
 蔡德高 游美同學錄
維基百科 參閱維基百科中的:蔡廷幹

蔡廷幹 字耀堂。年五十六歲。生於廣東香山。已婚。子一。女四。初學於上海出洋總局。同治十二年。以官費遊美。入哈佛中學校。及新英國高等學校。光緖七年。回國。肄業大沽水雷學堂。光緖十年。任水雷艇管帶。光緖十八年。任水雷艇隊司令官。民國元年。授海軍中將。民國二年。任鹽務署總稽核。稅務處會辦。經法德各國君主。贈予寳星。給予二等嘉禾章。勳四位。給予三等寳光嘉禾章。嘗譯中國詩爲英文。現時通信處。北京東城南池子表章庫夾道五號。

Tsai, Ting-Kan.-Born in Hsiangshan, Kwangtung, 1861. Married, 1905. Studied at Chinese Educational Mission School, Shanghai, 1872-73. Ar-rived in America, June, 1873. Government support. Studied at Hartford Gram-mer School and New Britain High School. Returned to China, September, 1881. Joined the Torpedo School at Taku, 1881-84. Captain of a torpedo boat, 1884. Commodore of the Torpedo Fleet, 1892. Vice-Admiral, 1912. Chief Inspector, Central Salt Administration, 1913. Associate Director, Revenue Council, 1913 to date. Recipient of French Legion of Honor, German Order of the Crown, Second Class Star, Second Class Chia Ho, Third Pao-Kwang Chia Ho Decorations and Fourth Order of Merit. Translated many Chinese poems into English verses.