曹麗雲女士 游美同學錄

曹冕 字敬修。年三十七歲。生於廣州。已婚。子二女二。初學於廣州西學齋及京師大學堂。光緖三十四年。以官費遊美。入華盛頓大學。習敎育及政治學。民國元年。得學士學位。爲世界會會員。民國二年。回國。任廣東高等師範學校敎員。民國三年。任北京師範學校敎員。民國四年。大總統府禮官處辦事。留學生考試。取列甲等。分發敎育部。現時通信處。北京丞相胡同廣東學校。

Tsao, Mien.-Born in Canton, 1880. Married. Studied at Western College, Canton, 1899-1902; at Government University, Peking, 1903-6. Arrived in America, April, 1908. Government support. Studied Education and Political Science at the University of Washington, 1909-12. A.B., 1912. Member, Cosmopolitan Club, 1910-12. Returned to China, September, 1913. Professor of Education, Government Teachers' College, Canton, 1913-15. In-structor in English, Government Teachers' College, Peking, 1914-15. Member, Department of Ceremonies, President's Office, Peking, 1915. Passed the Examination for Returned Students, 1915. Member, Ministry of Education, 1915 to date.