
 计大雄 游美同学录

郞国桢 字丽生。年二十九岁。生于江苏昆山。初毕业于上海南洋公学电机科。得学士学位。宣统二年。游美。充西方电气公司学习工程师。民国元年。入威斯康心大学。习电气工程。民国二年。得电气工程师学位。民国三年回国。任中国电话总局副工程师。民国五年。署中国电话总局局长兼总工程师。现时通信处。天津电话总局。

Long, K. T.-Born in Kunshan, Kiangsu, 1888. Graduated from Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1910. Arrived in America, October, 1910. Student Engineer, Western Electric Co., Chicago, 1910-12. Studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, 1912-13. E.E., 1913. Returned to China, May, 1914. Assistant Electrical Engineer, Chinese Government Telephone Administration, 1914-15; Acting Superintendent and Chief En-gineer, 1916 to date.