
全國人民代表大會常務委員會工作報告 (2022) NPCSC Work Report (2022)
各位代表: Fellow Deputies,
現在,我受全國人民代表大會常務委員會委託,向大會報告工作,請予審議。 On behalf of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC), I now present this report on its work for your deliberation.
過去一年的工作 The Year in Review
2021年是黨和國家歷史上具有里程碑意義的一年。我們黨隆重慶祝中國共產黨成立一百周年,勝利召開黨的十九屆六中全會,總結黨的百年奮鬥重大成就和歷史經驗,制定黨的第三個歷史決議;如期打贏脫貧攻堅戰,正式宣布全面建成小康社會、實現第一個百年奮鬥目標,開啟全面建設社會主義現代化國家、向第二個百年奮鬥目標進軍新征程。以習近平同志為核心的黨中央,以偉大的歷史主動精神、巨大的政治勇氣、強烈的責任擔當,沉着應對百年變局和世紀疫情,推動黨和國家各項事業取得了新的重大成就,進一步彰顯了黨中央的堅強領導,彰顯了黨領導14億多中國人民凝聚起來的磅礴力量,彰顯了中國特色社會主義制度的巨大優越性,激勵我們以更加昂揚的姿態奮進新征程、建功新時代! The year 2021 was a milestone in the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and our country. The Party celebrated the 100th anniversary of its founding and convened the sixth plenary session of the 19th Central Committee, at which the Party’s major achievements and historical experience over the past century were reviewed and its third historical resolution was adopted. Having won the critical battle against poverty on schedule, the Party officially declared success in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieving the First Centenary Goal, and it embarked on the new journey to build China into a modern socialist nation in all respects and achieve the Second Centenary Goal.

With great historical initiative, tremendous political courage, and a strong sense of responsibility, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core responded calmly to changes and a pandemic of a magnitude not seen in a century and achieved new major progress in advancing all areas of the Party and country’s endeavors. This further demonstrated the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the boundless might amassed by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people under the Party’s leadership, and the great strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and it fills us with greater confidence and resolve as we forge ahead on the new journey and make greater contributions in the new era.

2021年在人民代表大會制度歷史上也具有特殊重要意義。黨中央首次召開人大工作會議,習近平總書記發表重要講話,深刻回答了新時代發展中國特色社會主義民主政治、堅持和完善人民代表大會制度的一系列重大理論和實踐問題,深刻揭示了人民代表大會制度是中國共產黨百年奮鬥的重大制度成果,系統論述了全過程人民民主這一重大理念,明確提出了加強和改進人大工作的指導思想、重大原則和主要任務。黨中央印發關於新時代堅持和完善人民代表大會制度、加強和改進人大工作的意見。黨中央的重大部署和習近平總書記的重要講話,為我們做好新時代人大工作指明了前進方向、提供了根本遵循。 2021 was also a year of particular importance in the history of the people’s congress system. The Party Central Committee held the first-ever Central People’s Congress Work Conference, where General Secretary Xi Jinping gave an important speech, providing profound answers to a number of major theoretical and practical issues concerning the development of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics and the preservation and improvement of the people’s congress system in the new era. He described the system of people’s congresses as one of the Party’s major institutional achievements of the past century, offered a systematic explanation of the important concept of whole-process people’s democracy, and put forward the guiding thought, major principles, and main tasks for enhancing and improving the work of people’s congresses. The Party Central Committee then issued the Guidelines on Upholding and Improving the People’s Congress System and Enhancing and Improving the Work of People’s Congresses in the New Era. The Party Central Committee’s major plans and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech pointed the way forward and provided us with fundamental guidance for carrying out the work of people’s congresses in the new era.
一年來,在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央堅強領導下,全國人大常委會緊跟黨中央重大決策部署,緊貼人民群眾對美好生活的期盼,緊扣推進國家治理體系和治理能力現代化的需求,在全面建設社會主義現代化國家新征程上,依法履職,擔當盡責,主要做了以下工作。 Over the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the NPC Standing Committee remained closely aligned with the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and plans, the people’s aspirations for a better life, and the need to modernize China’s system and capacity for governance. We performed our duties in accordance with the law and fulfilled our responsibilities as we embarked on a new journey to develop China into a modern socialist nation in all respects. Our main work of the past year was as follows.
一、進一步完善憲法相關法,維護憲法的最高法律地位、權威和效力 First, we further improved laws relating to the Constitution and safeguarded its supreme legal status, authority, and force.
憲法承載着我們黨的百年奮鬥重大成就和歷史經驗,承載着14億多中國人民共圓民族復興的偉大夢想。推動全面貫徹實施憲法,是常委會的法定職責和光榮使命。 The Constitution carries within it our Party’s major achievements and historical experience from the past century, and it bears the great dream of over 1.4 billion Chinese people to realize national rejuvenation. For the Standing Committee, ensuring the full implementation of the Constitution is both a legal duty and an honorable mission.
貫徹實施憲法,需要憲法相關法不斷完善和發展。制定監察官法,加強黨對監察工作的領導,深化國家監察體制改革,建設高素質專業化監察官隊伍。修改中國人民解放軍選舉全國人大和縣級以上地方各級人大代表的辦法,健全完善軍隊人大代表選舉制度。起草並審議關於第十四屆全國人民代表大會代表名額和選舉問題的決定草案。啟動修改全國人大常委會議事規則,完善全國人大常委會會議制度和工作程序,修正草案已經常委會初次審議。起草並兩次審議地方各級人民代表大會和地方各級人民政府組織法修正草案,提請本次大會審議,經過全體代表的共同努力,一定能夠把這部法律修改好,為地方人大和政府更好履職盡責提供法律支撐。 The implementation of the Constitution demands continuous improvement and development of relevant laws.

We enacted the Supervisory Officers Law in order to strengthen Party leadership over supervisory work, advance the reform of the national supervision system, and train high-caliber, professional supervisory officers.

To improve the system for electing deputies from the armed forces to people’s congresses, we revised the Measures for Election of Deputies from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army to the NPC and Local People’s Congresses at or above the County Level. We formulated and deliberated a draft decision on the number of deputies to the 14th NPC and on issues related to their election.

We began revising the NPC Standing Committee Rules of Procedure in order to improve its meeting system and working procedures. The draft amendments have passed our first review.

We drafted and conducted two rounds of deliberation on amendments to the Organic Law of Local People’s Congresses at All Levels and Local People’s Governments at All Levels, which have been submitted to this session for further deliberation. The joint efforts of all present deputies will ensure the successful revision of this law, which will provide legal support for local people’s congresses and governments to better perform their duties.

以憲法和特別行政區基本法為基礎,健全特別行政區憲制秩序和法治秩序,更好落實中央全面管治權和特別行政區高度自治權。根據十三屆全國人大四次會議的相關決定,行使全國人大授予的立法職權,修訂香港基本法附件一和附件二,完善香港特別行政區行政長官的產生辦法、香港特別行政區立法會的產生辦法和表決程序。這兩個附件的修訂,全面貫徹愛國者治港原則,通過重構並賦權香港特別行政區選舉委員會、建立健全有關候選人資格審查制度等,形成一套符合香港法律地位和實際情況的民主選舉制度。新選舉制度使愛國者治港穩穩落地,從政治上、制度上根本性地推動香港形成以憲法和基本法為基礎、真正落實「一國兩制」的良政善治,迎來了支持和保障香港長期繁榮穩定並融入國家發展大局的全新局面。起草並審議香港、澳門特別行政區選舉第十四屆全國人民代表大會代表的兩個辦法草案,提請本次大會審議。 We strengthened constitutional order and the rule of law in the special administrative regions based on China’s constitution and their basic laws to better ensure that the central government exercises overall jurisdiction there and that the two regions enjoy a high degree of autonomy.

In accordance with the relevant decision adopted at the fourth session of the 13th NPC, we exercised the legislative power conferred by the NPC to revise and improve Annex I and Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), respectively titled Method for the Selection of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR and Method for the Formation of the Legislative Council of the HKSAR and Its Voting Procedures, imbuing them with the principle that Hong Kong should be administered by patriots.

By restructuring the HKSAR Election Committee and empowering it with new functions, and by establishing a sound system for reviewing the qualifications of election candidates, we saw the formation of a democratic electoral system suited to Hong Kong’s legal status and realities. The new electoral system ensures that Hong Kong is administered by patriots. It provides fundamental political and institutional safeguards for good governance of Hong Kong that is based on China’s constitution and the HKSAR Basic Law and that ensures genuine implementation of the policy of One Country, Two Systems. And it has initiated a new phase of our support for long-term prosperity and stability in Hong Kong and for Hong Kong’s integration into China’s overall development.

We formulated and deliberated two draft methods for the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions to elect deputies to the 14th NPC, which have been submitted to this session for deliberation.

憲法規定,全國人大常委會行使解釋憲法、監督憲法實施的職權。在人口與計劃生育法、審計法等法律修改過程中進行合憲性審查研究,闡釋憲法制度的內涵和精神,積極回應社會關切。依法主動審查行政法規16件、監察法規1件、地方性法規1467件、自治條例和單行條例87件、經濟特區法規40件、司法解釋251件、香港特別行政區法律42件、澳門特別行政區法律17件;研究處理公民、組織提出的審查建議6339件;審查研究有關部門移送的141件審查工作建議;集中清理長江保護、行政處罰、人口與計劃生育等3個方面的法規、規章、規範性文件,有重點地開展專項審查,共推動制定機關修改、廢止法規和司法解釋1069件。專題調研設區的市地方立法工作。推動設區的市、自治州人大常委會普遍建立聽取審議備案審查工作報告制度,支持部分省(區、市)建設法規規章規範性文件數據庫。為了更好監督憲法法律實施,制定備案審查銜接聯動的工作規定,修訂備案審查工作規程,成立備案審查專家委員會,按照「有件必備、有備必審、有錯必糾」的原則,糾正違憲違法行為,維護國家法治統一。 As stipulated in the Constitution, we exercised our authority to interpret the Constitution and oversee its implementation.

We reviewed and studied issues of constitutionality in the process of revising the Population and Family Planning Law, the Audit Law, and other laws, explained the substance and spirit of the constitutional system, and actively responded to public concerns.

