
 沈溯明 游美同學錄

沈祖偉 字奎侯。年二十六歲。浙江湖州籍。生於上海。叔瑞麟。任駐奧公使。已婚。子二。初學於上海聖約翰大學。宣統二年。以官費游美。入米西根大學。習土木工程。民國三年。得學士學位。回國。任上海美孚煤油公司建築工程師。及南京河海工程專門學校敎員。爲中華工程師學會會員。通信處。南京河海工程專門學校。

Shen, Tsu-Way.-Born in Shanghai, 1891. Married, 1914. Stud-ied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1904-10. Arrived in America, September, 1910. Government support. Studied Civil Engineering at the University of Michigan, 1910-14. C.E., 1914. Returned to China, Septem-ber, 1914. Instructor in Drawing, Waterways Engineering College, Nanking, 1915. Superintendent of Construction, Standard Oil Co., Shanghai, 1915. Professor of Surveying and Structural Engineering, Waterways Engineering College, Nanking, 1915 to date. Member, Chinese Institute of Engineers, 1914.