页面:Who's who of American returned students = (You Mei tong xue lu - min gou liu nian) (IA whoswhoofamerica00qing).pdf/97


施肇基 字植之。年四十一歲。生於江蘇震澤。兄肇曾。隴海鐵路督辦。永久通信處。天津河北五馬路。已婚。子二女二。初學於上海聖約翰大學。爲約翰聲編輯。光緖十九年。自費遊美。入華盛頓高等學校。光緖二十三年。入康奈爾大學。光緖二十七年。得學士學位。光緖二十八年。得碩士學位。爲康奈爾學報編輯。光緖二十八年回國。任兩湖總督張文襄及端忠愍文案。光緖三十二年。署郵傳部主事。任京漢鐵路總辦。光緖三十三年。任北方鐵路總辦。光緖三十四年。任哈爾濱海關道。宣統二年。任外務部參議。宣統三年。署外務部左侍郞。民國元年。任交通部總長。民國二年。任總統府大禮官。民國三年。任中國駐英公使。現時通信處。英國倫敦中國使館。

Sze, Sao-Ke Alfred.-Born in Chengtse, Kiangsu, 1876. Married, 1905. Studied at St. John's University, Shanghai, 1888-92. Editor, St. John's Echo, 1892. Arrived in America. August. 1893. Private support. Prepared for college at Washington High School, 1893-9. Studied Liberal Arts at Cornell University, 1897-1901. B.A., 1901: M.A., 1902. Was editor of the Cornellian. Returned to China, October, 1902. Secretary to Viceroys Chang Chih Tung and Tuan Fang, 1902-4. Acting Junior Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Director, Peking-Hankow Railway, 1906-7. Director of Northern Railways, 1907-8. Customs Taotai, Harbin, 1908-10. Senior Coun-cillor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1910; Vice-Minister, 1911. Minister of Communications, 1912: Master of Ceremonies, President's Office, 1913. Chinese Minister to London, 1914 to date. Present Address: Chinese Legation, 49 Porland Place, London.

施肇祥 字炳之。年三十八歲。生於浙江杭縣。兄肇曾。隴海鐵路督辦。家中住址。天津馬廠道十七號。已婚。子二女三。初學於上海聖約翰大學。光緖二十三年。自費遊美。入美京中央高等學校。光緖二十七年。入康奈爾大學。習機器工程。光緖三十一年。得機器工程師學位。爲美國機器工程師學會會員。光緖三十一年。囘國。光緖三十二年。任天津造幣廠總工程師。及天津高等工業學校敎員。光緖三十三年。任京奉鐵路車務副總管。並代理車