Over the last year, in accordance with the law, we took the initiative to review16 administrative regulations, 1 supervisory regulation, 1,467 local regulations, 87 autonomous regulations and separate regulations, 40 special economic zone regulations, 251 judicial interpretations, 42 laws of the HKSAR, and 17 laws of the Macao Special Administrative Region. We studied and processed 6,339 recommendations for review from citizens and organizations, and we reviewed and studied 141 recommendations for review referred to us by relevant departments. We overhauled regulations, rules, and other regulatory documents concerning Yangtze River protection, administrative penalties, and population and family planning, and we conducted targeted reviews in priority areas. In total, we pushed relevant enacting bodies and organs of justice to amend or overturn 1,069 regulations and judicial interpretations.

We carried out research projects on local legislation in cities with subsidiary districts. We encouraged the standing committees of local people’s congresses in cities with subsidiary districts and in autonomous prefectures to set up systems for hearing and deliberating reports on the work of recording and review. We supported certain provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government to build databases for their regulations, rules, and other regulatory documents.

In order to conduct more effective oversight of the implementation of the Constitution and the law, we formulated rules for coordinating recording and review work, revised relevant working procedures, and established a committee of relevant experts. In accordance with the principle that all documents that are subject to recording be put on record, that all recorded documents be reviewed, and that all errors identified be corrected, we rectified constitutional and statutory violations and maintained the uniformity of China’s legal system.

深入開展憲法宣傳教育。落實憲法宣誓制度,組織5次憲法宣誓儀式,22名常委會任命或決定任命人員進行宣誓,增強國家工作人員的憲法意識、憲法理念。以「全面貫徹實施憲法、發展全過程人民民主」為主題,舉行第八個國家憲法日座談會,推動全社會深刻認識我國憲法的鮮明特徵、本質屬性和巨大功效。 We continued to promote public awareness and education about the Constitution.

We implemented a system of pledging allegiance to the Constitution and organized five oath of office ceremonies for 22 officials who were appointed or whose nominations were approved by the Standing Committee, thus raising awareness among public servants of the Constitution and the principles set forth therein.

We held a symposium for the eighth National Constitution Day with the theme of ensuring full implementation of the Constitution and developing whole-process people’s democracy, in an effort to boost society-wide understanding of the characteristics, essence, and efficacy of China’s constitution.

二、圍繞黨和國家工作大局加快立法修法步伐,為全面建設社會主義現代化國家提供法律保障 Second, prioritizing the overall work of the Party and the country, we moved faster to formulate and revise laws to provide legal safeguards for building a modern socialist nation in all respects.
全面建設社會主義現代化國家的任務艱巨繁重,各領域立法需求多、要求高。常委會堅持科學立法、民主立法、依法立法,在確保質量的前提下加快立法工作步伐。 To accomplish the challenging mission of building China into a modern socialist nation in all respects, many different areas require high-standard legislation. Adhering to the principle of sound, democratic, and law-based legislation, and maintaining quality standards, the Standing Committee picked up the pace of its legislative work.
立足新發展階段,貫徹新發展理念,構建新發展格局,以高質量立法服務高質量發展,這是人大圍繞中心、服務大局的重要體現。制定鄉村振興促進法,修改種子法,起草並初次審議畜牧法修訂草案,健全鄉村振興的制度措施和體制機制,加大種業知識產權保護力度。修訂科學技術進步法,突出科技創新的戰略地位,完善國家創新體系,推動實現科技自立自強。初次審議反壟斷法修正草案,起草並兩次審議期貨和衍生品法草案,支持和引導資本健康發展。起草並初次審議公司法修訂草案,實質性新增和修改約70條。制定印花稅法,適當簡併稅目、降低稅率,至此,現行18個稅種中已有12個制定了法律。兩次審議並通過審計法修正草案,強化審計監督手段,依法構建審計監督體系。配合「證照分離」改革、優化營商環境,修改道路交通安全法、消防法、進出口商品檢驗法、廣告法、草原法、民用航空法、海關法、食品安全法。按照全面深化改革、推進高水平對外開放要求,制定海南自由貿易港法,作出關於授權國務院在自由貿易試驗區暫時調整適用有關法律規定、在營商環境創新試點城市暫時調整適用計量法有關規定、在部分地區開展房地產稅改革試點工作和授權上海市人大及其常委會制定浦東新區法規等4個決定,確保國家發展、重大改革於法有據。 Standing grounded in the new development stage, applying the new development philosophy, creating a new pattern of development, and promoting high-quality development through high-quality legislation: these are the ways in which the NPC focuses on the central task of economic development and serves the overall interests of the country.

We formulated the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law, revised the Seed Law, and drafted and conducted an initial review of revisions to the Animal Husbandry Law to improve the systems, measures, and mechanisms for rural revitalization and to strengthen intellectual property protection in the seed industry.

We revised the Scientific and Technological Progress Law to elevate the strategic importance of scientific and technological innovation, improve the national innovation system, and build up self-reliance in science and technology.

To support and guide the healthy development of capital, we conducted an initial review of draft amendments to the Anti-Monopoly Law, and we drafted a law on futures and derivatives and reviewed it twice. We drafted and conducted a first review of revisions to the Company Law, making substantive additions of and revisions to about 70 articles.

We formulated the Stamp Tax Law, appropriately simplifying the list of taxable items and cutting rates. This means we have now formulated laws on 12 out of the current 18 tax categories. We passed draft amendments to the Audit Law after two reviews, strengthening methods for audit oversight and establishing an audit oversight system in accordance with the law.

In coordination with the reform for separating operating permits from business licenses and the effort to improve the business environment, we revised the Road Traffic Safety Law, the Fire Prevention and Control Law, the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law, the Advertising Law, the Grassland Law, the Civil Aviation Law, the Customs Law, and the Food Safety Law.

In line with the requirements to deepen reform across the board and pursue high-standard opening up, we formulated the Hainan Free Trade Port Law. We also made four decisions which provided a legal basis for national development and major reforms: authorizing the State Council to temporarily adjust the application of certain laws in pilot free trade zones; authorizing the State Council to temporarily adjust the application of certain provisions of the Metrology Law in pilot cities for business environment innovation; authorizing the State Council to launch reform trials for property tax in certain regions; and authorizing the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress and its standing committee to formulate regulations for Pudong New Area.

法律是國家安全的制度基石。貫徹總體國家安全觀,加快構建國家安全領域法律制度體系,是本屆常委會立法工作的一項重要內容。制定數據安全法,提升國家數據安全保障能力。起草並審議通過陸地國界法,依法規範陸地國界的劃定、勘定、防衛、管理和建設等活動。修訂海上交通安全法。制定反外國制裁法,健全完善反制裁、反干涉、反制「長臂管轄」的法律制度。根據這部法律,任何國家以任何藉口、任何方式干涉中國內政,損害我國國家、組織和個人利益的行為,我國都有權採取相應反制措施,堅決捍衛國家主權、安全、發展利益,堅決保護我國公民、組織的合法權益。貫徹習近平強軍思想,制定軍人地位和權益保障法,修訂兵役法、軍事設施保護法,作出關於深化國防動員體制改革期間暫時調整適用相關法律規定、中國人民解放軍現役士兵銜級制度等兩個決定,以法律制度保障強軍目標的實現。 The law is the institutional bedrock upon which national security is built. Adopting a holistic approach to national security and accelerating the establishment of a legal system supporting national security constitute an important part of the legislative work of the Standing Committee of the 13th NPC.

We formulated the Data Security Law to enhance China’s capacity to ensure data security. We drafted, reviewed, and adopted the Land Border Law to regulate the demarcation, surveying, defense, management, and development of land borders in accordance with the law. We revised the Maritime Traffic Safety Law.

We formulated the Law on Countering Foreign Sanctions to improve the legal system for opposing foreign sanctions, interference, and long-arm jurisdiction. According to this law, in order to resolutely defend China’s sovereignty, security, and development interests and resolutely safeguard the lawful rights and interests of its citizens and organizations, China has the right to take proportional countermeasures in response to any country’s acts of any form or under any pretense that interfere in China’s internal affairs or harm its national interests or the interests of its citizens and organizations.

To implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on strengthening the armed forces, we formulated the Law on the Protection of the Status, Rights, and Interests of Servicepersons, revised the Military Service Law and the Military Facilities Protection Law, and made a decision on temporarily adjusting the application of certain laws during the reform of the national defense mobilization system and a decision on the rank system for active-duty enlisted service members in the People’s Liberation Army. We thus used the legal system to ensure that targets for military development are met.

加快生態文明領域的立法,為自然資源和生態環境保護劃定法治紅線。制定濕地保護法,強化濕地保護和修復,維護生物多樣性。針對噪聲污染涉及面廣、社會反映強烈的問題,制定噪聲污染防治法,維護人民生活環境和諧安寧。召開黃河保護立法座談會,堅持共同抓好大保護、協同推進大治理,提前介入、加快立法進程,黃河保護法草案已進行初次審議。經過深入調研論證,擬訂黑土地保護法草案並進行初次審議,用法律手段保護黑土地這一「耕地中的大熊貓」。指導雲貴川三省開展赤水河流域保護共同立法、河北省開展白洋淀保護立法,推動流域綜合治理、系統治理、依法治理。 We accelerated legislation on ecological conservation, setting a legal red line for protecting natural resources and the environment.

We formulated the Wetlands Protection Law to strengthen wetland protection and restoration and to protect biodiversity.

Targeting the issue of noise pollution, which was widespread and of great public concern, we formulated the Noise Pollution Prevention and Control Law to create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the people.

We held a symposium on legislation for the protection of the Yellow River. While remaining committed to the principle of concerted protection and coordinated remediation, we got involved early and accelerated the legislation process, which has resulted in a draft Yellow River protection law already having undergone an initial review.

After in-depth research and discussions, we drew up and conducted a first review of a draft law on black soil conservation in an effort to provide legal protection for this precious resource.

We guided the provincial people’s congresses of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan in jointly launching legislation on conservation of the Chishui River basin, and we guided the Hebei Provincial People’s Congress to do the same for Lake Baiyangdian, with the aim of promoting comprehensive, systematic, and law-based conservation.

回應人民對美好生活的嚮往,加快補齊民生保障法律短板。推進強化公共衛生法治保障立法修法工作,制定醫師法,初次審議突發事件應對管理法草案。落實立德樹人根本任務,修改教育法,制定家庭教育促進法,兩次審議職業教育法修訂草案,推動提高教育現代化水平,促進未成年人全面健康成長。制定個人信息保護法,起草並初次審議反電信網絡詐騙法草案,回應人民群眾反映強烈的電信網絡詐騙問題,維護公民在網絡空間的合法權益。起草並初次審議婦女權益保障法修訂草案,對婦女權益保障中的突出問題深入調研,在預防性保障、侵害處置、救濟措施、責任追究等方面完善相關規定。制定反食品浪費法、法律援助法,修改人口與計劃生育法、安全生產法、工會法,初次審議農產品質量安全法修訂草案,起草並初次審議體育法修訂草案。 We acted swiftly to fill gaps in legislation on public wellbeing in order to realize the people’s aspirations for a better life.

