亞大學。習普通文科。光緖三十四年。得學士學位。專習政治學及國際法。宣統元年。得碩士學位。民國元年。著寓華外人傳誌。得博士學位。被選入美國國際法學會。美國政治學會。及某某等三名譽學會。得文學奬品。哥侖比亞康奈爾辯論優勝奬牌。爲校中辯論團團員。哥侖比亞旁觀報。留美學生月報。留美學生年報等編輯。爲哥侖比亞報哥侖比亞月報等經理。民國元年。回國。任國務院秘書。外交部參事及秘書。大總統府秘書。民國四年。任駐墨西哥公使。旋任駐美公使。現仍在職。民國五年。經耶路大學。贈與文學博士學位。給予二等嘉禾章。經俄國給與二等寳星。爲哥侖比亞協會會員。又爲京兆會會員。撰國家建設論。載約翰霍布根校刋。又撰中國商業之機會。載某會會報。在美以演說著。國內通信處。北京煤渣胡同。
Koo, Vikyuin Wellington.-Born in Shanghai, 1887. Married, 1913. Studied at Anglo-Chinese College, Shanghai, 1899-1900; at Yu-Tsai School, Shanghai, 1900-1; at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1901-4. Was editor of The Dragon. Arrived in America, October, 1904. Private support. Prepared for college at Cook Academy, 1904-5. Studied Liberal Arts at Columbia University, 1905-8; Political Science, 1901-12. A.B., 1908; A.M., 1909; Ph.D., 1912. Subject of doctor's dissertation:-The Status of Aliens in China," Macmillan & Co., 1912. Member: American Society of International Law; American Political Science Assciation. Elected to The Nacoms, The Blue Pencil, and Delta Epsilon Rho, 1911. Recipient of the Philolescean Literary Prize, the Columbia-Cornell Debating Medal, etc. Member, Varsity Debating Team, 1906-7. Editor: Columbia Spectator; The Chinese Students' Monthly; The Chinese Students Annual; etc. Manager: The Columbian; The Columbia Monthly; etc. Returned to China, April, 1912. Secretary of the Cabinet, 1912. Secretary and Councillor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1912-13. Secretary to the President, 1912-15. Minister to Mexico, 1915. Minister to the United States and Cuba, 1915 to date. LL. D., Yale, 1916. Decorations: Second Chia Ho of China and Second Class St. Anna of Russia. Member: Columbia Union Club, 1915; Metropolitan, 1916. Author, "The Building of a Nation," John's Hopkins University Circular; "Trade Opportunities in China," Journal of The Aciotic Society, 1916; etc. A very popular speaker in America.