页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/91


Government support. Studied Commerce and Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, 1908-11. B.S., 1909; M.A., 1910. Studied in Germany, 1911-12. Returned to China, April, 1912. Professor, Nanyang Polytechnic Institute, Shanghai, 1912. Manager: Kiangsu Bank, Nanking, 1912-14; Kiangsu Bank, Wusih, 1914. Auditor, Ministry of Communications, 1914-16. Sixth Class Chia Ho Decoration. Member, Chinese Political and Social Science Association, 1916.

胡宪生 字宪生。年二十七岁。生于江苏无锡。父雨人。本籍住址。江苏无锡堰桥。未婚。初学于东吴大学。南洋公学。及京师译学馆。宣统二年。以官费游美。入康奈尔大学。习森林科。民国三年。得学士学位。民国五年。得硕士学位。是年八月回国。现时通信处。北京嘎哩胡同无锡顾宅。

Hu, Shien-Sung.-Born in Wusih, Kiangsu, 1890. Studied at Nanyang College, Shanghai, 1900-3; at Soochow University, Soochow, 1904-5; at College of Languages, Peking, 1905-10. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government support. Studied Forestry at Cornell University, 1910-16. B.S. and M.F., 1916. Returned to China, August, 1916.

胡栋朝 字振廷。年四十四岁。生于广东。永久住址。上海二洋泾桥八号。已婚。子一。初学于香港皇仁书院。及北洋大学。得工学士学位。任香港船坞绘图员。光緖二十六年。以官费游美。入加利佛尼大学。习土木工程。光緖二十九年。入康奈尔大学。光緖三十一年。得土木工程硕士学位。光緖三十三年回国。任成都川汉铁路工程师。宣统元年。任苏浙闽粤四省铁路监理官。宣统二年。任上海南洋公学教务长。民国三年。任南京寗湘铁路工程部长。现时住址。南京石板桥七号。

Hu, Theodore C.-Born in Whampoo, Kwangtung, 1873. Married, 1895. Studied at Queen's College, Hongkong, 1890-95; at Peiyang Univer-sity, Tientsin, 1895-99. B.S., 1896. Draftsman, Dockyard, Hongkong, 1899-1900. Arrived in America, July, 1900. Government support. Studied Civil Engineering at the University of California, 1900-3; at Cornell Univer-sity, 1903-5. M.C.E., 1905. Returned to China, March, 1907. Engineer,