We advanced our work on the enactment and revision of laws to provide stronger legal safeguards for public health. We formulated the Physicians Law and conducted an initial review of a draft law on emergency response and management.

Addressing the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education, we revised the Education Law, formulated the Family Education Promotion Law, and conducted two reviews of draft revisions to the Vocational Education Law to drive modernization in the education sector and to promote the well-rounded, healthy growth of minors.

We formulated the Personal Information Protection Law and drafted and conducted an initial review of a law on telecom and online fraud to safeguard citizens』 lawful rights and interests online and to address telecom and online fraud, which has become an issue of great public concern.

We drafted and conducted an initial review of revisions to the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests, carried out in-depth research into pronounced issues concerning the protection of women’s rights and interests, and improved relevant provisions in areas such as preventive protection, handling of infringements, assistance measures, and accountability.

We formulated the Law on Food Waste and the Legal Aid Law, revised the Population and Family Planning Law, the Workplace Safety Law, and the Trade Union Law, conducted a first review of draft revisions to the Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Law, and drafted and conducted an initial review of revisions to the Physical Culture and Sports Law.

完善刑事、訴訟法律制度,確認司法體制改革成果。堅持預防治理與打擊懲治並重,制定反有組織犯罪法,推動依法開展常態化、機制化掃黑除惡。在常委會授權開展的試點工作期滿之際,全面總結改革經驗,修改民事訴訟法,確認民事訴訟程序繁簡分流改革成果,完善司法確認程序、小額訴訟程序、簡易程序,提高司法效率,促進司法公正。作出關於授權最高人民法院組織開展四級法院審級職能定位改革試點工作的決定。作出關於設立成渝金融法院的決定,推動營造良好金融法治環境。 We improved criminal and procedural laws and affirmed achievements in reform of the judicial system.

Putting equal emphasis on prevention and punishment, we formulated the Anti-Organized Crime Law and promoted regular, institutionalized, and lawful action to fight organized crime and root out criminal gangs.

When the reform trials we had authorized for improving civil litigation procedures were about to expire, we performed a comprehensive review and then revised the Civil Procedure Law accordingly to consolidate reform achievements. This led to the improvement of the judicial confirmation process, small claims litigation procedures, and simplified procedures and enhanced judicial efficiency and impartiality. We made a decision to authorize the Supreme People’s Court to launch reform trials for defining the respective adjudicative functions of the four levels of courts. We made a decision on establishing the Chengdu-Chongqing Financial Court to foster a law-based, healthy financial environment.

一年來,制定法律17件,修改法律22件,作出有關法律問題和重大問題的決定10件,正在審議的法律案19件,決定批准雙邊條約和加入國際公約6件,與時俱進完善中國特色社會主義法律體系,及時反映新時代黨和國家事業發展新要求,及時把黨的主張通過法定程序轉化為國家意志和人民共同行動。 Over the past year, we formulated 17 laws, revised 22 laws, and made 10 decisions on legal issues and major issues, and we are currently reviewing 19 legislative proposals. We ratified 6 bilateral treaties and international conventions. With these timely efforts, we improved China’s socialist legal system in step with the times, we responded to the new development requirements of the Party and the country in the new era, and we translated the Party’s propositions into the will of the state and the collective action of the people.
三、強化監督力度和實效,監督「一府一委兩院」依法履職,保障黨中央重大決策部署貫徹落實 Third, we exercised more stringent and effective oversight of the lawful performance of the State Council, the National Commission of Supervision, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate to ensure the full implementation of the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and plans.
人民代表大會制度的重要原則和制度設計的基本要求,就是任何國家機關及其工作人員的權力都要受到監督和制約。常委會認真履行憲法法律賦予的監督職責,統籌運用法定監督方式,推動解決制約經濟社會發展的突出矛盾和問題,確保法律法規得到有效實施,確保各國家機關都在憲法法律範圍內履行職責、開展工作,確保行政權、監察權、審判權、檢察權依法正確行使。堅持正確監督、有效監督、依法監督,聽取、審議31個報告,檢查6部法律實施情況,進行2次專題詢問,開展7項專題調研,作出1項決議。 An important principle of the people’s congress system and a basic requirement of its institutional design is that the power of all state organs and their staff must be subject to oversight and constraints. Last year, we diligently performed our constitutionally and legally prescribed oversight duties and employed various statutory oversight methods to help solve prominent issues impeding China’s economic and social development. Our oversight ensured that laws and regulations were effectively implemented, that all state organs performed their duties and carried out their work within the scope prescribed by the Constitution and the law, and that administrative, supervisory, adjudicatory, and procuratorial powers were properly exercised in accordance with the law.

Committed to exercising appropriate, effective, and law-based oversight, we heard and deliberated 31 reports, carried out inspections on the implementation of 6 laws, conducted 2 special inquiries, launched 7 research projects, and adopted 1 resolution.

全國人大專門委員會、常委會工作委員會是開展監督工作的具體組織者和實施者。圍繞常委會確定的監督項目特別是12個專項工作報告和7項專題調研,專門委員會、工作委員會認真履行法定職責,充分發揮職能作用,推動了黨和國家重大戰略、重大任務、重大工作的貫徹落實。在經濟領域,常委會聽取審議關於國民經濟和社會發展計劃執行情況的報告,定期分析經濟形勢,跟蹤監督經濟運行情況,確保大會批准的計劃全面貫徹落實。聽取審議關於加快構建新型農業經營體系、推動小農戶和現代農業發展有機銜接情況的報告,聽取審議關於建設現代綜合交通運輸體系有關工作情況的報告並開展專題詢問。圍繞加強種質資源保護和育種創新情況、發揮海外僑胞在共建「一帶一路」中的重要作用進行專題調研。在生態環保領域,聽取審議關於2020年度環境狀況和環保目標完成情況、研究處理土壤污染防治法執法檢查報告及審議意見情況的報告,關於長江流域生態環保工作、雄安新區和白洋淀生態保護工作等報告,專題調研以國家公園為主體的自然保護地體系建設情況。在社會事業領域,聽取審議關於教師隊伍建設和教師法實施情況、文物工作和文物保護法實施情況的報告,專題調研促進人口較少民族經濟社會發展情況。開展民族法治建設研究,持續推進依法治理民族事務。 The NPC special committees and the Standing Committee working bodies are responsible for the organization and execution of specific oversight work. Last year they performed their legal duties and fully played their roles in carrying out oversight projects determined by the Standing Committee, most notably including 12 work reports and 7 research projects. Their work facilitated the implementation of the major strategies, tasks, and initiatives of the Party and the country.

Regarding the economy, we heard and deliberated a report on the implementation of the 2021 plan for national economic and social development adopted by the fourth session of the 13th NPC, provided regular analysis of economic trends, and monitored the state of the economy, so that the plan could come to full fruition.

We heard and deliberated a report on accelerating the development of a new system for agricultural operations and on encouraging small rural households to become involved in modern agriculture. We heard and deliberated a report on building a modern comprehensive transportation system and launched a relevant inquiry.

We conducted research into strengthening germplasm resource conservation and innovation in plant breeding and into leveraging the key role of overseas Chinese in the joint pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Regarding ecological conservation and environmental protection, we heard and deliberated the State Council’s report on the state of the environment in 2020, progress on environmental protection targets for the year, and its handling of our inspection report and relevant recommendations on the implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Soil Pollution.

We heard and deliberated reports on environmental protection in the Yangtze River basin and on ecological conservation in Xiongan New Area and at Lake Baiyangdian. We also conducted research on the development of the national park-based nature reserve system.

Regarding social affairs, we heard and deliberated reports on teacher training and the implementation of the Teachers Law and on preservation of cultural heritage and implementation of the Cultural Relics Protection Law.

We launched a research project on efforts to promote economic and social development for ethnic groups with smaller populations. We conducted studies on strengthening the rule of law in ethnic affairs and continued advancing law-based administration of ethnic affairs.

認真貫徹落實積極財政政策、減稅降費舉措、支持科技創新、「過緊日子」等要求,做好預算決算審查監督。聽取審議關於2020年中央決算報告,審查批准中央決算,突出績效導向,擴大重點項目績效評價範圍,涉及金額達到1.7萬億元。聽取審議關於預算執行情況的報告,跟蹤監督2.8萬億元中央財政直達資金下達和使用情況。聽取審議關於2020年度中央預算執行和其他財政收支的審計工作的報告、審計查出問題整改情況的報告。跟蹤監督政策執行,監督政府有關部門查處解決違規返還稅收收入、政府盲目舉債、侵占挪用生態環保資金等問題,保障財稅政策落實見效。推進預算聯網監督系統建設,初步實現橫向跨部門、縱向跨層級的工作協同和數據共享。推進預算工委基層聯繫點建設。 In our examination and oversight of budgets and final accounts, we worked diligently to ensure compliance with the requirements to implement proactive fiscal policy, cut taxes and fees, support technological innovation, and practice fiscal frugality.

We heard and deliberated a report on the central final accounts for 2020, which we approved after reviewing. In this process, we put more emphasis on performance and expanded the scope of performance-based evaluations of key programs, involving funds totaling 1.7 trillion yuan.

We heard and deliberated a report on budget execution, and we exercised follow-up oversight of the direct provision and use of 2.8 trillion yuan in central government funds.

We heard and deliberated an audit report on central budget execution and other fiscal revenues and expenditures for 2020 and a report on the rectification of problems discovered through that audit. In monitoring the execution of fiscal and tax policies to ensure their effective implementation, we oversaw relevant government departments』 investigations into and handling of issues like irregularities in tax rebates, indiscriminate government borrowing, and misappropriation of environmental protection funds.

With further progress in developing an online budget oversight system, we achieved preliminary success in coordinating work and sharing data between different departments at different levels. We also made headway in establishing local liaison offices for our Budgetary Affairs Commission.

