
 周宗華 游美同學錄
維基百科 參閱維基百科中的:周詒春

周詒春 字寄梅。年三十五歲。生於湖北漢口。原籍安徽休寗。已婚。子三。女三。光緖二十九年。畢業於上海聖約翰大學。得學士學位。任該大學數學理科助敎。及英文敎員。光緖三十三年。自費遊美。入耶路大學。習普通文科。宣統元年。得學士學位。入威斯康心大學。習敎育。宣統二年。得碩士學位。被選入某某三名譽學會。以演說辯論最優得金牌奬。宣統二年。回國。任上海中國公學英文歷史敎員。宣統三年。廷試。授進士。任上海復旦公學心理學哲學敎員。民國元年。任南京臨時政府外交部秘書。又任北京淸華學校副校長。兼敎務長。民國二年。任淸華學校校長。現仍此職。給予三等嘉禾章。民國四年。由聖約翰大學。贈與文學博士學位。現時通信處。北京淸華學校。

Tsur, Ye-Tsung.-Born in Hankow, Hupeh, 1883. Married, 1902, Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1895-1903. A.B., 1907. Assist-ant and Instructor, St. John's University, Shanghai, 1901-7. Arrived in America, August, 1907. Private support. Studied Liberal Arts at Yale University, 1907-9; Education at the University of Wisconsin, 1909-10. A.B., 1909; M.A., 1910. Elected to Alpha Chi Rho, October, 1908; to Phi Beta Kappa, May, 1909; to Phi Delta Kappa, June, 1910. Awarded a gold medal for oration at Chinese Students' Conference, 1908. Returned to China, September, 1910. Teacher of English and History, National Institute, Woo-sung, 1910-1; of Psychology and Philosophy, Futan College, Shanghai, 1911. Chinshih, 1911. Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Provisional Govern-ment, Nanking, 1912. Vice-President and Dean, Tsing Hua College, 1912-13; President, 1913 to date. Third Class Chia Ho Decoration, 1913. Litt. D., St. John's University, 1915.