開展預算審查監督重點拓展改革和國有資產管理情況監督,是本屆以來黨中央賦予人大的新職責新要求。聽取審議關於財政交通運輸資金分配和使用情況的報告,開展財政補貼管理與改革情況專題調研,推動科技創新、環境保護、社會保障、衛生健康、鄉村振興等支持政策落地,確保財政支出重點支持和保障黨中央重大決策部署的貫徹落實。連續4年審議關於國有資產管理情況的年度綜合報告和專項報告,加快推進國資聯網監督工作。制定關於設立國有自然資源資產管理人大監督評價指標體系的意見,首次聽取審議關於國有自然資源資產管理情況的專項報告,推動國務院基本摸清全民所有的11類主要國有自然資源資產家底,實現了企業國有資產、金融企業國有資產、行政事業性國有資產、國有自然資源資產四大類別國有資產管理情況監督全覆蓋。這些監督,起到了防止國有自然資源遭受損害、國有資產遭到流失的作用。國務院審計部門首次向全國人大常委會提交國有資產審計情況專項報告。修訂常委會關於加強中央預算審查監督的決定、加強經濟工作監督的決定,構建預算審查、經濟工作監督的長效機制。推動出台和貫徹落實黨中央關於加強地方人大對政府債務審查監督的意見,有效防範化解地方政府債務風險。 Since the beginning of the current NPC’s term, the Party Central Committee has entrusted it with new responsibilities and requirements to carry out reform for expanding the focus of budgetary examination and oversight and to conduct oversight of state-owned asset management.

Last year we heard and deliberated a report on the allocation and use of government funds for transportation, carried out research on the management and reform of government subsidies, and advanced the implementation of policies supporting scientific and technological innovation, environmental protection, social security, healthcare, and rural revitalization. In these endeavors, we ensured that fiscal expenditures prioritized the execution of major decisions and plans of the Party Central Committee.

For the fourth consecutive year, we deliberated the annual comprehensive report and a special report on the management of state-owned assets. We moved faster to advance online oversight of state-owned assets. We formulated guidelines on setting up a system of standards for NPC oversight and evaluation of state-owned natural resource asset management; we heard and deliberated the first-ever special report on state-owned natural resource asset management; and we encouraged the State Council to establish a rough inventory of 11 major categories of such assets that belong to the whole people. We now exercise oversight over the management of all four classes of state-owned assets: assets held by non-financial enterprises, assets held by financial enterprises, assets held by government offices and public institutions, and natural resource assets. Our oversight has had the effect of preventing damage to state-owned natural resources and losses of state-owned assets.

For the first time, the audit office of the State Council submitted a special report to the Standing Committee on an audit of state-owned assets. We revised our decisions to strengthen examination and oversight of central budgets and to strengthen oversight over economic work in an effort to establish long-term mechanisms.

In order to effectively guard against and mitigate local government debt risks, we pushed for the issuance and implementation of Party Central Committee guidelines for strengthening the examination and oversight of government debt by local people’s congresses.

加強對法律實施情況的監督。堅持依照法定職責、限於法定範圍、遵守法定程序,逐條對照法律條文開展執法檢查。檢查企業破產法、中醫藥法、畜牧法、固體廢物污染環境防治法、公證法、消防法6部法律的實施情況,共有23個檢查小組分赴各省(區、市)實地檢查,委員長會議組成人員分別帶隊,常委會委員和專門委員會成員133人次、全國人大代表66人次參加執法檢查工作。常委會會議聽取審議了6個執法檢查報告。在檢查固體廢物污染環境防治法實施情況時,首次組織全國人大代表開展專題調研,共有13個省(區、市)的240名代表參加。結合聯組審議執法檢查報告開展專題詢問,做好法律實施情況評估,統籌做好執法檢查和法律宣傳普及,在「學習強國」平台開展固體廢物污染環境防治法答題活動,共約3200萬人參加,推動法律全面有效貫徹落實。在檢查企業破產法實施情況時,充分運用法律評估和大數據分析,與關聯法律分析相結合,為更好實施法律、修改法律提供依據。 We intensified oversight of the implementation of the law.

In compliance with our statutory duties, acting within our statutory scope of authority, and following statutory procedures, we conducted inspections into the implementation of laws on an article-by-article basis.

We inspected the implementation of six laws: the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, the Traditional Chinese Medicine Law, the Animal Husbandry Law, the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, the Notarization Law, and the Fire Prevention and Control Law. A total of 23 inspection teams led by members of the Council of Chairpersons were sent to provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government across the country, with attendance of members of the Standing Committee and various special committees reaching 133 and attendance of NPC deputies reaching 66. These inspections resulted in six reports, which have been heard and deliberated by the Standing Committee.

When inspecting the implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, we organized the first-ever research project for NPC deputies, with participation by 240 deputies from 13 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government. We conducted a special inquiry based on joint group deliberations of the inspection report so as to ensure an accurate evaluation of the Law’s implementation status. Coordinating our inspections with efforts to raise public legal awareness, we launched a quiz about the Law on an online learning platform, attracting approximately 32 million participants and helping to ensure the Law’s full and effective implementation.

When inspecting the implementation of the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, we made full use of legal assessment tools and big data analysis. Combined with scrutiny of related laws, these methods provided good reference for better implementation and revision of the Law in the future.

加強監察、司法工作監督,維護社會公平正義。開展推進監察監督全覆蓋情況專題調研,增強監察監督的有效性。聽取審議最高人民法院關於知識產權審判工作情況的報告、關於專利等知識產權案件訴訟程序若干問題決定實施情況的報告,最高人民檢察院關於辦理控告申訴案件工作情況的報告。聽取審議關於「七五」普法決議貫徹落實情況的報告,通過關於開展第八個五年法治宣傳教育的決議,為實現《法治社會建設實施綱要(2020-2025年)》提出的到2025年「八五」普法規劃實施完成、法治觀念深入人心等目標任務提供有力支撐。 We stepped up oversight of supervisory and judicial work to safeguard social fairness and justice.

We conducted research on the progress of efforts to extend supervisory oversight over all public employees, with the goal of enhancing the effectiveness of supervisory oversight.

We heard and deliberated reports from the Supreme People’s Court on adjudication involving intellectual property rights and on its implementation of the Standing Committee decision on issues regarding litigation procedures for cases involving patents and other intellectual property rights, as well as a report from the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on handling lawsuits and appeals.

We also heard and deliberated a report on the implementation of the resolution on the seventh five-year initiative to raise public awareness of the rule of law, and we adopted a resolution to launch the eighth five-year initiative. In doing so, we provided a strong foundation for accomplishing the goals laid out in the Outline for Building a Law-Based Society (2020–2025), including those to complete work on the eighth five-year initiative and to have the people fully embrace the rule of law by 2025.

四、支持和保障代表依法履職,使發揮代表作用成為人民當家作主的重要體現 Fourth, we provided support and safeguards for deputies to carry out their duties in accordance with the law and made sure that the idea of the people as masters of the country was reflected in how our deputies played their roles.
人大代表是國家權力機關的組成人員,代表人民參加行使國家權力,在發展全過程人民民主中發揮着重要作用。常委會遵循和把握代表工作規律,不斷提高代表工作水平,密切國家機關同人大代表的聯繫,密切人大代表同人民群眾的聯繫,發揮代表作為黨和國家聯繫人民群眾的橋梁作用。 Deputies to people’s congresses are members of organs of state power, and they participate in the exercise of state power on behalf of the people, thus playing an important role in developing whole-process people’s democracy. Complying with the principles underpinning our work related to deputies, we further improved our performance and enhanced deputies』 ties with state organs and the general public to help them serve as the bridge that links the Party and the country with the people.
提出議案和建議,是代表行使權利、依法履職的重要內容。十三屆全國人大四次會議期間代表提出的473件議案,已由相關專門委員會全部審議完畢,其中90件議案涉及的30個立法項目已審議通過或正在審議,176件議案涉及的68個立法項目已列入立法規劃或計劃。大會期間代表提出的8993件建議,統一交由194家承辦單位研究辦理並全部辦理完畢;閉會期間代表提出的265件建議,交由98家承辦單位研究辦理並逐一向代表反饋辦理情況,推動解決了一批實際問題。代表對建議辦理工作表示滿意或基本滿意的達97.93%。 Submitting proposals and suggestions is an important way for deputies to exercise their rights and perform their duties in accordance with the law.

All 473 proposals deputies put forward during the fourth session of the 13th NPC were reviewed by special committees. Among these, 30 legislative projects addressed in 90 proposals were reviewed and adopted or are currently under review, and 68 legislative projects addressed in 176 proposals have been included in our five-year or annual legislative plan. All 8,993 suggestions submitted by deputies during that session were forwarded to 194 organizations for examination and handling, which has now been completed. The 265 suggestions that were raised when the NPC was not in session were handed over to 98 organizations for examination and handling. These organizations have reported back to deputies on how each of their suggestions has been handled. As a result, a number of practical issues have been solved. Approximately 97.93 percent of deputies reported being satisfied or basically satisfied with how their suggestions were handled.

加強與代表的聯繫,把常委會工作建立在堅實的民意基礎之上。常委會組成人員中,有156位直接聯繫439名基層代表。專門委員會、工作委員會也建立了聯繫代表的機制。邀請150餘人次代表列席常委會會議、參加列席代表座談會,代表在座談會上提出的78條意見建議均及時辦理並逐一向代表通報。200多人次代表應邀參加常委會立法調研、起草、論證、評估等工作,濕地保護法、體育法等與人民群眾利益息息相關的重要法律草案專門徵求相關領域代表的意見。300多人次代表參加常委會執法檢查、專題調研、計劃和預算審查監督、國有資產管理監督、對外交往等工作。 We strengthened our ties with deputies and grounded our work in the will of the people.

Among the members of the Standing Committee, 156 maintain direct contact with 439 deputies working at the primary level. NPC special committees and Standing Committee working bodies have also put in place mechanisms for staying in contact with deputies.

We sent more than 150 invitations to deputies to attend Standing Committee meetings in a nonvoting capacity and to join follow-up deputy discussions, and we promptly handled all 78 of their opinions and suggestions from the follow-up discussions, offering individualized feedback for each.

Deputies were invited to attend various Standing Committee activities, such as legislative research, drafting, debates, and assessments, with total attendance exceeding 200. For drafts of important laws concerning the immediate interests of the general public such as the Wetlands Protection Law and the Physical Culture and Sports Law, we solicited advice from deputies with backgrounds in relevant sectors.

There were over 300 instances of deputies participating in the work of the Standing Committee, including inspections into the implementation of laws, research projects, plan and budget examination and oversight, state-owned asset management oversight, and international exchanges.

積極做好代表活動的保障工作。共有1600餘人次代表參加集中視察、專題調研活動,形成百餘篇調研報告。共473名代表參加國務院及其有關部門組織的督察和座談,471名代表參加最高人民法院開展的視察調研、旁聽庭審和會議座談等活動,465名代表參加檢察機關組織的視察和會議。組織香港全國人大代表通過視頻連線方式,視察新疆經濟社會發展和民族團結情況。組織澳門全國人大代表赴海南調研自由貿易港建設情況。上海、江蘇、浙江、安徽等省市的部分全國人大代表圍繞「長江流域禁捕執法監管情況」等開展聯合調研和視察。 We worked actively to support deputies in carrying out their activities.

Deputy attendance of inspection tours and research projects surpassed 1,600, leading to the compilation of over 100 reports. A total of 473 deputies participated in inspections and discussions organized by the State Council and its departments; 471 attended court trials or participated in meetings, forums, inspections, and research activities organized by the Supreme People’s Court; and 465 took part in inspections and meetings organized by procuratorial bodies.

We arranged for Hong Kong deputies to the NPC to remotely inspect economic and social development and ethnic solidarity in Xinjiang via video. We also arranged for NPC deputies from Macao to travel to Hainan province to conduct research on the development of the free trade port there.

Some NPC deputies from provinces and municipalities including Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui carried out joint field research and inspections on issues such as the enforcement and supervision of the Yangtze River basin fishing ban.

加強代表履職能力建設。組織全國人大代表專題學習黨史、新中國史、改革開放史、社會主義發展史,現場或視頻收看建黨百年慶祝活動,港澳全國人大代表分別前往革命舊址參觀學習,開展愛黨愛國愛社會主義主題活動。建成全國人大代表工作信息化平台。採取線上線下相結合方式,舉辦6期專題學習班,共有5824人次代表參加學習。代表在履職活動中,忠實代表人民利益和意志,展現了「人民選我當代表、我當代表為人民」的責任擔當,提出的議案、建議裝着滿滿的民意,體現了我國社會主義民主不僅有完整的制度程序,而且有完整的參與實踐,是最廣泛、最真實、最管用的全過程人民民主。 We helped deputies improve their ability to perform duties.

We arranged for NPC deputies to study the history of the CPC, the People’s Republic of China, reform and opening up, and the development of socialism, and we arranged for them to attend celebrations of the Party’s centenary in-person or tune in via video. We also arranged visits to revolutionary sites for deputies from Hong Kong and Macao to strengthen their love for the Party, the country, and socialism. We built an online NPC deputy work platform. We held six online and offline special study sessions with a total deputy attendance of 5,824.

In performing their duties, our deputies faithfully represented the interests and will of the people, showed a strong sense of commitment to the people as their elected representatives, and reflected public opinion in their proposals and suggestions. This proved that China’s socialist democracy not only has a complete set of institutions and procedures, but it also has full-fledged civil participation, and it is a whole-process people’s democracy to the broadest extent, of the truest nature, and to the greatest effect possible.

根據黨中央統一部署,貫徹落實新修改的選舉法,常委會加強對縣鄉人大換屆選舉工作的指導,做好選舉相關工作。目前,新一輪縣鄉人大換屆選舉已基本完成,全國10億多選民直接選舉產生200多萬名縣鄉兩級人大代表。 In line with the overall arrangements of the Party Central Committee and in accordance with the newly-revised Electoral Law, we stepped up guidance on elections of people’s congresses at the county and township levels to ensure their success. At present, elections for new people’s congresses at the county and township levels have been largely completed across the country, and over two million deputies have been directly elected by more than one billion voters.
五、緊緊圍繞國家總體外交目標任務,推進人大對外工作 Fifth, focusing closely on China’s overall diplomatic objectives and tasks, we advanced the NPC’s international exchanges.
以習近平外交思想為指引,拓展人大對外工作方式,共舉行雙邊視頻活動127場,線上出席國際會議75場,進行通話交流21場,開展線下外事活動35場,外交信函往來近800件。 Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s thinking on diplomacy, we adopted more forms of international exchange. We organized 127 bilateral video events, attended 75 international conferences via video, made 21 diplomatic phone calls, launched 35 offline foreign affairs events, and exchanged nearly 800 diplomatic letters.
落實國家元首外交共識,積極開展高層交往,深化立法機構雙邊交流。舉行中俄議會合作委員會第七次會議,首次舉辦中俄立法機構地方合作會議,同俄羅斯聯邦會議有關委員會、青年議員開展交流,助推新時代中俄關係高水平發展。同63個國家議會進行線上線下交流,通過132個友好小組平台與各國議會互致信函,爭取在有關重大問題上支持中方立場,增進政治互信,促進務實合作。就涉疆、涉藏、涉港、涉台、涉海、涉疫和人權等問題闡明中方嚴正立場,堅決同各種圍堵、打壓、搗亂、顛覆活動進行鬥爭,同企圖顛覆中國共產黨領導和我國社會主義制度、企圖遲滯甚至阻斷中華民族偉大復興進程的一切勢力鬥爭到底。 To implement diplomatic consensus between heads of state, we actively carried out high-level exchanges and deepened bilateral exchanges between legislatures.

We held the seventh meeting of the China-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee and the first cooperation meeting between local-level Chinese and Russian legislative bodies, and we carried out exchanges with relevant committees of the Federal Assembly of Russia and with young Russian parliamentarians. These activities helped to boost high-level development of China-Russia relations in the new era.

We held online and offline exchanges with parliaments of 63 countries and exchanged letters with foreign parliaments through 132 friendship groups in the hope of winning support for China’s stances on certain major issues, enhancing political trust, and promoting practical cooperation. In response to questions related to Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, territorial waters, Covid-19, and human rights, we made clear China’s position and stood firm against all forms of encirclement, suppression, disruption, and subversion, determined to fight to the end against any attempt to subvert the leadership of the Communist Party of China or our country’s socialist system or to hinder or obstruct China’s advance toward national rejuvenation.

積極參與議會多邊活動,推動形成更多體現中國特色、中國方案的多邊成果。參加第五次世界議長大會、第四次六國議長會議、第七屆二十國集團議長會議、「議員在鞏固國際和平與信任中的作用」議會領導人會議、集體安全條約組織議會大會、金磚國家議會論壇、各國議會聯盟大會及相關會議、亞太議會論壇、亞洲議會大會、東盟各國間議會大會、中國-阿拉伯國家友好組織領導人線上會晤,面向中亞、非洲國家議會舉辦3期地區研討班,鞏固發展友好合作關係,主動發出中國聲音,推動以人民為中心、人類命運共同體、全球發展倡議、共建「一帶一路」、人類衛生健康共同體、團結抗疫、可持續發展等中方重大理念倡議寫入會議成果文件,堅定維護我國家利益,維護公平正義的國際秩序。不少國家議會、議長、議員高度評價中方在全球抗疫中的貢獻、承諾和行動,支持中方秉承科學精神、團結合作抗疫的立場。 We took an active part in multilateral parliamentary events and worked to produce more multilateral outcomes that reflect Chinese characteristics and approaches.

We attended the fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament, the fourth Speakers Conference of Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, and Turkey, the seventh G20 Parliamentary Speakers Summit, the parliamentary leaders meeting on the role of parliamentarians in strengthening international peace and trust, the Collective Security Treaty Organization Parliamentary Assembly, the BRICS Parliamentary Forum, the assemblies of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and related meetings, the Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum, the Asian Parliamentary Assembly, the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, and an online meeting of leaders of friendship organizations of China and Arab states. We also held three regional seminars for parliaments of Central Asian and African countries, building on and developing our friendship and cooperation with them.

On these occasions, we took the initiative to make China’s voice heard and worked toward the inclusion of China’s major ideas and initiatives, such as a people-centered approach, a human community with a shared future, the Global Development Initiative, the joint pursuit of the Belt and Road Initiative, a global health community, solidarity against Covid-19, and sustainable development, in conference outcome documents. We stood firm in protecting China’s national interests and preserving a fair and just international order.

Parliaments, parliamentary leaders, and parliamentarians of many countries highly commended China’s contributions, commitments, and actions in the global anti-Covid effort and supported China’s stance of respecting science and working together to fight the pandemic.

加強對外宣介工作。利用雙邊多邊外交舞台,積極宣傳習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想,深入交流治國理政經驗,介紹中國共產黨百年奮鬥重大成就和歷史經驗。通過常委會發言人、外事委發言人、法工委發言人等機制正聲闢謠,闡釋法律問題,進行法律鬥爭。依託人民代表大會制度實踐,生動展示全過程人民民主理念。30多位基層人大代表參與人大外事活動,講述自己參加行使國家權力、服務人民利益的履職故事,真實立體地呈現中國道路、中國制度、中國成就。 We strengthened our international communications and outreach.

At bilateral and multilateral diplomatic events, we actively promoted understanding of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, held in-depth exchanges on governance experience, and shared with the world the Party’s major achievements and historical experience over the past century.

Through the spokespeople of the Standing Committee, the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee, and the Standing Committee’s Legislative Affairs Commission, we stood up in legal conflicts by clarifying facts, refuting rumors, and explaining legal issues.

Through the work of the people’s congress system, we vividly demonstrated the idea of whole-process people’s democracy. Over 30 NPC deputies from the primary level participated in our foreign affairs activities, sharing their stories of participating in the exercise of state power and serving public interests and presenting an accurate, three-dimensional picture of China’s path, system, and achievements.

六、推進全過程人民民主建設,堅持人大常委會基本定位,加強人大常委會自身建設 Sixth, we advanced whole-process people’s democracy and intensified self-improvement efforts in line with our fundamental identity.
堅持政治堅定、尊崇法治、發揚民主、服務人民、運行高效,提高人大工作質量和水平,把全國人大及其常委會建設成為自覺堅持中國共產黨領導的政治機關、保證人民當家作主的國家權力機關、全面擔負憲法法律賦予的各項職責的工作機關、始終同人民群眾保持密切聯繫的代表機關。 By maintaining political resolve, respecting the rule of law, promoting democracy, serving the people, and functioning with high efficiency, we worked hard to improve the quality of our work. We worked to build the NPC and its Standing Committee into political institutions that consciously uphold the Party’s leadership, institutions of state power that ensure the running of the country by the people, working institutions that assume functions conferred in the Constitution and the law, and representative institutions that always maintain close ties with the people.
切實加強理論武裝。學深悟透做實習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想這一黨和國家指導思想,確保人大工作沿着正確的方向前進。發揮常委會黨組的政治領導作用,召開17次常委會黨組會議,舉辦常委會黨組集體學習、常委會專題講座,及時傳達學習貫徹黨的創新理論和黨中央重大決策部署。紮實開展黨史學習教育,學習貫徹黨的十九屆六中全會精神,從黨的百年奮鬥史中汲取智慧和力量。學習貫徹中央人大工作會議精神,列入常委會會議議程進行專題學習,召開深入學習貫徹習近平總書記關于堅持和完善人民代表大會制度的重要思想第四次交流會。建立常委會黨組定期聽取專門委員會分黨組黨建工作匯報的制度,全面加強專門委員會黨的建設。 We enhanced theoretical competence.

We thoroughly studied, understood, and put into action Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, which is guiding thought for the Party and the country, to ensure that the work of the NPC moves forward in the right direction.

Giving play to the role of the leading Party members』 group of the Standing Committee in providing political leadership, we organized 17 group meetings, held group study sessions, and hosted Standing Committee lectures, promptly communicating, studying, and implementing the Party’s new theories and the Party Central Committee’s major decisions and plans.

We carried out activities to study the history of the CPC and studied and implemented the guiding principles from the sixth plenary session of the 19th Party Central Committee, drawing wisdom and strength from the Party’s past century of history.

We studied and implemented the guiding principles from the Central People’s Congress Work Conference, putting a special study session on the Standing Committee meeting agenda, and we held the fourth seminar on studying and applying General Secretary Xi Jinping’s key ideas on upholding and improving the people’s congress system.

To fully strengthen Party organizations in special committees, we put in place a system under which the leading Party members』 group of the Standing Committee regularly hears briefings on Party building from the branch groups in special committees.

把全過程人民民主貫徹落實到人大立法、監督、代表等工作各方面各環節全過程。完善人大的民主民意表達平台和載體,健全吸納民意、匯集民智的工作機制,推進人大協商、立法協商,把各方面社情民意統一於最廣大人民根本利益之中。建立22個基層立法聯繫點,其中增設12個,覆蓋全國三分之二省份,帶動省、市兩級人大常委會建立立法聯繫點4700餘個。增加法律草案徵求意見系統和法規審查建議受理平台鏈接。34件法律草案通過中國人大網公開徵求意見,共收到108221人次提出的475245條意見。各地共有22萬多個代表之家、代表聯絡站等履職平台,成為全國人大代表就近參加履職活動的有效途徑。完善人大信訪工作機制,用好各級信訪平台和數據,信訪總量105956件次,其中網上信訪平台受理12207件次。 We advanced whole-process people’s democracy in every aspect and throughout the entire process of our legislative, oversight, and deputy-related work.

We improved the NPC’s democratic platforms and vehicles through which the general public can express opinions, refined working mechanisms for soliciting public comments and collecting ideas from the people, and advanced consultation through people’s congresses and on legislative issues, in an effort to protect the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people by taking into account all aspects of social conditions and public sentiment.

We have established 22 local legislative outreach offices (adding 12 last year), which now cover two thirds of China’s provinces. This has inspired standing committees of provincial and municipal people’s congresses to establish more than 4,700 legislative outreach offices of their own. On the NPC website, we added links to the system for soliciting public comments on draft laws and to the platform for receiving and processing recommendations for regulation review. Public comments were solicited through the NPC website on 34 draft laws, and we received 475,245 opinions from 108,221 visits.

There are a total of over 220,000 liaison and outreach offices for deputies to people’s congresses around the country. These serve as an effective channel for NPC deputies to perform their duties close to home.

We improved the NPC’s mechanisms for handling letters and visits from the public by making better use of relevant platforms and data at various levels. We received a total of 105,956 letters and visits, including 12,207 through the online platform.

健全常委會運行制度和工作機制。完善人大主導立法工作的程序和機制,常委會審議的68件法律草案、決定草案中,由相關專門委員會、工作委員會牽頭起草的有34件,占總數的一半。由其他部門或單位負責起草的法律草案,人大提前介入,做好組織協調,發揮審議把關作用。出台關於加強立法調研工作、改進法律草案徵求部門和地方意見工作等實施意見。制定常委會執法檢查工作辦法,引入法律評估、大數據分析、關聯法律分析方法,規範執法檢查工作流程。出台關於完善聽取審議專項工作報告前期工作流程、加強專門委員會調研成果轉化的研究意見。完善代表議案、建議辦理機制,強化綜合分析和跟蹤督辦。健全代表學習培訓制度。專門委員會、工作委員會根據新修改的全國人大議事規則,完善委員會議事程序、工作規則。適應數字時代對人大工作的新要求,開通國家法律法規數據庫及微信小程序,建設好運用好「全國人大日曆」數據庫,提升大會網絡視頻會議、「雲聽會」質量。共召開7次常委會會議,審議各類議案、報告189件次,會議出席率超過95%。召開25次委員長會議,每逢單月增加一次委員長會議,專門研究討論擬提請常委會會議表決通過的法律草案。 We improved our operational systems and working mechanisms.

We improved the procedures and mechanisms for legislative work led by the NPC. Among the 68 draft laws and decisions deliberated by the Standing Committee, drafting work on half was led by relevant special committees and working bodies. With regard to draft laws that were prepared by other departments or organizations, the NPC was involved in the early stages of their formulation and provided effective organization and coordination, as well as quality assurance support through its deliberations.

We introduced guidelines on issues such as strengthening research for legislative work and better soliciting opinions on draft laws from relevant departments and local organizations. We formulated measures for Standing Committee inspections of implementation of the law, adopting new methods of legal assessment, big data analysis, and analysis of relevant laws and standardizing the inspection process. We issued guidelines on improving the preliminary work process for hearing and deliberating work reports on specific issues and on better applying special committees』 research results. We improved the mechanisms for handling deputies』 proposals and suggestions by strengthening comprehensive analysis and follow-up supervision. We refined the study and training system for NPC deputies. In line with the newly revised NPC Rules of Procedure, special committees and working bodies improved their deliberation procedures and working rules.

Adapting to the digital era’s new requirements for NPC work, we launched a national database of laws and regulations and a mini-program on WeChat, made better use of the NPC Calendar database, and enhanced the quality of video conferences and the online audience experience at the NPC’s fourth session.

The Standing Committee held seven meetings, where we carried out 189 deliberations of proposals and reports. Our meeting attendance rate exceeded 95 percent. The Council of Chairpersons held a total of 25 meetings last year, as an additional meeting was held in each odd-numbered month to discuss draft laws to be submitted to Standing Committee meetings for votes.

全面推進全國人大機關黨的建設和各項工作。健全機關黨的建設各項制度機制,支持機關黨組、各專門委員會分黨組充分發揮作用,強化政治機關意識,學黨史、悟思想、辦實事、開新局。持之以恆加強作風建設、紀律建設,嚴格落實中央八項規定及其實施細則精神,力戒形式主義、官僚主義,機關服務和保障常委會履職的質量和水平進一步提高。堅定不移推進黨風廉政建設和反腐敗鬥爭,推動中央巡視整改落地見效。 The bodies that make up the NPC made advances across the board in Party building and all other work.

We improved systems and mechanisms for Party building in the NPC bodies; supported their leading Party members』 group and its branch groups in special committees in fully playing their roles; made sure they understood their functions as political bodies; and pushed them to open up new vistas by studying CPC history, understanding Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and doing practical work.

In our persistent efforts to improve conduct and strengthen discipline, we strictly implemented the central Party leadership’s eight-point decision on improving conduct along with the detailed rules for its implementation, and we guarded against pointless formalities and bureaucratism. As a result, the NPC bodies became better at serving and supporting us in the performance of our duties. We unswervingly advanced our efforts to improve Party conduct, maintain integrity, and fight corruption, and we worked to see that measures were implemented to rectify problems discovered by the central discipline inspection team.

認真做好人大新聞宣傳和理論研究工作。委員長會議組成人員牽頭,組織開展人大制度理論和人大工作專題調研,形成了60多篇研究成果,為黨中央召開人大工作會議、出台重要文件做好服務保障。舉行第27次全國地方立法工作座談會,深入總結交流人大立法理論和實踐。召開長江保護法、生物安全法、鄉村振興促進法、家庭教育促進法實施座談會,推動新出台法律的宣傳普及、全面實施。發揮中國人大制度理論研究會作用。辦好大會「代表通道」、「部長通道」、「中華環保世紀行」等集中採訪活動。創新人大宣傳工作方式方法,推進「刊做深、網做大、微信做活、微博做精」,深化「刊網微端」融合發展,升級上線中國人大網英文版,講好中國故事、人民當家作主的故事。建設好全國人大網絡學院,上線各類課程7110門、涉及620個專題,現有參學人員7297名,包括2539名全國人大代表、3091名地方人大負責同志,總點播量約215萬次。 We earnestly carried out our work on media, public communications, and theoretical research.

Led by members of the Council of Chairpersons, research projects were carried out on the theory of the people’s congress system and the work of people’s congresses. These efforts produced over 60 documents, which were of service to the Party Central Committee in its convocation of the Central People’s Congress Work Conference and its issuance of important documents. We held the 27th National Forum on Local Legislation, at which in-depth exchanges were conducted on legislative theories and practices of people’s congresses.

In order to raise public awareness and ensure the full implementation of newly introduced laws, we held symposiums on the implementation of the Yangtze River Protection Law, the Biosecurity Law, the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law, and the Family Education Promotion Law. We gave full play to the role of the China Institute of Theory on the People’s Congress System.

We organized the Deputies』 Brief and Ministers』 Brief press briefings in the Great Hall of the People during the annual NPC session and invited journalists to cover the Environmental Protection in China: Trip of the Century event.

We adopted new ways to carry out public communication work. We achieved progress in making our publications more thought-provoking, our website more influential, our public WeChat account more lively, and our public Weibo account higher quality; we deepened the integration of these media channels and platforms; and we upgraded the English website of the NPC, all in order to better share the story of China and the story of the people as masters of the country.

We took effective measures to further develop the NPC’s online school. It now offers 7,110 courses covering 620 subjects and has 7,297 students, including 2,539 NPC deputies and 3,091 leading officials of local people’s congresses. Its courses have received approximately 2.15 million views.

一年來,常委會工作最大的啟示,歸結到一點,就是始終堅持以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,堅決維護習近平總書記黨中央的核心、全黨的核心地位,堅決維護以習近平同志為核心的黨中央權威和集中統一領導,把堅持黨的領導、人民當家作主、依法治國有機統一起來,充分發揮人民代表大會制度作為黨領導國家政權機關的重要制度載體作用、作為實現我國全過程人民民主的重要制度載體作用,確保人民代表大會制度按照黨中央指明的方向發展,確保人大工作沿着黨中央確定的道路前進。 The most important conclusion from our work over the past year can be summarized as follows: guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must resolutely uphold General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and resolutely uphold the authority and centralized, unified leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core; we must ensure unity between leadership by the Party, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance; we must fully leverage the role of the people’s congress system as an important institutional vehicle for the Party’s leadership over organs of state power and for the attainment of whole-process people’s democracy in China; and we must ensure that the system of people’s congresses develops in the direction set by the Party Central Committee and that the work of people’s congresses moves forward along the path charted by the Party Central Committee.
各位代表! Fellow Deputies,
過去一年取得的成績,是在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央堅強領導下,全國人大代表、常委會組成人員、專門委員會成員以及全國人大機關工作人員辛勤工作的結果,是國務院、國家監察委員會、最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院密切配合的結果,是地方各級人大及其常委會大力支持的結果,是全國各族人民積極參與、充分信任的結果。在此,我代表全國人大常委會表示衷心感謝! Our achievements over the past year were made under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. They are the result of the diligent work of the NPC deputies, the members of the NPC Standing Committee and special committees, and the staff of the NPC bodies. They are the result of close cooperation from the State Council, the National Commission of Supervision, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate. They are the result of the strong support of local people’s congresses at all levels and their standing committees. And they are the result of the active participation and full trust of the entire Chinese people. On behalf of the Standing Committee, I would like to express our sincere gratitude.
我們也深刻認識到,在工作中還有差距和不足,主要是:立法工作質量和效率需要進一步提升,在立法工作中的主導作用發揮得還不夠充分;監督工作的實效性需要進一步提升,監督工作成果轉化運用的制度機制還不夠完善;服務代表依法履職的工作水平需要進一步提升,辦理代表議案、建議過程中與代表的溝通交流還不夠深入。常委會高度重視這些問題,將不斷加強自身能力建設,改進提升工作質量和水平,切實擔負起憲法法律賦予我們的光榮職責。 We are also keenly aware that there are areas in need of improvement in our work. These mainly include the following.

The quality and efficiency of legislation need to be further raised, and we need to more fully play our leading role in legislation. Oversight needs to be more effective, and we need to improve the systems and mechanisms for putting discoveries made throughout the oversight process to use. We need to better serve our deputies as they carry out their duties in accordance with the law, and we need to improve our communications with them as we process their proposals and suggestions.

The Standing Committee attaches high importance to these problems. We will constantly improve ourselves and the quality of our work so that we can better perform the honorable duties conferred upon us by the Constitution and the law.

今後一年的主要任務 The Year Ahead
2022年,我們黨將召開第二十次全國代表大會,這是在進入全面建設社會主義現代化國家、向第二個百年奮鬥目標進軍新征程的重要時刻召開的一次十分重要的會議,是黨和國家政治生活中的一件大事。新的一年裡,統籌疫情防控和經濟社會發展,統籌發展和安全,應對各種風險挑戰,對人大工作提出了新的任務和要求。全國人大常委會工作的總體要求是:以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,全面貫徹落實黨的十九大和十九屆歷次全會精神,弘揚偉大建黨精神,深刻領會「兩個確立」的決定性意義,增強「四個意識」、堅定「四個自信」、做到「兩個維護」,堅持黨的領導、人民當家作主、依法治國有機統一,堅持穩字當頭、穩中求進,按照中央人大工作會議部署,不斷發展全過程人民民主,推動立法、監督、代表、對外工作高質量發展,加強常委會自身建設,切實提升人大工作質量和水平,為實現第二個百年奮鬥目標、全面建設社會主義現代化國家作出新的貢獻。 In 2022, the Party will convene its 20th National Congress. This meeting is of great importance, as it will be held at this critical moment of our start on the new journey to build China into a modern socialist nation in all respects and achieve the Second Centenary Goal. It will be an event of enormous political significance for the Party and the country.

In the coming year, coordinating the Covid-19 response with economic and social development, balancing development and security imperatives, and responding to various risks and challenges will present the people’s congresses with new tasks and requirements. The general requirements for the work of the NPC Standing Committee are as follows.

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we must fully implement the guiding principles from the Party’s 19th National Congress and the plenary sessions of the 19th Central Committee and carry forward the great founding spirit of the Party.

We must acquire a deep understanding of the decisive significance of establishing Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and of establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

We must be deeply conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We must stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.

We must ensure unity between leadership by the Party, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance. We must pursue progress while prioritizing stability. In accordance with the plans set out at the Central People’s Congress Work Conference, we will continue developing whole-process people’s democracy and effectively carry out our work related to legislation, oversight, deputies, and international exchanges. We will work harder at improving ourselves and improving the quality of the NPC’s work in order to make new contributions to realizing the Second Centenary Goal and building a modern socialist nation in all respects.

一、深入貫徹黨的十九屆六中全會精神和中央人大工作會議精神 First, we will thoroughly apply the guiding principles from the sixth plenary session of the 19th Party Central Committee and the Central People’s Congress Work Conference.
深入推進黨的十九屆六中全會精神的學習宣傳貫徹,把慶祝建黨百年激發的愛黨愛國愛社會主義熱情傳遞下去,把黨的百年奮鬥重大成就和歷史經驗運用體現到人大工作和建設之中。全面貫徹習近平法治思想、習近平總書記關于堅持和完善人民代表大會制度的重要思想,逐項抓好中央人大工作會議重點任務的落實。開展中央人大工作會議精神專題培訓。在重大政治原則和大是大非問題上立場堅定,主動謀劃涉外鬥爭的法律武器,運用法治手段開展國際鬥爭,維護國家安全。聚焦黨和國家中心工作,主動擔當作為,完整、準確、全面貫徹新發展理念,推動加快構建新發展格局,以人大工作的實際成效推動高質量發展,為保持平穩健康的經濟環境、國泰民安的社會環境、風清氣正的政治環境作出應有貢獻。黨的二十大召開後,要切實抓好會議精神的學習貫徹落實。 We will move forward with renewed efforts to study, disseminate, and implement the guiding principles from the sixth plenary session of the 19th Party Central Committee, we will nourish the love for our Party, our nation, and socialism that was inspired by the celebration of the Party’s 100th birthday, and we will ensure that the Party’s major achievements and historical experience over the past century are applied and embodied in the NPC’s work and development.

We will fully implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on the rule of law and his key ideas on upholding and improving the people’s congress system. We will ensure the completion of every major task set at the Central People’s Congress Work Conference and organize special training programs focused on the guiding principles from that conference. On major political principles and important issues, we must stand firm, prepare legal tools for conflicts in international relations, and be ready to use legal means to stand up for our country in the international arena and safeguard national security.

With a focus on the Party and the country’s central work and greater initiative in taking on responsibilities, we will fully and faithfully apply the new philosophy of development, move faster to create a new development pattern, and use the NPC’s achievements to drive high-quality development. Through these efforts, we can play our part in maintaining a steady and healthy economic environment, a peaceful and stable social climate, and a clean and honest political atmosphere.

Following the Party’s 20th National Congress, we will diligently study and implement its guiding principles.

二、用系統完備的制度體系保證憲法實施 Second, we will use a complete set of institutions to ensure the implementation of the Constitution.
完善憲法相關法律制度,修改立法法、各級人大常委會監督法、全國人大常委會議事規則、國務院組織法、行政複議法。落實憲法解釋程序機制,回應涉及憲法有關問題的關切。加強對憲法實施的監督檢查,拓寬憲法監督渠道,健全合憲性審查制度,提高備案審查工作質量,維護國家法治統一。健全中央依照憲法和特別行政區基本法對特別行政區行使全面管治權的制度,落實特別行政區維護國家安全的法律制度和執行機制,完善特別行政區選舉制度。總結現行憲法實施40年來的重大成就和寶貴經驗,開展憲法法律宣傳教育,闡釋好中國憲法理論。 We will improve the laws and regulations pertaining to the Constitution. We will revise the Legislation Law, the Law on the Oversight by the Standing Committees of People’s Congresses at All Levels, the Rules of Procedure of the NPC Standing Committee, the State Council Organic Law, and the Administrative Reconsideration Law.

We will see that the procedures and mechanisms for interpreting the Constitution are well implemented and that concerns about constitutional issues are attended to. We will enhance oversight and inspections of the implementation of the Constitution, expand channels for constitutional oversight, and refine the constitutionality review system. We will improve the quality of our recording and review work and preserve the uniformity of China’s legal system.

We will improve the system in which the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over the special administrative regions in accordance with the Constitution and their basic laws, ensure the implementation of the legal systems and enforcement mechanisms that safeguard national security in the special administrative regions, and refine the electoral system for the HKSAR.

We will conduct a review of the major achievements and valuable experience we have gained over the four decades since the current constitution took effect in 1982. We will promote public awareness and education about China’s constitution and laws and do a good job of explaining Chinese constitutional theory.

三、增強立法工作系統性、整體性、協同性 Third, we will make our legislative work more systematic, integrated, and coordinated.
根據年度立法工作計劃,預安排審議40件法律案。健全社會主義市場經濟法律制度,制定農村集體經濟組織法、能源法、期貨和衍生品法、關稅法等稅收法律,修改公司法、企業破產法、反壟斷法、鐵路法、礦產資源法、畜牧法、農產品質量安全法。加快推進民生、社會、環保領域立法,制定黃河保護法、青藏高原生態保護法、黑土地保護法、社會救助法、學前教育法、民事強制執行法、反電信網絡詐騙法,修改體育法、職業教育法、學位條例、婦女權益保障法、慈善法、科學技術普及法、文物保護法、民事訴訟法、治安管理處罰法、野生動物保護法。健全國家安全法治體系,制定突發事件應對管理法、突發公共衛生事件應對法、糧食安全保障法,修改傳染病防治法、國境衛生檢疫法。充實涉外法律工具箱,推動形成系統完備的涉外法律法規體系。做好我國與外國締結的條約、協定以及加入國際條約的決定批准工作。把改革發展決策同立法決策更好結合,做好授權決定和改革決定等工作。在條件成熟的立法領域,繼續開展法典編纂工作。發揮好人大在立法工作中的主導作用,使法律體系更加科學完備、統一權威。 In our annual legislative plan, we have made preliminary arrangements for the deliberation of 40 pieces of legislation. To improve the legal system supporting the development of the socialist market economy, we will formulate laws on rural collective economic organizations, energy, futures and derivatives, and tariffs and other taxes, and we will revise the Company Law, the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law, the Anti-Monopoly Law, the Railway Law, the Mineral Resources Law, the Animal Husbandry Law, and the Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Law.

We will move faster to advance legislation on the people’s wellbeing, social affairs, and environmental protection. We will formulate laws on protection of the Yellow River, ecological conservation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, black soil protection, social assistance, preschool education, civil enforcement, and telecom and online fraud. We will revise the Physical Culture and Sports Law, the Vocational Education Law, the Academic Degrees Regulations, the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests, the Charity Law, the Science and Technology Popularization Law, the Cultural Relics Protection Law, the Civil Procedure Law, the Public Security Administrative Penalties Law, and the Wild Animals Protection Law.

We will strengthen the legal framework for national security. We will formulate an emergency response and management law, a public health emergency response law, and a food security law, and we will revise the Law on the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases and the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law.

We will upgrade our legal toolkit and develop a more complete system of laws and regulations relating to foreign affairs. We will do a good job of ratifying treaties and agreements with foreign countries and approving international conventions.

We will better align decision making for reforms and development with legislative decision making and effectively carry out work with regard to authorization and reform decisions. We will continue to formulate codes in mature areas of legislation. We will give full play to the leading role of the NPC in legislative work and make China’s legal system better designed and more complete, unified, and authoritative.

四、認真做好法律監督和工作監督 Fourth, we will earnestly conduct oversight of the implementation of the law and of work performance.
根據年度監督工作計劃,預安排32個監督項目。圍繞推動高質量發展,聽取審議關於計劃執行、鞏固拓展脫貧攻堅成果同鄉村振興有效銜接、數字經濟發展、金融工作等情況的報告,檢查鄉村振興促進法、科學技術普及法、外商投資法實施情況。圍繞推動小農戶和現代農業發展有機銜接、推進高標準農田建設、地方政府專項債務管理與改革等情況進行專題調研。做好預算決算審查監督、國有資產管理監督,聽取審議關於中央決算、審計工作、預算執行、審計查出問題整改、財政社保資金分配和使用等情況的報告,結合聽取審議關於國有資產管理情況的綜合報告開展專題詢問,對完善有利於調節收入分配的個人所得稅制度進行專題調研。圍繞保障和改善民生,聽取審議關於就業工作、兒童健康促進工作、義務教育階段學生全面健康發展、老齡工作等情況的報告,就鑄牢中華民族共同體意識、實施應對人口老齡化國家戰略進行專題調研。圍繞生態文明建設,聽取審議關於環境狀況和環保目標完成情況、研究處理固體廢物污染環境防治法執法檢查報告及審議意見情況的報告,檢查環境保護法、長江保護法實施情況,並結合審議環境保護法執法檢查報告開展專題詢問。加強對執法、監察、司法工作的監督,聽取審議關於非法入境、非法居留、非法就業外國人治理情況的報告,圍繞監察機關推進監察工作規範化法治化正規化建設情況進行專題調研,聽取審議最高人民法院關於涉外審判工作情況的報告、最高人民檢察院關於開展未成年人檢察工作情況的報告。健全監督工作機制和方式方法,緊盯突出問題,強化跟蹤問效,提高監督的科學性、精準性,增強監督剛性和實效。 In our annual oversight work plan, we have prepared 32 oversight programs. In order to promote high-quality development, we will hear and deliberate reports on the implementation of the plan for national economic and social development, on the alignment of efforts to consolidate and expand achievements in poverty alleviation with efforts to promote rural revitalization, on the development of the digital economy, and on financial work. We will also inspect the implementation of the Rural Revitalization Promotion Law, the Science and Technology Popularization Law, and the Foreign Investment Law.

We will carry out research projects on the efforts to encourage small rural households to become involved in modern agriculture, to develop high-quality farmland, and to manage and reform special local government debt.

We will conduct budget and final account reviews and oversight and state-owned asset management oversight. We will hear and deliberate the State Council’s reports on central final accounts, auditing work, and budget execution, on the rectification of problems discovered through auditing, and on the allocation and use of government funds for social security. We will conduct a special inquiry based on our hearing and examination of a comprehensive report on the management of state-owned assets. We will carry out research into improving the individual income tax system to help regulate income distribution.

In an effort to ensure and improve living standards, we will hear and deliberate reports on employment, child health work, the well-rounded, healthy growth of students in compulsory education, and work related to our senior citizens. We will carry out research projects on the effort to foster a strong sense of community among the Chinese people and the implementation of the national strategy for addressing population aging.

With a focus on ecological conservation, we will hear and examine the State Council’s report on the state of the environment in 2021, progress on environmental protection targets for the year, and its handling of our inspection report and relevant recommendations on the implementation of the Law on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes.

We will carry out inspections of the implementation of the Environmental Protection Law and the Yangtze River Protection Law and conduct a special inquiry based on our deliberation of the inspection report on the former.

We will enhance oversight of law enforcement, supervisory, and judicial work. We will hear and deliberate a report on addressing illegal entry, residence, and employment of foreign nationals in China, conduct research on the efforts of supervisory bodies to make their work more procedure- and law-based and standardized, and hear and deliberate the Supreme People’s Court report on foreign-related adjudication and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate report on procuratorial work relating to minors.

We will improve the mechanisms and methods for conducting oversight, step up follow-up supervision to ensure genuine resolution of prominent issues, and make our oversight better conceived and more targeted, binding, and effective.

五、充分發揮人大代表作用 Fifth, we will give full play to the role of NPC deputies.
紮實做好十四屆全國人大代表選舉有關工作,把好代表「入口關」,加強選舉全過程監督,確保選舉過程風清氣正、選舉結果人民滿意。加強代表工作能力建設,深入落實關於加強和改進全國人大代表工作的具體措施,緊緊依靠代表做好人大工作。統籌承辦單位高質量、高效率辦好代表議案建議,推動建立代表建議答覆承諾解決事項台賬,完善代表建議重點督辦機制。深化代表對常委會、專門委員會、工作委員會工作的參與,推動「一府一委兩院」加強和改進聯繫代表工作。豐富代表聯繫人民群眾的內容和形式,建立健全代表反映群眾意見和要求的處理反饋機制。提高代表培訓工作系統化、規範化、專業化水平,辦好4期縣級人大常委會主任學習班。推進全國人大代表工作信息化平台建設和應用,使之成為代表學習平台、履職工作平台、聯繫群眾服務支撐平台。加強代表履職管理監督,推進代表履職檔案規範化建設。 We will take solid steps to organize the election of deputies to the 14th NPC, maintaining strict standards for deputies and tightening oversight of the entire election process, in order to ensure that the process is fair, open, and accessible and that the results earn the approval of our people.

We will enhance our ability to carry out work related to deputies, fully implement the specific measures for strengthening and improving our deputy-related work, and closely rely on deputies to carry out the NPC’s work.

We will arrange for relevant organizations to handle deputies』 proposals and suggestions effectively and efficiently, work toward the establishment of a detailed record of commitments to resolve issues raised in deputies』 suggestions, and improve the mechanism for overseeing the handling of key suggestions.

We will deepen deputies』 participation in the work of the Standing Committee, special committees, and working bodies and encourage the State Council, the National Commission of Supervision, the Supreme People’s Court, and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate to enhance and improve their engagement with NPC deputies.

We will make sure our deputies reach out to the public on a greater variety of issues and in more diversified ways, and we will develop sound mechanisms for handling and giving feedback on public opinions and suggestions as passed along by deputies.

We will provide deputies with more systematic, standardized, and professional training programs and organize four study sessions for chairpersons of county-level people’s congress standing committees. We will advance the development and use of an online platform enabling NPC deputies to access study resources, perform their duties, and foster close ties with members of the general public.

We will strengthen management and oversight of deputies』 performance of duties and make further progress in standardizing records on their performance.

六、認真做好人大對外工作 Sixth, we will effectively carry out international exchanges.
以推動落實習近平主席重大外交行動成果為首要任務,加強與外國議會和國際及地區議會組織的交流,推進與重點國家和地區大國議會的合作,鞏固和深化多層次、多渠道對外交往。促進對外工作與外宣工作深度融合,增強人大對外工作針對性、實效性。豐富和完善涉外法律鬥爭的內容和形式,充分發揮發言人機製作用。 Giving top priority to implementing the major diplomatic outcomes achieved by President Xi Jinping, we will step up exchanges with parliaments of other countries and international and regional parliamentary organizations, advance cooperation with the parliaments of key nations and major countries from various regions, and consolidate and deepen our foreign exchanges at multiple levels and through multiple channels.

We will promote greater integration of the NPC’s diplomatic work with its communications with the international community and make our foreign relations work more targeted and effective. We will open up new fronts and adopt new methods in legal conflicts in international relations and make full use of NPC spokespeople.

七、按照「四個機關」要求加強常委會自身建設 Seventh, we will strengthen our self-improvement efforts in line with the requirement to uphold the four-fold role of the Standing Committee.
認真執行黨的領導各項制度,進一步加強人大常委會「四個機關」建設。堅持全面從嚴治黨,切實加強機關政治建設、思想建設、組織建設、作風建設、紀律建設和制度建設。加強人民代表大會制度理論研究和人大輿論宣傳工作。做好群眾來信來訪工作。加強機關數字化、信息化、智能化建設。加強與地方人大的聯繫,提升人大工作整體實效。 We will earnestly implement the systems of the Party’s leadership and take further steps to better uphold our four-fold role. We will remain committed to exercising full and rigorous governance of Party organizations and make genuine efforts to see the NPC bodies』 political integrity enhanced, their theoretical competence strengthened, their organization consolidated, their conduct improved, their discipline reinforced, and their institutions strengthened.

We will step up theoretical research on the people’s congress system and improve the NPC’s public communications and information work. We will do a good job of handling letters and visits from the public. We will promote the application of digital, smart, and information technologies in the NPC bodies. We will strengthen our ties with local people’s congresses and enhance the overall effectiveness of the work of people’s congresses.

各位代表! Fellow Deputies,
在新的奮鬥征程上,我們要更加緊密團結在以習近平同志為核心的黨中央周圍,增強「四個意識」、堅定「四個自信」、做到「兩個維護」,正確行使立法權、監督權、決定權、任免權,團結奮鬥、篤行不怠,為奪取新時代中國特色社會主義偉大勝利作出新的貢獻,以實際行動迎接黨的二十大勝利召開! On the new journey ahead, we must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core and be deeply conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership. We must stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership. We must properly exercise our powers of legislation, oversight, decision-making, and appointment and removal of officials and march forward together with determination and perseverance. And we must strive to contribute to the great success of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and set the stage for the Party’s 20th National Congress with concrete action.









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